His Plan

Be My Smile

Seungri sat in a plush chair as he waited for his company. He was excited about what was going to be happening. It had took him a while to be able to get away from Jiyong but he finally had enough time to get away. People usually thought that Seungri was the pone that followed Jiyong around like a lost puppy dog, but it was always Jiyong seeking him out. Jiyong needed him, not the other way around; at , least that's what he wanted everyone to think.


He waited patiently for the man that was supposed to show up. He was going to help him get to the top. At least only if Seungri had something of interest to offer, and Seungri did. He knew what this guy wanted more than anything, it was a long shot, but Seungri thought his plan would work. Soon he would have room to be noticed and right now that was all he cared about. He was planning a domino affect that would come back to him in a good way, but for others it wouldn't be so good.


The door opened and man with dark hair and a dazzling smile walked in. He spotted Seungri sitting in the chair in front of his desk and his smile widened. “I hear you have a proposition to make.”


Seungri sat up straight in his chair, “Yes I do, I feel as if I can help you, if you help me.”


“Really? And how is it that you can help me?” the guy was intrigued but highly doubted Seungri had anything good to offer. He only wanted one thing and he didn't think he would ever be able to achieve it.


“I know what you want, I can help you with that goal.”


“Oh? And what do I want?”


Seungri smiled deviously, “You know Taeyang right?”


“I do. G Dragon works under him, and don't you follow G Dragon around?”


Seungri glowered at the man sitting in front of him, “If this all works out like I plan then I won't be under G Dragon nor Taeyang.”


“What do you have planned and how does this involve me?” he folded his arms and looked at him inquisitively.


“You see if your willing to help me I have a plan that would benefit both of us.”


“You keep saying that, but what is it?”


“There's a boy who is in the middle of all of this. He is the source of everything; your happiness and mine as well.”


“What's this guys name?”


“Seunghyun, his names Seunghyun. If we use him to get what we want I'm sure it will work. The two people that care about him the most will be hurt and I will be left to get to the top.”


“And how does this benefit me?” he was losing interest in what Seungri was saying and wanted him to get to the point.


“One of the people that would be hurt by this is definitely a person of your interest.”


He folded his hands together and looked at Seungri, “Who are you talking about?”


“His name is Daesung, I know you have some history with him. Frankly I don't care about what you did to him but I do know how you can hurt him if you listen to what I have to say.” Seungri looked at him, he had a blank look on his voice that he couldn't read.


“How do you know about Daesung?”


“All I know is that a guy named Taehyun; which is you; had with a very unwilling Daesung, then he ran away and you're still upset that you never got to finish him off.” Seungri smiled cockily, “I'm a little disturbed by that.”


Taehyun glared at him angrily he didn't know who he thought he was, but the guy was offering something he wanted for two years. He wanted to see Daesung hurt, he wanted to finish him off. It wasn't that he had a personal vendetta against Daesung it was just that he had gotten away and Taehyun wanted nothing more than see Daesung with the cute face crumble to pieces.


“Tell me your plan.”


“I'm glad you see it my way.” He got himself comfortable in his seat. “I kind of feel bad about what I'm going to do to Seunghyun but it's all for the best; at least for me. Seunghyun needs to be hurt, badly. I was thinking that we find some people to put him in the hospital then tell him that it was Daesung who had them do it-


“Do you really think he's going to believe that?”


“No, not without proof which we will get.”




“Well we Daesung will do anything for Seunghyun, we tell him to leave Seunghyun or else we'll do something horrible to Seunghyun. Of course he won't know that we plan on doing so anyways.”


“So how does this affect G Dragon?”


“G Dragon will be a wreck when Seunghyun ends up in the hospital. No matter what he does to Seunghyun he doesn't want to see him physically hurt, and him in the hospital would completely devastate him. He wouldn't want to do anything and possibly would blame himself if I play my cards right.”


Taehyun gave him a skeptical look, “Your plan sounds messy. How do you know it'll work?”


Seungri looked back at him, “You just supply me with the things I need and it will all work out perfectly.”


“You must be a pretty messed up person to come up with this plan. I mean you're thinking of putting someone in the hospital for your own benefit.”


“And you must be pretty messed up for agreeing with plan just so you can hurt someone for no apparent reason.”


“Then I guess we both are some pretty jacked up people.” Taehyun stuck out his hand, “Shake on it?”


Him and Seungri shook on it and finalized their deal.


“Then I guess we're done.”


“Call me whenever you need anything to be done.” He wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed it to Seungri. “You can go now.”


Seungri gladly left, he couldn't wait till he started what he had in mind.




Daesung surprised Youngbae by stopping over with a huge smile on his face. The smile had caught Youngbae off guard and he didn't know what daesung could have done with the smile he had on. He let him in with a suspicious look on his face.


“Daesung why are you smiling?” he examined him to make sure he wasn't hurt or anything.


“What I can't smile for no reason?” Daesung's smile just got bigger.


Youngbae felt like he needed to cover his eyes from how bright his smile was. “No, no you can't.”


Daesung rolled his eyes, “Well if you must know I'm smiling for Seunghyun. I wanted to smile more for him.”


“You guys must have gotten close then.” Youngbae said it in a teasing tone.


“Well of course we have.” He smiled secretively.


“Stop smiling I'm not used to it.”


“No can do, I'm a happy person now.”


Youngbae gave him an astonished look. He didn't know what happened to make Daesung so happy but he had an inkling as to who got him that way.




“Yes happy.”


Seunghyun popped up from back room, “Who's happy?” he gave Daesung a tight hug and a kiss on his cheek.


Youngbae looked at the two of them, “Am I missing something?”


Seunghyun laughed at the confused expression on his face. “Oh did Daesung not tell you?”


