26) Landing in Mato

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl

Narrator's POV

It's been a week since Jasmine left Earth and a week since the spaceship's been traveling

"how much longer is it oppa?" Jasmine asked Hyunsoo - who was navigating the ship with Soohyun. The whole family's gotten a lot closer because they've been in a large machine of tin for the past 7 days

"not that long. We actually would have landed by now, but your spaceship's a bit rusty" Hyunsoo answered and patted the seat in the middle of him and Soohyun. Jasmine sat down and looked at the countless numbers of buttons

"how the hell do you run this thing?" she asked

"we were trained back home. It's basic stuff" Soohyun told her "don't worry, before you have to face your tasks, you'll get to experience a lot of fun things in Mato"

"like?" Jasmine asked

"well you'll get to have a normal academy day with us?" Hyunsoo shrugged "you know, training, mechanics, technology, it's basically school"

"but school's not fun" Jasmine pouted

"school in Mato is much better though" Soohyun reassured. A couple hours passed and Jasmine was dozing off next to her siblings. Soohyun woke up her sleeping little sister "Jieun-ah! Look! You see that planet in the distance?"

"huh? oh...deh" Jasmine muttered rubbing the sleep away from her eyes

"here we are" Hyunsoo chuckled as the youngest Do was still trying to comprehend what was happening

"bwoh? we're almost there?!" Jasmine asked finally getting back to her senses

"yeah" Soohyun said "a few more hours and we're home"

"Jieun-ah, ttarawa" umma said

"waeyo?" Jasmine asked

"I'm going to dress you in your Warrior clothes" umma smiled dragging the girl to the room of her parents, where appa lay comfortably in bed, shirtless

"um..." Jasmine said awkwardly

"yah! Do Kyungsoo! You get up and put some clothes on!" she shouted

"jamkamman, so appa's not wearing any shorts or something?" Jasmine asked only to get a shy chuckle in return "oh gross!"

"I told you we're still young" umma said getting some clothes from the closet. She threw one half at the sleepy man in bed and handed the other half to her daughter

"oh ew! I wanna puke just thinking about it!" Jasmine groaned

"just change into this" her umma said "the bathroom is over there"

"neh" she nodded going into the bathroom

"yah wake up and get changed dammit" Maerin said to D.O

"what happened to my sweet caring wife?" he asked putting on some pants

"you got me pregnant" she said flicking his head

"ow" D.O pouted "apo"

"mian" Maerin said and gave him a peck. He chuckled and put on his shirt just as Jasmine walked out in her Warrior outfit

"umma...appa..." Jasmine muttered looking at clothing "I look like a ...but I strangely look like Skarlet"

"Skarlet?" appa asked

"from Mortal Kombat" she said looking at the daggers strapped to her thigh

"this is your fighting outfit" umma said

"f-fighting outfit?" Jasmine asked "who am I going to fight?"

"you fight when you're in training" appa said and patted the empty space on the bed. She hesitantly went in the middle of her parents "are you scared to fight?"

"I've never fought anyone in my life" Jasmine muttered "what if I can't fight?"

"what nonsense is that?" umma asked "Do Jieun, you are the daughter of an EXO member and a Warrior, there is no way that you can't fight. It's in your blood"

"but I've never killed anyone before" she said "what if I can't do it?"

"I know killing isn't a good thing, but when it's for life or death? You'll do whatever it takes" appa said giving the young girl a hug "don't worry arachi? You'll be fine"

"neh appa" Jasmine nodded

"come on, give your umma and appa a hug" umma said

"um...umma and appa, you did it last night and appa didn't take a shower so...I'll pass" Jasmine said awkwardly

"Jieun-ah! We're here!" Hyunsoo said barging into the room "come on and take a look outside"

"okay oppa" Jasmine smiled and hopped off the bed running to the gear room

"look here" Soohyun giggled and sat the younger girl down

"woah...this place looks...different" Jasmine said "a good different"

"come on, I can't wait for you to meet everyone" Hyunsoo said grabbing the girl's hand and dragging her out of the ship

"jamkamman, when did you and unnie get changed?" Jasmine asked

"we flashed it a minute ago" he shrugged and helped her off the ship

"Prince Hyunsoo, welcome back to Mato" a boy said and bowed

"Jaehun-ah!" Hyunsoo beamed hugging the other boy. Jasmine coughed awkwardly

"damn, who is she? You look hot" Jaehun smirked "I'm Kim Jaehun, and you are?"

