33) Transfer of the Gem

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl

Narrator's POV

"-Soohyun, it's time" Maerin said facing her eldest daughter

"neh umma" Soohyun muttered walking over to the titanium see-through glass where the gem was held. Soohyun whispered the words to unleash it. Soon enough, the glass disappeared and the gem was on the pedestal. Soohyun took a breath of air before taking the gem in her hand. A beam of air unleashed when her skin made contact with the material.

"where's Jieun?" Hyunsoo asked

"we'll find her" Bomi said and the 6 girls ran outside. After an hour of searching, Naeun saw a girl throwing small daggers at a tree

"Jaz" Naeun said catching the girl's attention

"oh" she said throwing another dagger

"come on, it's time for you to inherit the gem" Naeun said taking her wrist. Reluctantly, Jasmine obliged, following Naeun back to the throne room. 

"good you're here" Maerin said pulling her towards Soohyun "since we don't have time for the formal ceremony that we've planned, we have to do this quickly"

"do what?" Jasmine asked

"aigoo, listen" Maerin said shaking her head "Soohyun is going to transfer the gem to you"

"what do I need to do?" she asked

"connect hands with your sister and put the necklace around both of you" her mother said to Soohyun. She obliged and did as her mother said. "Soohyun say the offering in Mato language"

"neh" Soohyun said and closed her eyes. She started reciting in an alien language, but for some apparent reason, Jasmine understood the words coming out of her sister's mouth. "The time of my ownership to this gem has come to an end. The reign of Princess Do Jieun is now upon us. May she use and protect this gem for the wellbeing of the people of Mato Planet and all other planets in the universe"

"good...now Jieun, repeat after everything your sister says" Maerin muttered paying close attention to her daughters

"it has to be perfect..." Jinyoung said taking his children under his wing

"Princess Jieun, repeat after me" Soohyun said "I will take responsibility and ownership of the sacred gem"

"I will take responsibility and ownership of the sacred gem" Jasmine said taking a deep breath

"I will protect this gem for my life as it protects the whole population of the galaxy" Soohyun said

"I will protect this gem for my life as it protects the whole population of the galaxy" Jasmine said

"If the gem falls into the wrong hands, I will take the punishment, even meaning death" Soohyun said. Jasmine faltered and closed her eyes

"If the gem falls into the wrong hands, I will take the punishment, even meaning death" she said

"I will only use this power for the greater good, any negative and I will be punished" Soohyun said

"I will only use this power for the greater good, any negative and I will be punished" Jasmine recite

"I will do my best as the owner of this gem, I will not fail, I will succeed" Soohyun said

"I will do my best as the owner of this gem, I will not fail, I will succeed" Jasmine finished. At once, the password of the gem was engraved in her brain. A blinding beam of light released from the gem and the chain was only around her neck.

"you are now the owner of our gem" Maerin said to Jasmine as the two sisters released hands "when the time comes, you will have to pass this on to your daughter"


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)