A Secret Revealed

Be My Smile

A look of dread washed over Seunghyun’s face as he walked onto the school campus. He didn’t want to be there as much as anyone else wanted him to be there. He was earlier than Daesung would ever go to school and he didn’t like that he was alone to endure the beginnings of class. Walking along the corridors was like pure torture for him even if he wasn’t being bothered. Without someone to keep his mind busy he kept going over the things that had happened and could happen in the hallways that he was in.

It was almost pathetic how much he thought about Daesung to keep his mind straight. It was like Daesung’s wild personality somehow soothed him in a strange way. Without his presence he became more jittery than usual. Seunghyun didn’t do drugs but it felt like Daesung was his. It was a little unnerving to think that boy had that much of a hold on him. He wondered if Daesung would be weirded out by his dependency of his presence.

Seunghyun tried to clear to his head as he slowly approached his locker. What he needed to do was concentrate on getting his books and getting to class. Unfortunately the surprise that was waiting for him at his locker was going to deter him from his agenda.

Jiyong was waiting for him by his locker with a smug look on his face. He looked like he had something up his sleeve and that it wouldn’t be pretty.

As Seunghyun approached a devious smile spread on Jiyong’s lips. The ever so quiet Seungri was nowhere to be found. “Oh Seunghyun. Isn’t it pleasant to see you?”

Seunghyun tried his best to ignore Jiyong, but when jiyong wanted to be heard, he was going to be heard. With his small body Jiyong slipped between Seunghyun and his locker forcing Seunghyun to look at him.

“What could you possibly want Jiyong?”

“Well isn’t that nice of you to ask? I just wanted to give some things that I acquired recently. I’m sure that you would want to see them.” He handed Seunghyun a manila envelope and stretched on his tippy toes to reach his ear. “I’m jealous Seunghyun, you never told me that you were into this kind of stuff.”

He left with a smile that would brighten anybody’s world up.

Seunghyun was perplexed at Jiyongs sudden appearance and disappearance. He knew that him leaving so quickly could only mean trouble. For the life of him he didn’t know what was up Jiyong so much that he had to continue messing with Seunghyun’s head so much.

Seunghyun dug his hand in the folder and pulled out a hand full of pictures. He dropped them in shock. Each picture was of him and Daesung together at that party. There were ones of Daesung rubbed up against him and others of the two kissing. Seunghyun wished that he could leave that party behind him but it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to live it down.

The pictures were highly and he didn’t think at the time that what he and Daesung were doing could be as bad as these pictures were entailing. Seunghyun wished that he could leave that party behind him but it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to live it down.

The pictures were highly and he didn’t think at the time that what he and Daesung were doing could be as bad as these pictures were entailing. All the pictures had made Seunghyun look like he was enjoying himself in many ways. One was of him with his eyes closed while Daesung was pressed up against his front with a pleased look on his face. He knew why he had closed his eyes but if others saw his they would think of another more dirty reason. A slight blush was forming on Seunghyun’s cheeks as he looked at one after the other. Daesung had really gotten ahead of himself when he was with him that night.

“What are you looking at?”

The sudden question startled Seunghyun enough to drop the pictures on the floor. He turned around to see an amused Daesung standing behind him. He didn’t have time to say hi as he quickly bent to pick up the pictures; trying his best to make sure that Daesung didn’t see any of them. He didn’t want Daesung to get any ideas in his head.

“Nothing just pictures for a class assignment.”

Daesung narrowed his eyes. Seunghyun looked a bit shifty and couldn’t keep his eyes in one place. “Really? Can I see?”

“Uh, no, they’re boring you wouldn’t want to see them.”

Seunghyun tried to put the folder in his locker but failed miserably when he fumbled and dropped it on the floor. With quick reflexes Daesung scooped the folder up and looked through it.

“How did you get these?”

Seunghyun exhaled heavily, “Jiyong gave them to me. I don’t know how he got them.”

“Interesting.” Daesung leafed through the pictures with a very concentrated look on his face. “I look desperate in these.”

“Is that all you have to say? That you look desperate?”

