6) Lunch with the Woo's + Stop Girl practice

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl


Narrator's POV

The clock struck noon and the 4 Woo's went out to lunch

"so what's this all about?" Deanna asked once they finished

"neh, you've been acting extremely weird since breakfast this morning" Kevin agreed

"alright, you both know how Jieun isn't your birth sister?" umma asked receiving nods from the two

"do you recall when sometimes, she would make fusses and then abnormal things would happen?" appa asked and they nodded again

"Jieun isn't a human child" umma said

"bwoh?" Deanna asked "she's like an alien?"

"you could say that" appa said "she's from a planet called Mato. She's the youngest daughter of the King and Queen"

"she's the princess of a planet called Mato?" Kevin tried to process

"neh. She has powers, she's extremely skilled, she's not human" umma said "but she is still our daughter and your younger sister, so do not treat her any differently"


"Jieun's nearing the period of time of discovering her self identity" umma said "once she does realize who she really is, she might be gone forever. So I encourage both of you to spend as much time as you can with her, especially you Sunghyun"

"neh umma" he muttered

"which is why, we were discussing, if it was okay that she stay with you and U-Kiss in the dorm. Who knows, Jieun might be safer there than living with us" appa said "there are many things that people from Earth don't know about. Jieun, her necklace, and that stone are proof that there are extraterrestrial activities in space. It might be better if Jieun live with you from now on Kevin"

"she does love you the most out of all of us" umma said

"umma, don't say that" Kevin said

"but it's true" she told him "she was devasted when you left. Kevin, she's the brightest and most confident when you're around her. You're the brother she can trust."

"I know it may seem too much of us to ask you to take care of her now, but look, we're getting older. Deanna and Jaehan are getting pretty serious, I know you're an idol now Kevin, but Jieun needs you." appa said "please promise us that you'll love and take care of her no matter what event may happen"

"neh appa" Kevin said obediently

"we don't know if our family could also be harmed when Jieun finds out the truth, but the important thing right now is to keep her safe" umma said


The bell rang and Jasmine walked out with Cheer Star to see U-Kiss's car about to be mobbed with fangirls. Running at the speed of light, she reached inside the car and the manager started to drive

"hi oppas" she smiled at U-Kiss who waved enthusiasticlly at her

"nice to see you again Jasmine" the manager said while driving

"you too oppa" Jasmine beamed putting down her bag

"do you remember how to do the dance?" he asked

"of course" she said "I never forgot"

"goood~" Dongho cooed "because we have practice after settling things with KBS"

"arasso" Jasmine nodded starting to play a hand gave with Eli and Soohyun

"okay boys" the manager said stopping the car "and girl. kaja"

"woah, I'm always dazed looking at the performance buildings" Jasmine muttered linking arms with Kevin as they walked in. Getting the preparations settled, U-Kiss and Jasmine went upstairs to the practice room where they met up with the other Stop Girl dancers

"Jasmine!" a girl named Yejin beamed hugging the younger girl "you're here!!"

"I thought you said that you weren't going to dance Stop Girl anymore" another girl, Hyerin said giving her the next hug

"I wasn't, but I heard that my replacement was sick, so here I am" Jasmine said hugging the last girl, Minji

"it's great to see you again" Minji smiled

"sorry girls for interrupting your reunion, but we have to practice and break it down for Jaz" Kiseop said ruffling the girl's hair

"let's go" Hyerin said and they got into position.


"still got the flame" Yejin said sitting down next to Jasmine, giving her a water bottle

"of course" Jasmine said taking a drink

"one more time" the manager said "let's go"

"but oppa, we just finished" Hyerin said

"come on, just one more then we'll be done" he said. Again, they went in position to practice. When it was time for Jasmine's part, she out, falling to the floor with a thud

"Jasmine!" Dongho yelled as Kevin rushed to her side

"Jaz" Kevin said shaking her "Jaz wake up, Jaz"

"stop it, that could only make her hurt more" the manager said stopping him

"no, Jaz!" Kevin said lifting her up and carrying her outside the room

"yah! Woo Sunghyun!" Soohyun shouted. Kevin ran into the next practice room, locking the door right after he placed Jasmine on the couch. Going on his phone, Kevin called his umma

"umma" Kevin said

"what's wrong?" she asked

"J-Jaz, she passed out" Kevin said

"this happened before, don't worry, just apply a cold towel to her forehead and start squee-"

Kevin, though, no longer payed attention to his mother's instructions as he witnessed his sister floating in mid-air

"umma...I'll call you later" Kevin muttered dropping his phone on the ground. Looking up at the girl who was flying, he noticed something different "y-you're not my sister. N-nuguya?!"

"I am your sister" she said her smile glowing "in some aspects anyway. I'm Princess Jieun of Mato Planet"

"b-but...that doesn't make any sense" Kevin said

"I'm Jasmine inner side. Deep inside, Jasmine knew about her true form, that's me." she said landing on the floor "even though my parents sent me here on Earth, how could I forget about my true identity. Jasmine's just under the illusion that she is a mortal"

"why are you here Princess?" he asked

"I wanted to talk to you. The only way of me to do so, is if I block out Jasmine" she said sitting down on the couch with manner "please, be comfortable with me, I am your younger sister after all"

"why did you want to talk to me?" Kevin said looking at her skeptically 

"so now you know about Jasmine's true identity" she said "treat her well. Help her. I know that my parents said to keep Jasmine and V apart in her dream. I can tell that she really is starting to like V" 

"...what?" Kevin asked

"I cannot tell you all these details, but what I can say is to help her get together with V." the girl smiled

"I'm already trying that" Kevin admitted

"I hope you do a good job oppa" she said giving him a hug "I hope we see each other in the future. Before Jasmine finds out about me"

"it was an honor meeting you" Kevin said as she laid back down on the couch, closing her eyes. After a few minutes, her eyes opened once more

"o-oppa" Jasmine's voice said sitting up

"gwenchana?" he asked sitting next to her

"w-what happened?" she asked innocently

"you got tired" he said "it's okay though. You're fine"

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)