
Be My Smile

Youngbae spotted Seunghyun lying on the floor in the clothes he had on the day before. He knelt down by him and shook him gently.

“Seunghyun.” He lifted the hoodie off his head to get a good look at him. “Seunghyun you need to wake up.”

Seunghyun shifted to his side and stared at Youngbae, “Who said I was asleep?” his eyes were a blood shot color and he bags covering them.

“You didn’t sleep all night?” Youngbae sat crossed legged on the floor next to him, “You need to sleep.”

“I couldn’t, I don’t want to do anything.” Seunghyun rubbed his eyes sleepily.

“Well I can tell you’re tired, why don’t you go to bed or at least try.”

Seunghyun shook his head, “I know my body is tired but I can’t stop thinking about last night.” He covered his face with his hands and took in a few deep breaths.

Youngbae had never seen anyone more broken and weak as Seunghyun was right now. Youngbae had never experienced heartbreak or anything like himself and he didn’t want to from the way Seunghyun looked. One sleepless night had made him look like a walking zombie with no facial expression besides the pain he was dealing with.

“Go to bed, then later you should go out and take a walk or something to clear your head.”

“No telling me to go to school?”

“I don’t think you need to go today, besides you’re already late why don’t you just sleep in for today?”

Seunghyun thanked Youngbae gratefully. He did need some time before he could face going back to school or do anything for that matter. What was he going to do when he saw Daesung at school or in public? He didn’t think he could handle seeing him even if it was from a distance.

“You’re right, I should sleep and maybe I will go out.” Seunghyun got up and headed to bed, he highly doubted he would get any sleep, but it didn’t hurt to try.

Daesung sat in the kitchen just staring at his hands and nothing else. He wanted to call Seunghyun and hold him and tell him that everything was a lie, but he didn’t know what would happen if he did. He was confused as to why Seungri wanted this done. He didn’t know what he and Seunghyun had to do with his ‘business’ and he didn’t know why. He was sad and scared and could do nothing about it.

His worst nightmare had come back into his life just to torture him some more. He had taken his innocence and almost his sanity and now he was coming to take away his only source of happiness. Taehyun wanted to completely destroy him and he was succeeding. There was nothing Daesung wouldn’t do for Seunghyun, absolutely nothing, but this was killing him. He couldn’t imagine how Seunghyun felt from his betrayal and rejection.

Daesung wanting nothing but the best for Seunghyun and if leaving him was the best he could do then he would do it. He just hoped that Seunghyun would be able to handle it. He didn’t know what he would do if Seunghyun ended up hurting himself when Daesung was trying to keep him from getting hurt in the first place.

The threat of Seunghyun’s health hung over Daesung’s head every minute he was awake. If he went back to Seunghyun, he would get hurt. If he stayed away he didn’t know what Seunghyun would do to himself, it was Youngbae’s turn to take care of him in his absence. He hoped he would watch over him, because he could not.

Seungri called Taehyun for phase two of his plan. He needed a few people to initiate this part because he could not be there to do it himself. He almost felt sorry for Seunghyun and what he was about to do, but he quickly got that thought out of his head when he realized how close he was to finishing.

He dialed Taehyun’s number and waited for him to pick up.

“Seungri I wasn’t expecting your call so soon.”

“Yeah well the sooner we get this done the sooner you and I will be extremely happy men.”

“What is it that you want me to do now? I know you aren’t calling me just to say that everything is going well.”

“I need a few guys to do my dirty work for me. You see I can’t let Seunghyun know that I’m a part of this he needs to think that it’s all Daesung’s fault.”

“I see and what type of guys do you need?”

“About three thuggish looking guys, not to big we don’t want to hurt him too much.”

“Ok then and where do you want them to meet?”

“Around Youngbae’s house Seunghyun has to leave there some time. He can’t stay in the house forever, and when he comes out; that’s when we get him.” a sadistic smile spread on Seungri’s lips, “I think everything is going to work out fine.”

“I hope so, you know what I want, so you better achieve that goal and I’ll help you with yours.”

“I assure you everything will go as planned for you and me both.”

