40) Going Home

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl

Narrator's POV

The sky was bright and blue, the sun was shining, the animals were wandering around, flowers healthy and beautiful, Mato planet looked as if it was restored to its normal self. Jasmine was currently up in her room sighing as she stared at the ceiling, contemplating on her tempting thoughts.

"Jieun-ah?" a voice asked interrupting her thoughts. The girl jumped a little before turning to the small monitor next to the door

"is she even inside?" Soohyun asked

"molla, I can't find her anywhere though" Hyunsoo responded

"pabo-ya, what if she's not there?" she said smacking the back of his head

"I'm here" Jasmine said letting them in her room

"did we wake you Jieun?" Hyunsoo asked as the two entered

"aniyo, I was up since sunrise" the younger girl groaned before going back to her bed

"wae?" Soohyun asked sitting down next to her

"just...you know, thinking" Jasmine muttered "so why are oppa and unnie here?"

"we know that you're thinking of going back to Earth now" Soohyun said

"what?" she asked turning to them

"there's nothing for you to do here now. Your job is done. We're pretty certain that you wanna go back to Earth" Hyunsoo agreed sitting down on the other side of Jasmine. The girl sighed before sitting up

"I want to go back, but I don't want to at the same time" Jasmine groaned "I actually really love it here. Besides, it's the place of you guys, my birth, my family-"

"but we're not your only family" Soohyun said putting a hand on her shoulder "you have your family that actually raised you and loved you as a child. You also have V on Earth. You can come back here anytime, V and your brother Kevin, they need to have special reasons to come."

"but what about here? I mean, I possess the gem. What if something bad happens? What about you two? umma and appa-"

"we'll be fine Jieun-ah" Hyunsoo assured "go back to Earth, really. We'll always be watching with you. You're not meant to stay here anyway. Mato may be your planet, but Earth is your home"

"I'll really miss you" Jasmine whispered hugging the two. The twins softened tightly hugging her back

"we'll miss you too sis" they said in unison, letting one tear fall from each of their eyes

"if you ever need us, just ring" Soohyun said pointing to the lively matoki on the dresser

"I will" Jasmine nodded "come visit me too"

"promise" Hyunsoo smiled ruffling her hair "we should probably get going, umma and appa finished setting up your ship back"

"they what?" Jasmine asked

"they knew that you were going to choose going back to Earth whether we came her to talk to you or not" Soohyun said as the 3 closed the door and went to the lift off of the head quarters. They saw the group of familiar people conversing until letting silence fall between them with the sight of the girl. The first to run and give her a hug was A-Pink

"we'll really miss you Jaz. Sadly we can't go back to Earth because our mission is done. Hope you'll have new friends to hang with" Chorong spoke for her members

"don't worry about it. I do" Jasmine said her mind imagining Teen Top. She brought her attention back to the 6 girls in front of her who looked like they were about to cry at any moment. To be honest, she was too "I'll miss you girls so much. Even though you guys are basically decoys, you were my first and best friends. You stuck with me through thick and thin. Thank you"

That did it for Eunji as she broke into tears, Bomi and Naeun following her not long after Jasmine finished her words

"I'm gonna miss you" Eunji managed through her sobs and pulled Jasmine in a tight hug. After some prying from A-Pink, they finally managed to get Eunji off of Jasmine. She next faced B1A4

"It was nice at least seeing you grown up Jieun-ah, we can die in peace now" Jinyoung smiled ruffling her hair

"komawo samchuns" Jasmine said giving them a smile

"come back soon okay?" Baro said gaining a nod from the girl. She then faced B.A.P and EXO who were looking at her with blurry eyes. Sometimes, Jasmine didn't know if they were her uncles, or kids she was trying to act mature with

"have fun on Earth. Get me a grandchild" Yongguk said first

"oppa!" Maerin protested

"samchun!" Jasmine shouted at the same time 

"she's too young for that hyung" D.O shook his head

"oh come on, don't lie. You want a grandchild too. Besides, V's good looking-"

"you're only saying that because he resembles you" Chanyeol said rolling his eyes at Baekhyun

