The Party

Be My Smile

Daesung got up from bed today was Saturday so he was in late. He looked at his clock and instantly got frustrated. The time said nine ’o’clock and he was supposed to be going to a party that started an hour ago. He rubbed his chin because he was in a dilemma; it wasn’t that he was late (no one ever shows up early to a party) it was because he didn’t have a date. He didn’t think that Seunghyun would want to go to the type of parties that he was now into so he opted to call Youngbae.

 He had to call twice for Youngbae to finally pick up, “Taeyang!” he put on the sweetest voice he could muster.

“What do you want Daesung?” Youngbae looked at the phone incredulously. He turned to Seunghyun who was busying himself with picking lint off his shirt. He didn’t know what was more weird the lint picker or Daesung calling him out of the blue.

“Don’t be like that Taeyang. I just have a simple favor to ask of you.”

“I thought you weren’t talking to me; what is it that you want?”

“Well you see there is this party that I’m going to and I need a date.” He waited in silence for an answer.

“No.” Youngbae was about to hang up the phone when he heard Daesung scream for him to no hang up.

“Wait no! Stop it come on; you liked the other party I brought you to right?”

“That is why I’m saying no; also I don’t want to be your fake date. It was uncomfortable the last time it’s going to be uncomfortable now.” He turned to Seunghyun, “Why don’t you take Seunghyun?”

“I don’t think he would want to come with me and even if I wanted to ask him the guy doesn’t own a cell phone.”?”

“Hold on a second Daesung.” He walked to Seunghyun, “Seunghyun?”

Seunghyun looked up from his shirt and stared at Youngbae expectantly, “Yes?”

“Do you want to go to a party with Daesung?”

He looked down at his clothes, “I would like to go, but I don’t really have any party clothes. I never had a chance to bring some here.”

“That is a predicament.” He rubbed his chin, “We’ll figure out something.” He put the cellphone back to his ear, “Daesung are you there?”

“Yes did you decide on whether you wanted to come with me?”

“I’m not going with you; Seunghyun is. He’ll be there in a hour so you better be ready.” He didn’t wait for Daesung to answer and quickly hung up so that he couldn’t object

Seunghyun stood up from the couch and looked at youngbae, “So what’s the plan?”

“Do you think you can to your house and get some clothes?”

“You’re going to let me go home?”

“Only if you think no one is going to be at home and of course I would be accompanying you.”

“Well I’m pretty sure that no one will be home. I guarantee you.”

“Then let’s go.”

Youngbae did’t waste any time in dragging Seunghyun out of the house. Seunghyun waited patiently for Youngbae to realize that he was the only one that knew where his house was. It didn’t take long for Youngbae to turn aroung sheepishly.

“Which way do you live?”

“Come on, I’ll take the lead.”

He started walking about a couple houses down and made a right. Youngbae’s place wasn’t too far from his. It was only a couple more minutes and they were there. He let himself in and turned around. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

“Don’t ever do that again. Where do you keep your clothes?”

“Quick to the point.” He led Youngbae to his room in the back.

Youngbae looked around; nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary besides it being a bit dark even with the lights on. He stood in front of the full length mirror by the bathroom. For some reason there were a whole bunch of fingerprints on it; all of which were about the height of Seunghyun’s face. It sort of creeped him out.

“Seunghyun what’s up with this mirror?”

Seunghyun’s shoulders tensed up, “It’s nothing don’t look at it.” He went back to searching in is closet.

“Isn’t that what mirrors are for?” Despite the feeling that the mirror was giving him he continued to look in it. It was like he couldn’t look away; like the mirror was holding some type of secrets.

Seunghyun stopped what he was doing and looked back at youngbae. It irked him that he was still standing in front of the mirror. He got up and pulled Youngbae from it. “I told you not to look at it.” He positioned Youngbae in front of his closet and handed him some clothes. “What do you think of these ones?”

Youngbae didn’t get why Seunghyun didn’t want him staring at the mirror but he decided to let it go for now, “These , they look like church clothes.” He dug in the very back of Seunghyun’s closet and came out with a pile of black clothes then shoved them at Seunghyun. “Wear these.”

Seunghyun looked at the clothes with abhorrence. He had handed him an all-black ensemble that consisted of black leather skinny jeans, a black shirt, a black jacket, and a chain to go with it.