“Did Daesung not tell me? Why didn't you tell me? Better yet, what am I supposed to know?”


Seunghyun sat down and wrapped his arm around Daesung, “We're dating now.”


Youngbae stayed silent for a while, “Daesung, I thought you said you couldn't turn people gay.”


Daesung smacked his forehead in annoyance. “You can't people are born gay, it just takes some people longer to figure out their uality.”


Youngbae turned toward Seunghyun, “So how did you know? Was it like a light bulb or what?”


Seunghyun furrowed his eyebrows, “I didn't really think about being gay, I was mostly thinking about Daesung and how I feel about him then that lead to me thinking that hey these aren't exactly straight feelings.”


“That doesn't disprove my theory that Daesung has the power to turn people gay.”


Daesung threw a couch pillow at him, “There's no such thing!”


“It could be a new power that you're unaware of.”


Daesung gave him a warning look, “Don't be ridiculous.”


Seunghyun moved his hand down to intertwine their fingers, “Super power or not I'm still here.”


Youngbae stuck out his tongue, “Gross, I don't want to hear your mushiness. I'm getting out of here.” he got up and headed to his bedroom. “Just gross.”


Seunghyun and Daesung laughed at Youngbae simultaneously.


Seunghyun turned to Daesung, “Geez I was waiting for him to leave.” he kissed Daesung on the lips and pulled away. “I think if I would of kissed you like that in front of him he would have poked his eyes out.”


“I think he would have too.” Daesung wrapped his arms around Seunghyun's neck and kissed his jaw. “Fortunately he isn't in here.”


Seunghyun responded by kissing all over Daesung's face causing Daesung to laugh from all the kisses he was receiving.


“Seunghyun stop it.”


Seunghyun pecked his lips, “Stop what?” he nibbled on Daesung's neck. “I have no idea what I need to stop.”


Daesung ran his hands through Seunghyun's hair, “You know exactly what you're doing.”


Seunghyun his lips and kissed along Daesung's jawline, “And what I am I doing?” he stopped and looked Daesung in the eye.


“You're teasing me.” he sighed in Seunghyun's arms when he felt a light peck on his throat.


“I'm too innocent to know how to do that.” he leaned forward pressed his hands on Daesung's shoulders causing him to lay back on the couch. He clamped his lips on Daesung's neck and started to .


“Seunghyun...” The way he said his name was long and drawn out.


Youngbae walked in on them with an intent to get a glass of water. When he saw Daesung's hands entangled in Seunghyun's hair and Seunghyun kissing on his neck he quickly covered his eyes. “Ahh my eyes!” he scrambled out of the room and slammed his bedroom door.


They both laughed at his shenanigans and broke apart.


Seunghyun looked at Daesung smiled down at him, “Maybe we should watch TV instead.” he looked at Daesung's neck. “I've already achieved my goal.”


Daesung touched his neck, “You didn't.”


Seunghyun got up and turned the TV on, “I did.”

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Chapter 25: Your story was too good, but Nyongtory is a cup of my tea. Quite sad you made Seungri a bad person. And I thought he will end up together with Jiyong. Sorry... because I'm nyongtory trashhh.
Chapter 25: I wasn't going to comment because I was soooo late there didcovering this story, but the fic powers that be just wouldn't let me leave without saying anything about this TOTALLY AMAZING STORY!

This was my very, very 1st Todae fic and I loved every bit of it. It was like an emotional roller coaster ride I just didn't want to get off and I read the whole thing in one sitting. I laughed, teared up a few times, screamed in frustration, especially when Dae broke up with Top and then finally rejoiced and sang hymns when the guys got the happy ending I was desparately wishing for ^.^

I absolutely love your writing style and the way you portrayed each and every character. In some way this kind of had some psychological elements (I could be wrong). You took your time to create
a masterpiece. There was an overabundance of ...there almost wasn't any...and you actually took time to let the characters get used to each other, gave them the time to develop genuine bonds and I really appreciated that. It definitely made the story seem more realistic.

You honestly made me care for the characters, their strugglers and pain brought tears to my eyes and their triumphs made my poor little heart do sommersaults. Ioved the way you wrote Dae's persona. Usually I'd see him in fics as just being a sort of pure, angelic character, but finally seeing him so broken definitely definitely worded for me.

Thanks for a well crafted story, you really have a natural talent for writing ^.^. Now I'm off to find more of your stories.
awesome story I really did like it
SlaveOfLunacy #4
Chapter 25: Omg amazing story really. Thanks for writing it! :D
Chapter 25: Ahhhhh~ This story was so amazing!! ;A; <3
Huhuhuhu that y scene<3
Thank you for writing this amazing fanfic! ;w; I will check out your other todae fanfic~ (cant get enough of them!<3)
sayasayangtodae #6
Chapter 25: It already ended.hope it was a bit longer than this..will continue to reAd ur other stories. Hope
Zimmy02 #7
Chapter 23: wow taehyun O.O so it's over?
and yes, I want a smexy chapter ;)

btw for your first ff, it's good :)
Chapter 23: Oh wow! Taeyhyun jumped O.O I really liked that scene! when he said "No, I win" and then...gone.
Omg I want a smexy chapter ! * mode*
Hmm.. I like both name, but I really like "Not another Juliet" :D

Omo, this was your first ff?! O.O it's so good! I live this fanfic so much ;A;
sayasayangtodae #9
Chapter 23: It s fine whichever u decide I think but another Juliet would be good. Hope it s another todae ;) not bad for ur ist fic.is jiyong will end up with seungri,?
Chapter 22: I hope they will catch Taehyun and beat him! D:
I really hope they can trust Seungri! >u< <3