15) New School = New Friends + New Enemies

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl

Narrator's POV

"You know Jaz-ah, you might actually want to try and be nice in your new school" Kevin suggested "you can make a lot of new friends. Besides, Dongho's school is where most of the new upcoming artists are. You can benefit from it"

"oppa" she scrunched her nose as she was looking at her uniform

"what?" he asked

"I haven't worn a school uniform in like forever. I always wore my cheerleading uniform" Jasmine said

"well unless you get on the school teams, this is your uniform" Kevin said "deal with it princess. Now go get dressed you're getting a ride from us"

"arasso arasso" Jasmine answered changing in the bathroom. It's been a month since she moved and it wasn't until last week that she heard from Dongho's school that she was accepted. After changing, she figured that she should at least try and look presentable. Jasmine styled her hair, picked out cute heels, and applied makeup

Jasmine then put her favorite pair of vans and extra clothes in her backpack.

As she arrived downstairs, U-Kiss looked at her in awe

"wow, are you trying to be a hooker?" Eli asked

"bwoh?! aniyo! I just decided that I should look nice for my first day" Jasmine said and crossed her arms

"don't worry about a thing tough Jazzie, I'll show you the ropes" Dongho smiled pulling her towards the van "I'm actually looking forwards to school today?"

"wae? You hate school" Jasmine said

"well you're going to school with me Jazzie!" Dongho beamed

"okay, who put chocolate in Dongho oppa's cereal? He is waaay too hyper" she accused "was it you AJ oppa?"

"ani" he defended putting his hand up. Although Jasmine was convinced that she was confident for school, anxiety quickly grew in her as the van neared. Kevin - being her brother - was the first to notice. He gently held her hand and squeezed it

"You're gonna be fine" he smiled pecking her cheek once the van pulled up. She nodded and got off with Dongho, watching the van retreat to their agency practice room

"Here's our school" Dongho smiled "Welcome to Hanrim Entertainment Arts School"

"It's definitely not like Seoul High Academy" Jasmine muttered "but it's nice"

"don't let looks deceive you, the place only looks nice. The kids though, be careful" he sighed suddenly turning serious. Dongho then led her to the office "Kevin hyung managed to arrange something and said we have most classes together"

"sweet" Jasmine smiled

"go inside and get your papers. I'll just be here" Dongho said. She nodded and stepped inside the office, introducing herself to the secretary and getting all of her necessary papers. Dongho checked over Jasmine's schedule and pondered over it for a minute "we only have theater and dance separate, the rest we have together"

"do we have a certain requirement for any subject?" she asked

"not so much actually. Usually because most of the students are already debuted or they're going to debut. The school made less limitations to like average scores or late slips" Dongho explained as the two walked to their next-to-each-other lockers. Jasmine checked her phone and saw that she had a text from V

How's your new school? I miss you already :(

She smiled and shot him back a quick 'It's nice. I miss you too' before opening her locker.

"Dongho oppa!" a group or girls screamed and waved to him. He flashed them a smile before going back to his locker. Jasmine rolled her eyes at him, pretending to gag, and grabbed her books for class

"you don't need to do that" Dongho said putting her books back in the locker "the teachers give you net books instead so you don't have to lug around 20 lbs all the time"

"high tech" she said closing the door. The two then walked to homeroom to find that they were the only ones not there

"annyeonghaseyo saem" Dongho bowed to the teacher. Jasmine did the same

"good morning Dongho" the man said, motioning for him to sit down "annyeonghaseyo, you must be the new student"

"deh" Jasmine nodded

"I'm Byun saem" he said

"annyeongaseyo" she smiled

"don't be shy, say hello to everyone" Byun saem said getting the class' attention

"annyeonghaseyo. Jasmine Woo imnida" the girl bowed in front of the class making them erupt in whispers

"I've heard from the principal that Jasmine was Seoul High Academy's star cheerleader and is U-Kiss Kevin's sister from America. Treat her well class" he said and turned to her "you can go ahead and sit next to Dongho"

"neh" she nodded and obliged to his suggestion. The teacher went on about something that Jasmine already knew and didn't care about hearing twice. She looked at the small note on her desk and read it to herself

'Watch out Jazzie, the es in our class got their eye on you

-Hoho oppa'


Writing him a reply, he smirked when reading it

'Don't worry oppa, I can handle dem es. Besides, I can feel their stares burning into my soul o-o like fo sho...do you have candy...?