“Don’t look at me like that I got it from your closet.” Youngbae shoved him into the bathroom.

Seunghyun came out with a self-conscience look on his face, “When I bought these I didn’t expect to be wearing them.”

“Then why buy them? Don’t worry about it anyways you look nice. Check yourself out in the mirror.”

“I’ll just take your word for it.” He slipped on some sneakers and walked past the mirror. “Let’s go.”

Youngbae again didn’t press the matter of the mirror. They both walked in silence until it was time for the both of them to split up and go their separate ways.

“Before you head to Daesung’s place I should warn you that there might be some things at the party that might disturb you. So with that said have a nice night.” “Youngbae walked up the pathway to his place after saying his part.

“Wait what kind of things?”

“You’ll see.” He turned the key and walked in.

Seunghyun looked at the closed door and groaned; he waited till now to tell him that bit of information. He guessed that it was too late to turn back now.

Daesung had also decided to wear black that day; he had on black skinny jeans, a gray top, and a sleeveless leather jacket to go with.

“Did you copy me?”

“No Taeyang picked this out for me.”

“I bet he did; I guess this is a good thing then, people will we’re together.”

“So where is this party?”

Daesung pointed a couple houses down. Now that Seunghyun thought about it he did hear music come from the house.

Daesung locked his door then hooked his arm through Seunghyun’s. “If anybody asks you’re my date so don’t go off with any girls.”

“Okay but you have to keep your hands to yourself.”

Daesung thought about it for a second, “Fine, also even though you’re going to be with me females, males, whatever, are still probably going to try and hit on you so stay close to me.”

Seunghyun nodded his head in understanding, “They sound desperate.”

“I’d say about over half of them will be so brace yourself for drunks and ty women.”

“And you like going to these types of things?”

“There my type of people.”

Seunghyun didn’t think that those types of people were good influences on Daesung; especially in the state of mind that Daesung was in. he wondered how Daesung would have reacted to these types of parties a couple of years ago.

They arrived to the house and didn’t even bother to knock. It wasn’t like anyone in the house noticed to more people arriving anyways. Seunghyun looked at all the sweaty bodies grinding against each other. It looked like they were having on the dance floor.

“Do people really call that dancing?” he watched in awe as some girl grinded her up against some guys crotch.

“Yup.” Daesung popped the p at the end.

“Don’t you think it seems a little for public?”

Daesung laughed at him, “In here anything goes, I’ll bet you ten bucks that there’s a couple upstairs getting it on.”

“Uh, I’ll take your word for it.” Seunghyun looked around at the surrounding figures. People were either drunk off their rocker or were on some other type of substance.

“I was hoping he wouldn’t be here.”

“Hoping who wouldn’t be here?”

“My ex-lover.”

Seunghyun looked in the direction Daesung was. He saw a tall looking male by a window with a cigarette in his hand. “That guy?”

“Don’t look he’s coming over here.”

Daesung pulled Seunghyun into the middle of the dance floor and started grinding on Seunghyun.

“Ah! What are you doing?” he tried to push Daesung away but he just moved closer.

“Shut up and follow my movements he’s looking at us.”

“I don’t like this Daesung.”

“I’ll buy you ice cream.”

Seunghyun closed his mouth and started copying his movement. They were significantly close being as though the proximity of others was pushing them together. Their chests were practically touching along with other various body parts. Daesung had run his fingers down Seunghyun’s side causing him to jerk in response.

“Can you at least act like you like it?” he had to speak into Seughyun’s ear so he could hear him.

“I’ll try I’m just not used to this.”

Daesung put is arms around Seunghyun and moved his hips against his. “Just relax I think he might be leaving.”

Seunghyun couldn’t relax when he felt that Daesung was taking advantage of the situation that they were in. None the less he still tried his hardest to move in sync with Daesung as they grinded together on the dance floor. He could feel Daesung’s breath against his neck as he tried to speak.

“Okay, you can relax now. He isn’t by the window anymore I think he left.”

Seunghyun backed away and relaxed his shoulders; they had been tense the whole time they were dancing.

“Don’t you ever make me do that again.”

“Oh be quiet, you know you liked it.”