“I’m counting on you. Your men will be there as soon as possible, use them well.”

“Oh I will.” Seungri hung up the phone and grinned triumphantly. He was going to get what he wanted; he was going to be free from the shadows and able to step in the spotlight. He will be victorious in what he set out to do, even if it meant someone’s untimely demise.

Daesung decided it was time to get out of the house he needed some fresh air and some time to think in a nice environment beside the stuffy one in his home. He told himself that it was only going to be a short walk but his ended up having a mind of his own. He knew where they were taking him and he didn’t stop to think about it.

Daesung just wanted to be around Seunghyun’s neighborhood, not to see him or talk to him but to at least know he was there.

Seunghyun tossed and turned in his bed and angrily kicked the covers off of him. he couldn’t sleep and he didn’t think he was ever going to be able to. There was other option and that was to go outside and clear his head. If he couldn’t sleep and he didn’t want to stay in the house than all he could do was go out for a walk.

He got out of bed and grabbed his clothes and another hoodie and put them on. He told Youngbae what he was up to and walked out. It was beginning on night and he liked it. The sky was reflecting his mood and he didn’t want to endure a bright and sunny day when he was feeling like crap.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked with his head down. He didn’t feel like doing anything, Daesung was his source of life and now that that was gone what did he have left? A school that didn’t want him, an empty life ahead of him? He didn’t know whether he should feel angry or sad for what Daesung did. It was true that he loved him with everything he had, but now that he was walking and able to think clearly he didn’t know if he should love him.

He thought about all the times he shared with Daesung. Was everything he did and said fake? Was he the only one who thought it was real? Seunghyun didn’t know if the person he had fell in love with was really Daesung or someone who was just pretending.

Seunghyun turned a corner and sat on the sidewalk. It was quiet except for the shallow breaths he was taking. It was so quiet he could faintly hear the footsteps stalking behind him. He turned around to see three guys standing there. Seunghyun stood up from where he was sitting and stared at the trio before him.

“Can I help you?”

The tallest guy looked at a picture in his hand, “As a matter of fact you can.”

“With what?” Seunghyun was thoroughly suspicious as to what this trio wanted.

All three of them looked at each other. Then the tallest continued to speak. “Nothing that you would find appealing.”

The one that was talking the most motioned for them to come closer. Before Seunghyun could run away two of them grabbed his arms keeping him from going anywhere. The other approached him with a look of intent.


Daesung noticed it had gotten significantly dark since he started his walk. He decided he should start heading home before it became too late to see anything. He rounded the corner and came to a sudden stop. He saw Seunghyun lying on the ground which caused him to take a running sprint over to him.


There was no response as he got closer and knelt down to see what was wrong. He moved his shoulder and noticed some blood on his face. He gasped in shock and rolled him over, the sight that he was seeing was indescribable.

“Seunghyun wake up!” he shook his shoulders and waited for a response.

A slight moan escaped Seunghyun’s as he got up. He coughed a few times causing blood to spill from his mouth. He glanced up at Daesung with a cold look on his face. It was a look of pure hate and distrust.

“Get away from me.” Even saying those four words took a toll on his body. He couldn’t breathe and the pain was unbearable, but he didn’t want Daesung anywhere near him and he had to tell him that despite how much it hurts to speak. “This is all your fault; it’s all because of you.”

Daesung was taken aback from the amount of malice in his voice. This was not supposed to happen Seunghyun wasn’t supposed to get hurt. He looked Seunghyun in the eye and saw the amount of disdain he held in them.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” He merely whispered it to himself.

Seunghyun coughed violently spitting up blood as he tried to stand up. “How could you? You break my heart then this happens to me, what is wrong with you!?”

“You don’t understand why I did it; it was for you.”

“For me?” Seunghyun clutched his ribs he was over exerting himself and it was taking a toll on his body. “They came and they did this to me because of you. Everything that has happened is because of you.”

Daesung shook his head he didn’t understand what could have gone wrong. He did everything they asked of him and low and behold Seunghyun was hurt and there was nothing of their relationship.

