A New Friend

Be My Smile

Daesung moved along the hallways. It was lunch time again and he was just as troubled as any other day. He shuffled along not expecting to see anyone in hallways, but today, there was an unwelcoming surprise. As he turned a corner to a usually deserted corridor he heard a surprising noise. Quiet sniffles echoed down the hall invading his ears. Daesung assumed it was a girl crying over some boyfriend; of course, it was not.


At the end of the hallway was a sniffling Seunghyun sitting on the wall with his arms wrapped around his knees. Daesung was about ready to turn around deeming as it was none of his business why this guy was crying, but something had kept him from doing so. Instead he walked up to Seunghyun and stood in front of him with his arms crossed.


“You're more of a girl than I thought.”


Seunghyun slowly raised his head up by now recognizing the voice. He wasn't in the mood for their usual trade of insults; he had enough of that today. “If you're just going to stand there and make fun of me, then I don't want to hear it.” his voice was flat and emotionless.


Daesung ignored his words completely. “Did a girl dump you? Or did another person hurt your feelings?” his words were slow and mocking,


“Leave me alone.”


“What's up with the cold shoulder? I was just asking.” he took a seat by Seunghyun, “No really, what's wrong with the pansy boy?”


Seunghyun looked up from his tear soaked jeans. “You want to know what's wrong? Fine, everyday of my life for as long as I can remember I've been labeled as a criminal, have gotten spit on from things I haven't done, laughed at, feared, and I've been treated like I'm some sort of monster. And everyday I wonder if my face is that horrible to look at to be treated this way.” he took in a shaky breath, “Today was just one of those days where I couldn't take it.”


Daesung looked him up and down. He didn't think that this guy would be picked on for anything. It didn't take a genius to realize this guy was made to think that he was ugly. It was a shame that he thought that way about himself since Daesung couldn't find one ugly bone in his body.


“So why don't you just punch 'em in the face and tell them to shut up?”


“I'm not like that, and that wouldn't work.”


Daesung gave Seunghyun another look. He really was good looking, he had an intense gaze and his voice was smooth and relaxing. He couldn't believe that this guy didn't have girls swarming over him. It goes to show how much someones word could distort an image. Without another thought Daesung came up with a conclusion. If it was anyone else he wouldn't even be thinking of the proposition he was thinking of now.


“You're friendless right?”


Seunghyun gave him a stupefied look, after all he just said Daesung had the nerve to ask him such a ridiculous question. “Is that a trick question? Do I look like I have friends?” the malice in his voice was evident.


“Whatever, what I'm offering is for you to be my companion; someone who can accompany me when needed.”


Seunghyun's eyes widened. He very much knew that Daesung was only offering out of pity, but he was already passed self precedence. “Like... a friend?”


“Yes, yes, whatever you want to call it.” not only would this benefit Seunghyun, it was also benefit Daesung in a way that would keep Youngbae off his back. “So is that a yes or no?”


Seunghyun's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. He quickly wiped his tears and shook his head yes.


With that Daesung wondered if it was to late to take back his gesture. Of course he also thought about the rewards that would soon come from having Seunghyun as a friend. All he had to was just wait and he'd have him in the palm of his hands; not that it would be too hard.


“Then it's settled, now lets go.” Daesung got up from the position he was sitting in.


“Go where?” Seunghyun was thoroughly confused.


“My place, I'm tired and nobody's going to be home anyways. Actually, nobody's ever home.”


Seunghyun looked like a lost puppy dog. He had never ditched school before; even if it was a bad day.


Impatiently Daesung grabbed his arm and hauled him to his feet. “Don't worry their not going to miss you anyways.” Daesung didn't realize how much those words hit home. They were quite insensitive.


“Yeah, I know.” Seunghyun frowned accordingly.


“Geez it's like I'm talking to a girl, look I didn't mean it, now let's go.”


Seunghyun pouted profusely. He was having second thoughts about following someone he just met a day ago. Especially if that someone was mean just for the sake of being so.


“Why do you want me at your house so badly?”


“As much as I like your voice, I'm going to have to ask you to shut up.” they had barely gotten a block away from school before Seunghyun thought it a good idea to start playing twenty questions.


Seunghyun bit his lip, no one had ever said the like his voice before. Usually people called it intrusive and daunting.


“Hey! Don't do that.” Daesung had watched Seunghyun bite his lip. Seunghyun didn't know how much of an effect it had on him.


“Do what?”


Daesung narrowed his eyes. How could someone with an unbelievably y voice as his not know what he was doing?


“How sheltered can you be?”


“Huh?” Seunghyun didn't have a clue what Daesung was talking about.


“Never mind, where here.”


Seunghyun looked in awe at Daesung's home. He had never been invited over to someone's place before and it was an exciting experience.


“Seunghyun, what are you doing?”


“Oh, I was just looking around.” even the doors seemed interesting to him.


Daesung rolled his eyes and pulled him to his room. “Sit.”


Seunghyun sat on the edge of Daesung's bed. His excitement had dwindled and now he was a bit nervous. Daesung flopped on the bed next to him and turned toward him.


“Before we take this 'friendship' any farther I have to know if you would accept me for who I am.” Daesung looked at him casually.