Seunghyun folded his arms over his chest; he begged to differ. “I thought you said that guy left.”

“What? He did.”

“Well it looks like he’s coming this way.”

Daesung’s ex had reached the two of them in record time. “Daesung. Well isn’t it lovely seeing you hear.”

Seunghyun couldn’t tell whether the guy was being sincere or sarcastic.

“I wish I could say the same for you. Oh, have you met my date?” he pulled Seunghyun over to them then wrapped his arm around his waist.

“No, I can’t say that I have.” He looked Seunghyun over, “Though that doesn’t mean we can’t get well acquainted later.”

“Don’t even bother, he’s with me.” Daesung squeezed him closer for emphasis.

Seunghyun stood there silently he was quite uncomfortable with the predicament he was in.

“Are you sure he’s with you or did you pull this poor unsuspecting guy off the street to accompany you?”

Daesung scoffed, “As if.”

Seunghyun wondered if that was a good time to say something.

“Then why does he look like a fish out of water?”

Seunghyun made a split decision. He threw his arm around Daesung and smiled warmly, “I’m sorry for my quiet demeanor. It’s just when I meet new people I suddenly stop talking.”

Daesung almost laughed at that statement, the first thing he wanted to do when they met was talk to him.

Daesung’s ex smiled at Seunghyun, “That is perfectly alright. If you were alone with me anyways we wouldn’t be doing much talking.” He winked at him.

Seunghyun was taken aback at this guy blatantly flirting with him. Before he could retaliate Daesung angrily spoke up.

“I don’t appreciate you flirting with my boyfriend!”

“Boyfriend? I thought he was just your date. If he is your boyfriend, then why don’t you both prove it?”

Daesung hesitated, this wasn’t the first time that this had happened to him. He couldn’t blame Youngbae for not wanting to come again because he was in the same situation he was in the last time he was here. He just hoped that Seunghyun would go along with it unlike how Youngbae didn’t.

“Prove it how?”

A devious smirk spread on his ex’s face, “Why don’t you make out right here where I can see you.”

Seunghyun’s eyes widened, “Don’t you think that’s a bit ertish of you to ask that of us?”

“I guess so, but if you don’t do it then I’ll tell everyone here about how Daesung likes to pay people to accompany him. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about the last time you came to a party. It’s a shame how desperate you’ve become since we broke up.”

Daesung’s eye twitched, “You’re just upset that I was the one to break up with you first; that’s why you’re doing this.”

“That may be true, but as you can see I don’t really care. So you either kiss right here or you ruin your image.”

Daesung didn’t want to have to make Seunghyun do anything else that he didn’t want to do. So he sighed heavily, “I-

Seunghyun cursed himself in his head for what he was about to do for Daesung. He grabbed Daesung by the waist and pressed his lips onto his. It took a couple of seconds for Daesung to respond but he after the initial shock of the kiss he wrapped his arms around Seunghyun and pressed his body closer. Being as though Daesung had no self-restraint he forgot who he was kissing and slipped his tongue into Seunghyun’s mouth.

Seunghyun couldn’t say whether he liked Daesung’s tongue massaging the roof of his mouth or whether he didn’t. he didn’t know if he liked Daesung’s hands moving along his body in intimate ways that he would have never let him do the other day. Or whether he was flattered about how Daesung was getting with the hot kiss they were sharing.

What he did know was that he had to stop this himself because Daesung was obviously enjoying himself too much. He pulled away and took in a deep breath; the silence was killing him.

An uncomfortable cough was heard from Daesung’s as he stood there awkwardly and embarrassed. “It seems that I was wrong.” Each word looked like it was extremely painful.

Daesung smiled happily, “Well maybe next time you should think before you speak. Now that our night has been thoroughly ruined because of you I think we shall be leaving.”

Daesung left the house with Seunghyun right by his side. Once they got outside he turned to thank Seunghyun for what he did. “Thank-

Seunghyun held up his hand, “I don’t want to hear your gratitude. What I do want you to know is that you owe me; big time. And also you might want to say goodbye to Taeyang.”

“Why would I need to tell him goodbye?”

“Because I’m going to kill him.”

“It wasn’t that bad; was it?” Daesung looked at him sheepishly.

“This whole party life isn’t my scene, I can’t handle it.”