“You don’t understand Seunghyun listen to me please. This was not how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to stay safe, please; I would never try to hurt you like this. It was never supposed to be like this you have to let me explain.” Daesung was balling and desperate to get Seunghyun to understand everything.

Seunghyun was hunched over and clutching his stomach painfully, “I don’t ever want to see you again. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. You can’t take back any of this, they told me it was because of you that I’m like this now and I don’t want to see you. So just go!” Seunghyun gasped in pain; both of his hands flying to his stomach.

Daesung looked at the spot he was holding. He noticed his hands were covered in blood and that Seunghyun could barely stand.

“I can’t leave you like this, you need to go to the hospital.” He tried helping Seunghyun stand but Seunghyun wouldn’t let him touch him.

“I don’t need your help. I hate you and I wish you’d go away.”

Daesung froze, “Seunghyun you don’t mean that.”

“There’s a thin line between love and hate and you crossed that line. I mean it when I say I hate you.” There was no hesitation in his voice, he meant it.

“If you would just listen to me and let me explain, you wouldn’t be saying that.”

“There is nothing for you to explain.”

Seunghyun gasped and collapsed on the ground, Daesung scrambled to see what was happening with him and quickly took out his phone to dial for an ambulance. Seunghyun had said he didn’t want his help but he wasn’t going to let him die out here. No matter what Seunghyun said to him he would not let him die tonight, because if he did so would Daesung too.   

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Chapter 25: Your story was too good, but Nyongtory is a cup of my tea. Quite sad you made Seungri a bad person. And I thought he will end up together with Jiyong. Sorry... because I'm nyongtory trashhh.
Chapter 25: I wasn't going to comment because I was soooo late there didcovering this story, but the fic powers that be just wouldn't let me leave without saying anything about this TOTALLY AMAZING STORY!

This was my very, very 1st Todae fic and I loved every bit of it. It was like an emotional roller coaster ride I just didn't want to get off and I read the whole thing in one sitting. I laughed, teared up a few times, screamed in frustration, especially when Dae broke up with Top and then finally rejoiced and sang hymns when the guys got the happy ending I was desparately wishing for ^.^

I absolutely love your writing style and the way you portrayed each and every character. In some way this kind of had some psychological elements (I could be wrong). You took your time to create
a masterpiece. There was an overabundance of ...there almost wasn't any...and you actually took time to let the characters get used to each other, gave them the time to develop genuine bonds and I really appreciated that. It definitely made the story seem more realistic.

You honestly made me care for the characters, their strugglers and pain brought tears to my eyes and their triumphs made my poor little heart do sommersaults. Ioved the way you wrote Dae's persona. Usually I'd see him in fics as just being a sort of pure, angelic character, but finally seeing him so broken definitely definitely worded for me.

Thanks for a well crafted story, you really have a natural talent for writing ^.^. Now I'm off to find more of your stories.
awesome story I really did like it
SlaveOfLunacy #4
Chapter 25: Omg amazing story really. Thanks for writing it! :D
Chapter 25: Ahhhhh~ This story was so amazing!! ;A; <3
Huhuhuhu that y scene<3
Thank you for writing this amazing fanfic! ;w; I will check out your other todae fanfic~ (cant get enough of them!<3)
sayasayangtodae #6
Chapter 25: It already ended.hope it was a bit longer than this..will continue to reAd ur other stories. Hope
Zimmy02 #7
Chapter 23: wow taehyun O.O so it's over?
and yes, I want a smexy chapter ;)

btw for your first ff, it's good :)
Chapter 23: Oh wow! Taeyhyun jumped O.O I really liked that scene! when he said "No, I win" and then...gone.
Omg I want a smexy chapter ! * mode*
Hmm.. I like both name, but I really like "Not another Juliet" :D

Omo, this was your first ff?! O.O it's so good! I live this fanfic so much ;A;
sayasayangtodae #9
Chapter 23: It s fine whichever u decide I think but another Juliet would be good. Hope it s another todae ;) not bad for ur ist jiyong will end up with seungri,?
Chapter 22: I hope they will catch Taehyun and beat him! D:
I really hope they can trust Seungri! >u< <3