“Accept you? Well I would be a hypocrite if I started judging people like others do me. What is it that you want accepted?” Seunghyun gave him a pure look of curiosity.


“So you don't find out the hard way, I'll tell you now. I don't like girls.” he waited for Seunghyun's response.


“Well the girl's at our high school are pretty annoying...oh.” Seunghyun looked away; embarrassed. “So, uhm how would I have found out the hard way?”


Daesung laughed instead of giving him an answer. He couldn't believe how slow he could be.


“Hey.” Seunghyun had a look of delight on his face.




“You're laughing, usually you have a frown on your face. You should do that more often, it suits you.”


“What's it to you whether I'm laughing or not? What if I prefer being recluse?”


“Then why ask me to accompany you if you like being alone and angry?”

A smirk gradually grew on Daesung's face. “That's for me to know and you to find out.”


Seunghyun cleared his throat. “Uh, So you and Taeyang...


“No, absolutely not. He's a friend, that's all.” the smirk came back on his face. “Why? You want a piece?” he traced his finger along Seunghyun's jaw and winked at him.


Seunghyun jerked away, “No! I'm pretty sure I like girls.”


Daesung tsked, “Pretty sure? Yeah okay.” he rolled over and put his hands behind his head. “Tell me when you get a little curious.”


“I'm fine, I don't think I will.”


“Your answers are a little iffy. Your pretty sure you like girls, you don't think you'll get curious. If I didn't know better I would think you don't know your own uality.”


“I know what I like! Let's not talk about this anymore, it makes me uncomfortable.” he folded his arm and looked at the ground, a small pout on his face.


Daesung looked at him from the corner of his eye. Not long he had been just like him; innocent. He almost didn't want to see that taken away from him. Not to long ago Daesung had been a lot of things he isn't now. He chastised himself, for second he was about to recollect that night. It was something he didn't want to think about ever. Whether it changed him or not he didn't want to go back and remember that night, but that man's face would never get out of his head.


Seunghyun had noticed that Daesung had grown somber. He could tell that he was thinking about something heavily. He wondered if Daesung had demons too. Maybe in some way they were one in the same. Maybe they just dealt with things differently. It seemed that whatever happened to him made him mean and unapproachable. No matter what Seunghyun didn't want his new friend to end up broken like him. He would see to it that he would get him to smile again. Even if he had to be the one to embarrass himself for the sake of a good laugh.




“What is it now?”


“Do you want to dance?”  

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Chapter 25: Your story was too good, but Nyongtory is a cup of my tea. Quite sad you made Seungri a bad person. And I thought he will end up together with Jiyong. Sorry... because I'm nyongtory trashhh.
Chapter 25: I wasn't going to comment because I was soooo late there didcovering this story, but the fic powers that be just wouldn't let me leave without saying anything about this TOTALLY AMAZING STORY!

This was my very, very 1st Todae fic and I loved every bit of it. It was like an emotional roller coaster ride I just didn't want to get off and I read the whole thing in one sitting. I laughed, teared up a few times, screamed in frustration, especially when Dae broke up with Top and then finally rejoiced and sang hymns when the guys got the happy ending I was desparately wishing for ^.^

I absolutely love your writing style and the way you portrayed each and every character. In some way this kind of had some psychological elements (I could be wrong). You took your time to create
a masterpiece. There was an overabundance of ...there almost wasn't any...and you actually took time to let the characters get used to each other, gave them the time to develop genuine bonds and I really appreciated that. It definitely made the story seem more realistic.

You honestly made me care for the characters, their strugglers and pain brought tears to my eyes and their triumphs made my poor little heart do sommersaults. Ioved the way you wrote Dae's persona. Usually I'd see him in fics as just being a sort of pure, angelic character, but finally seeing him so broken definitely definitely worded for me.

Thanks for a well crafted story, you really have a natural talent for writing ^.^. Now I'm off to find more of your stories.
awesome story I really did like it
SlaveOfLunacy #4
Chapter 25: Omg amazing story really. Thanks for writing it! :D
Chapter 25: Ahhhhh~ This story was so amazing!! ;A; <3
Huhuhuhu that y scene<3
Thank you for writing this amazing fanfic! ;w; I will check out your other todae fanfic~ (cant get enough of them!<3)
sayasayangtodae #6
Chapter 25: It already ended.hope it was a bit longer than this..will continue to reAd ur other stories. Hope
Zimmy02 #7
Chapter 23: wow taehyun O.O so it's over?
and yes, I want a smexy chapter ;)

btw for your first ff, it's good :)
Chapter 23: Oh wow! Taeyhyun jumped O.O I really liked that scene! when he said "No, I win" and then...gone.
Omg I want a smexy chapter ! * mode*
Hmm.. I like both name, but I really like "Not another Juliet" :D

Omo, this was your first ff?! O.O it's so good! I live this fanfic so much ;A;
sayasayangtodae #9
Chapter 23: It s fine whichever u decide I think but another Juliet would be good. Hope it s another todae ;) not bad for ur ist fic.is jiyong will end up with seungri,?
Chapter 22: I hope they will catch Taehyun and beat him! D:
I really hope they can trust Seungri! >u< <3