Dongho chuckled and dug his hand into his pocket, sneaking the girl a piece of gum. The whole class was pretty much like that, passing notes and eating behind the teacher's back.

"Jasmine right?" a girl asked walking up to her

"and you are?" Jasmine asked looking at the girl with a hint of disgust in her voice. Just knowing it, that one was a .

"I'm Jaehee" she smiled holding out her hand. Jasmine shook it reluctantly "they are Minhee, Jinhee, Suhee, Kahee, and Rinhee. We're debuting in a girl group next year called H6"

"that's cool...I guess" Jasmine said muttering the last part

"Jazzie, kaja" Dongho said saving her from the boring conversation that she couldn't care less about

"neh oppa" Jasmine chirped grabbing her bag "I'll see you girls later then"

"oppa?" Jinhee squeaked, glaring at Jasmine

"I have no idea who this is, but I don't like her one bit" Rinhee said crossing her arms

"neither do I" Jaehee agreed "but she could be very very useful. She has potential"

"thanks oppa" Jasmine said walking along with Dongho to gym

"steer clear of them. H6. They're the top queenkas of Hanrim. Everyone hates them, but they're really talented. It's best if you don't get on their bad side" Dongho informed as they arrived at the huge gymnasium

"wow" Jasmine said awestruck at the size

"this is one of the best school gyms in all of Asia. Amazing right?" Dongho smirked at her expression

"wow" she said again

"it's our new transfer student" the gym teacher said crossing his arms "I've heard much about your athletic ability miss Woo. I expect a lot from you"

"neh" she said bowing to him. Going into the girls' locker room, Jasmine got changed and put on her pikachu vans.

"I kinda look like a " Jasmine muttered to herself, walking out to join everyone else. As expected, she stood next to Dongho, listening intently to the teacher talk about how they were working on gymnastics and acrobatics. Jasmine overflowed with confidence as she strode to the long mat, warming up with a series of flips and tumbles, finishing off with a double aerial. Immensed in the warm ups she missed practicing, the girl didn't notice all movement around her stop as everyone looked at her perfect skills. Only stopping to take a breather. She looked around at her peers who watched her with admiring faces. 

"excellent" her teacher said impressed clapping "Changjo, L.Joe, you two and Jasmine are partners for this class"

"but saem!" Minhee objected only to get glared at by the teacher. Two boys walked up to Jasmine and bowed

"I'm Changjo" the taller one said shaking hands with her

"and I'm L.Joe" the shorter one nodded

"Jasmine" she replied "you two are from Teen Top right?"

"neh" L.Joe said "and you're Kevin sunbaenim's sister"

"are you guys good at gymnastics?" she asked

"not really gymnastics, but you could say I'm a good dancer" Changjo shrugged. Jasmine chuckled and played something on Youtube.

"do you guys know this song?" she asked, the bridge booming through their section of the gym

One day while my light is glowing

I’ll be in my castle golden

But until the gates are open

I just wanna feel this moment (ohhh)

I just wanna feel this moment (ohhh)

I just wanna feel this moment

Jasmine danced with grace to the melody, adding acrobatic flare, and using a rhythm gymnastic ribbon to add feel. After the song finished, she turned to the two boys panting

"what do you think?" she asked

"wow, you're really good" L.Joe complimented. The next 45 minutes was spent on perfecting the routine, performing in front of the class with skill. After gym finished, Jasmine changed into her school uniform, only to get approached by Changjo and L.Joe. 

"annyeong" Changjo smiled

"annyeong" Jasmine smiled back

"hey, do you wanna hang out with Teen Top sometime? You seem pretty cool" L.Joe offered

"yeah, besides. Better us than H6. We heard from Dongho that they're trying to recruit you" Changjo said

"good point. Sure, I'd like that" Jasmine nodded and exchanged numbers with the two boys

"see you later" L.Joe waved as she walked towards Dongho, who was talking to another boy

"I see you got acquainted with Changjo and L.Joe" Dongho smiled at her "good, they're chill guys. This is Niel, he's also part of Teen Top"

"annyeonghasyeo" Jasmine bowed to the boy

"annyeong" Niel said

"oppa, we got to go to our next class" Jasmine whined cutely dragging Dongho away by his arm

"I'll talk to you later Niel-ah" Dongho said as he was dragged away "so how do you like school so far?"

"I like it here" Jasmine beamed

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)