“Well, yeah. If know Jiyong, I know that anything he’s planning is full of empty promises.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I know something about Jiyong that you don’t know.”

Seunghyun was anticipating for Daesung to continue talking but he just stopped, “What do you know?”

“I’ll tell you at lunch.”

Daesung didn’t wait for another word. He sped up his speed and took off to homeroom. Seunghyun would have to wait four hours to hear what Daesung had to say to him.


“So are you going to tell me now?”

“I’ll tell you when you finish your grapes.”

Seunghyun stuffed a handful of grapes in his mouth then chewed and swallowed diligently. Daesung handed him a napkin to wipe off the grape juice that came out of his mouth. “I don’t understand how you could be this gross.”

“I wouldn’t of had to go to such extreme measures if you would just tell me already.”

Daesung rolled his eyes and got up from his seat, “Come on let’s go somewhere quiet.”

Seunghyun eagerly got up and followed him out of the cafeteria. He followed Daesung to a quiet hallway where they could both sit and talk.

“Ok, so what’s the deal?”

Daesung motioned for him to sit on the floor next to him. “How many times has Jiyong ever threatened you?”

“Too many times than I can count why?”

“ How many times has he made good on those threats?”

Seunghyun thought about I for a while, “Most of them were just empty threats now that I think about it.”

“Is your surname Choi?”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“I just wanted to make sure that I’m talking to the right Seunghyun.”

“You’re not making any sense.” Seunghyun was becoming more confused by the second.

“You see, Seunghyun, Jiyong will never do anything to harm you. He may insult you or act like he doesn’t like you but he won’t do anything too drastic.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Before I met you I had a fling with Jiyong, I think I told you that before. It was hard work trying to get him to come to bed with me; I’ll have to admit. So as any desperate guy would I got him drunk.”

“Daesung, I don’t hear how you got Jiyong drunk and had your way with him.”

“It’s detrimental to the story, anyways I got Jiyong drunk and that’s when he started talking nonstop.   He went on and on about some crush and frankly at the time I didn’t care, but I did listen for a while. He kept going on about a tall handsome guy that shied away from the public eye; a man with dark smoldering eyes with a tall lean body.”

“Uh huh.”

“He went to talk about how he was upset that that guy would never look at him the way he wanted him to and it irked him to no end. You see Jiyong likes to get his way and when he doesn’t he acts out like a child. He told me this long drawn out story about how since he couldn’t have this mysterious guy he was going to help make his life miserable just like his. After a while of him explaining about his unrequited love I finally asked him what was the guy’s name.

“And he said?”

“He said his name was Choi Seunghyun. At the time I didn’t know nor care who you were and it only dawned on me now that you were the guy he was talking about. It’s funny because he told me that he had always liked you but since he couldn’t do anything about he made you public enemy number one.”

“So your trying to tell me that Jiyong has had a crush on me for gosh knows how long and that’s why he’s been nothing but mean to me?”


“That’s complete and utter bull.”

“But it’s the truth, the drunker you get the more the truth spills out. I’m telling you he likes you and you never knew it. For some reason you have an act for attracting gay men.”

Seunghyun didn’t know what to think about with this new information. In a sad and twisted way it kind of made sense. “So what is going to do with the pictures then?”

“Probably use them as leverage then stare at them at night.”

“That’s a little creepy.”

“I bet he has shrine of pictures of only your face.”

“Seriously you’re creeping me out.”

Daesung shrugged his shoulders, “Jiyong is a peculiar case; he doesn’t like to be deprived of things he wants. Whether it is his own individuality or someone he likes.”

“I see.” Seunghyun wondered if it would be a good idea to confront Jiyong with this new information.

“That’s all you have to say?”

“Well it really doesn’t change anything unless I say something and I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“I bet right now Jiyong is unbelievably jealous, he probably thinks we’re in some sort of romantic relationship and it’s eating him up inside. Especially since you’re with me; the guy he told all his dirty little secrets to, and when I say dirty I mean dirty.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well there was this particular fantasy he had about you and-

Seunghyun covered his ears, “I don’t want to hear it!”