"totally not for you" Jasmine said crossing her arms

"aw come on-"

"yah, this is my baby sister from Earth, Jieun." Hyunsoo said "Jieun-ah, this is my idiot best friend Kim Jaehun. He's also the son of Himchan samchun"

"not really that to meet you, but I'll deal with it" Jasmine said "I'm...Jieun...but just call me Jasmine"

"I'd rather call you Princess" he smirked grabbing her hand and kissing it

"and I'd rather you not do that unless you want those lips ripped off and strapped to your " Jasmine glared putting a hand to her hip

"fiesty" Jaehun chuckled "I like em fiesty"

"yeah and I have a boyfriend" Jasmine said raising a brow

"eh, you two will be over with anyway, I mean. That mortal has no chance with me" Jaehun said


"stay out of this oppa" Jasmine said putting a hand in front of his face "that mortal is this guy named V, and if I'm correct - which I actually am - he's part of BTS"

"the..the ones from the Island?" Jaehun asked

"just let it go Kim Jaehun" Soohyun said glaring at the boy "you're a slob"

"and you're a " Jaehun said back

"yeah, I'm also the princess of this joint who can-"

"okay! ssangdungi, go show Jieun-ah the control room" Hyunsoo said

"ugh. I hate him" Soohyun said walking with Jasmine. Showing her all the surroundings and helping her bow to the others "and this! is the throne room"

"is that the gem?" Jasmine asked walking to the case in the front

"yup, the one and only" Soohyun said walking next to her "you met that jerk Kim Jaehun, he's Himchan samchun's son."

"is there more of him?" Jasmine asked "please tell me there isn't"

"he's the only jerk of the Kim offspring" Soohyun chuckled "don't worry, the other kids are cool. They range the age of 2-22. Our cousins are particularly the best"

"why are you bragging about us cousin?" a boy asked 

"and welcome back noona" another one smiled

"oppa, Inguk-ah, this is Jieun" Soohyun said

"finally, it's great to meet you Jieun, I'm Rongguk. Just call me oppa, this is my little brother Inguk. We're your cousins" Rongguk said

"they're Yongguk samchun's kids" Soohyun said

"how many other kids do I have to meet? I'm not much a people person...unless I know them for a while" Jasmine muttered

"well...Himchan samchun has Jaehun and Minchan, Daehyun samchun has Mihyun, Youngjae samchun has Jr, Lihei, Hana, and Yushen, Jongup samchun has Jonghyun and Jungmi, and Zelo samchun has Wonhong" Rongguk said

"so...10 more kids" Jasmine said

"on umma's side of the family" Soohyun said "B1A4 has a two kids each so add 10 more"

"and EXO samchuns have at least 13, not counting your appa" Rongguk said

"ugh people" Jasmine muttered

"annyeong noona, I'm Inguk" the little boy smiled at her

"annyeong, I'm Jieun noona" Jasmine smiled

"you're letting him call you Jieun, aww" Soohyun said

"oh? Appa's looking for all of us. I think it's time for you meet BAP Jieun-ah" Rongguk said dragging the younger girl away


A/N OMFG GUYS I CAN'T! I was watching Infinite on Weekly Idol then I saw EXO's going on it next week! AND THEN! I found out BAP was gonna go on it soon too! GUYS! EXO AND BAP on Weekly Idol! THE FEELS MAN THE FEELS! Okay

Bai bai!

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)