“That’s not what I was talking about.”

Seunghyun didn’t know what to think about the kiss they had shared and he definitely didn’t want to talk about it right now. “Listen Daesung I don’t want to talk about it right now. I kind of want to go and sleep.”

Daesung understood what Seunghyun was and didn’t stop Seunghyun when he decided to leave. He was upset that he managed to mess up another relationship do to something stupid on his part. It just fueled his opinion that he couldn’t be good or that he wasn’t worth people’s time. He walked back to his place with an empty scowl on his face. If Seunghyun decided to not to forgive him for dragging him to the party then he would accept that; no he would expect it. Daesung touched his lips, at least if he decided to leave him; he would still have the memory of their kiss.

Seunghyun walked into the house tired and a bit cranky.

Youngbae looked up from the TV at the slowly approaching Seunghyun. “So how was your night?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Not even a little bit?”

“If you keep asking me questions I’m going to stop being the nice person that I am.”

Youngbae zipped his lips and went back to watching TV.

Seunghyun looked at him, “Don’t think just because you stopped talking that I’ll forget this night.”

Youngbae pretended like he didn’t hear him and stared intently at the program he was watching. He had a feeling that if he acknowledged him he wouldn’t be able to get back to watching tv; or anything in that matter.

“Go ahead, ignore me.” Seunghyun sat back and tried to pay attention to what was on, but the more he tried to concentrate the more he couldn’t stop thinking about what he was going to do with Daesung. He was stuck in a hard place and he didn’t know how to get out of it.


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Chapter 25: Your story was too good, but Nyongtory is a cup of my tea. Quite sad you made Seungri a bad person. And I thought he will end up together with Jiyong. Sorry... because I'm nyongtory trashhh.
Chapter 25: I wasn't going to comment because I was soooo late there didcovering this story, but the fic powers that be just wouldn't let me leave without saying anything about this TOTALLY AMAZING STORY!

This was my very, very 1st Todae fic and I loved every bit of it. It was like an emotional roller coaster ride I just didn't want to get off and I read the whole thing in one sitting. I laughed, teared up a few times, screamed in frustration, especially when Dae broke up with Top and then finally rejoiced and sang hymns when the guys got the happy ending I was desparately wishing for ^.^

I absolutely love your writing style and the way you portrayed each and every character. In some way this kind of had some psychological elements (I could be wrong). You took your time to create
a masterpiece. There was an overabundance of ...there almost wasn't any...and you actually took time to let the characters get used to each other, gave them the time to develop genuine bonds and I really appreciated that. It definitely made the story seem more realistic.

You honestly made me care for the characters, their strugglers and pain brought tears to my eyes and their triumphs made my poor little heart do sommersaults. Ioved the way you wrote Dae's persona. Usually I'd see him in fics as just being a sort of pure, angelic character, but finally seeing him so broken definitely definitely worded for me.

Thanks for a well crafted story, you really have a natural talent for writing ^.^. Now I'm off to find more of your stories.
awesome story I really did like it
SlaveOfLunacy #4
Chapter 25: Omg amazing story really. Thanks for writing it! :D
Chapter 25: Ahhhhh~ This story was so amazing!! ;A; <3
Huhuhuhu that y scene<3
Thank you for writing this amazing fanfic! ;w; I will check out your other todae fanfic~ (cant get enough of them!<3)
sayasayangtodae #6
Chapter 25: It already ended.hope it was a bit longer than this..will continue to reAd ur other stories. Hope
Zimmy02 #7
Chapter 23: wow taehyun O.O so it's over?
and yes, I want a smexy chapter ;)

btw for your first ff, it's good :)
Chapter 23: Oh wow! Taeyhyun jumped O.O I really liked that scene! when he said "No, I win" and then...gone.
Omg I want a smexy chapter ! * mode*
Hmm.. I like both name, but I really like "Not another Juliet" :D

Omo, this was your first ff?! O.O it's so good! I live this fanfic so much ;A;
sayasayangtodae #9
Chapter 23: It s fine whichever u decide I think but another Juliet would be good. Hope it s another todae ;) not bad for ur ist jiyong will end up with seungri,?
Chapter 22: I hope they will catch Taehyun and beat him! D:
I really hope they can trust Seungri! >u< <3