“You asked, but really if I was Jiyong I would be unbelievably jealous. I mean you’re supposed to be straight and then all of a sudden you’re making out with a guy at a party and it isn’t him. He must want to kill me right now.”

Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, “You don’t sound too worried.”

“Well no, he’s full of empty threats, you said it yourself. Besides what do I have to worry about when you’ve already confessed your undying love for me?”

Seunghyun’s face turned beet red, “I never said that. I told I didn’t know what I was talking about.”

Daesung rested his hand on his shoulder, “It’s okay, we all have to come out of the closet someday.”

Seunghyun was about ready to smack Daesung for his outlandish remarks. “I’m not in the closet you bully.”

Daesung feigned being hurt, “Me? A bully? How could you say something like that?”

Seunghyun rolled his eyes, somehow when he and Daesung started talking their conversations would always steer to playful banter between the two.

“You know if you staying by my side means that I’ll always be made fun of then I might want to retract my offer.”

“To late there are no refunds.”

“But I have a receipt.”

Daesung pushed him playfully, “I said no refunds!”

Seunghyun just laughed in response.

While Daesung and Seunghyun were smiling and laughing amongst each other a very jealous Jiyong was standing and listening not too far away. He was upset, and he knew that there was virtually nothing he could do about it. Jiyong didn’t want to sit idle and play nice anymore he didn’t know what he would do then, but soon he would figure it out. Seunghyun was his or no one’s; he would make sure of that.


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Chapter 25: Your story was too good, but Nyongtory is a cup of my tea. Quite sad you made Seungri a bad person. And I thought he will end up together with Jiyong. Sorry... because I'm nyongtory trashhh.
Chapter 25: I wasn't going to comment because I was soooo late there didcovering this story, but the fic powers that be just wouldn't let me leave without saying anything about this TOTALLY AMAZING STORY!

This was my very, very 1st Todae fic and I loved every bit of it. It was like an emotional roller coaster ride I just didn't want to get off and I read the whole thing in one sitting. I laughed, teared up a few times, screamed in frustration, especially when Dae broke up with Top and then finally rejoiced and sang hymns when the guys got the happy ending I was desparately wishing for ^.^

I absolutely love your writing style and the way you portrayed each and every character. In some way this kind of had some psychological elements (I could be wrong). You took your time to create
a masterpiece. There was an overabundance of ...there almost wasn't any...and you actually took time to let the characters get used to each other, gave them the time to develop genuine bonds and I really appreciated that. It definitely made the story seem more realistic.

You honestly made me care for the characters, their strugglers and pain brought tears to my eyes and their triumphs made my poor little heart do sommersaults. Ioved the way you wrote Dae's persona. Usually I'd see him in fics as just being a sort of pure, angelic character, but finally seeing him so broken definitely definitely worded for me.

Thanks for a well crafted story, you really have a natural talent for writing ^.^. Now I'm off to find more of your stories.
awesome story I really did like it
SlaveOfLunacy #4
Chapter 25: Omg amazing story really. Thanks for writing it! :D
Chapter 25: Ahhhhh~ This story was so amazing!! ;A; <3
Huhuhuhu that y scene<3
Thank you for writing this amazing fanfic! ;w; I will check out your other todae fanfic~ (cant get enough of them!<3)
sayasayangtodae #6
Chapter 25: It already ended.hope it was a bit longer than this..will continue to reAd ur other stories. Hope
Zimmy02 #7
Chapter 23: wow taehyun O.O so it's over?
and yes, I want a smexy chapter ;)

btw for your first ff, it's good :)
Chapter 23: Oh wow! Taeyhyun jumped O.O I really liked that scene! when he said "No, I win" and then...gone.
Omg I want a smexy chapter ! * mode*
Hmm.. I like both name, but I really like "Not another Juliet" :D

Omo, this was your first ff?! O.O it's so good! I live this fanfic so much ;A;
sayasayangtodae #9
Chapter 23: It s fine whichever u decide I think but another Juliet would be good. Hope it s another todae ;) not bad for ur ist fic.is jiyong will end up with seungri,?
Chapter 22: I hope they will catch Taehyun and beat him! D:
I really hope they can trust Seungri! >u< <3