"ahem, he looks like Daehyun too. I mean, they'll make great babies" Baekhyun said

"samchun!" Jasmine screamed at him

"anyway, be safe kiddo, come back for us" Lay said excusing the other EXO members

"don't forget about us~" Youngjae sang

"use a " Kris reminded

"oh my God. Are you sure you are really my uncles?" she asked

"Yep. And we'll be grandparents pretty soon~" Tao sang getting a glare "what? Hyunsoo and Soohyun aren't doing any work if you ask me"

"samchun!" the twins protested

"alright, say goodbye to BTS now while I go hit these idiot uncles of yours in the head" Daehyun smiled before patting her shoulder. Jasmine nodded and turned to the silent 6 boys

"tell V we say hi" Jin said

"and that we miss him" Jimin added

"I'm sure he misses you guys too" Jasmine said

"not as much as he misses you" Suga muttered making the girl roll her eyes

"come to Earth and visit us some time okay? I'm sure V'd appreciate a visit from his brothers" Jasmine said

"we will. No hesitation, we'll visit" Rap Monster nodded

"be a good boy Cookie, listen to your hyungs and behave" Jasmine said scolding the maknae who was playing with J-Hope

"neh noona" Jungkook nodded. Lastly, Jasmine turned to her parents

"thank you" she said "for everything"

"no...thank you. We would have been dead right now if you didn't have such a kind heart and help us" Maerin said giving her daughter a hug

"what should I do with the gem?" Jasmine asked taking it from her neck

"keep it" D.O said "it's safer with you than with us. You are the owner of it anyway. Just make sure to come back here soon"

"I will appa" Jasmine nodded before giving him a hug. He smiled at her before gesturing his daughter to enter the ship

"we love you Jieun. Be careful" Maerin called out

"I will. I love you too" Jasmine said before closing the ship door and making her way back to Earth.


V ran his fingers through his curled hair as he walked around the city. Stopping at a familiar park, a smile crept onto his face as memories started to flood in his head. Sure, it was lonely without his hyungs and dongsaeng, he was especially lonely because Jasmine was no longer with him, but he survived. V's been banging his head at the loss of his powers, he really is just a mortal now. The boy sighed, sitting down at the very bench where he and Jasmine shared their first kiss. V's heart started to ache, he could practically hear her voice

"V-ah!" Jasmine beamed shouting the familiar figure on the bench

"aish chincha. Kim Taehyung you're going crazy" V muttered to himself, shaking his head

"yah! Kim Taehyung!" she screamed running towards him. V blinked his eyes at the approaching girl

"wow...I even see her now. I must be dreaming" he said as she neared

"yah" Jasmine pouted "do you not remember your own girlfriend?"

"are you real?" he asked, his eyes widening

"yes I'm real, you pabo-ya. I just arrived" she said lightly smacking his arm. V just blankly stared at the girl "so...are you just gonna stand there...or what?"

"jagiya!" V shouted attacking her in a hug, finally regaining his senses "I missed you~"

"nado" Jasmine smiled hugging him back

"why are you back?" he asked once pulling away

"I had no more business to do in Mato anyway, besides you're here" she said cheekily

"I thought that you would want to stay there" V said

"I admit it was a hard choice, but how could I leave you here?" Jasmine asked. He flashed her a smile before pulling her in a deep lip-lock.

"I'm happy you're back" V whispered quickly pecking her cheek "but will you visit?"

"EXO and B.A.P said not to come back until they have their grandchildren, so...molla" Jasmine shrugged letting go of his hand "I'm gonna go visit Kevin oppa. I'll see you later jagi"

"They'll have their grandchildren alright" V smirked watching his girlfriend run off.


A/N THE END! OMFG THIS IS THE END LIKE OMFG! Woah....wow. I just wanna say THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO SO SO SOO MUCH for reading this story and staying with me till the end :) I love you all so much~

Me just wanna share a little bit of my life, cuz...yeah...Okay so me and my friend's ex went out for a bit then broke up. I was happy that my friend didn't take it to heart. Then I like poured out all of my hidden feelings for my first ex - the guy that my friends were all over and - and I think I made things more awkward between us. o_o oh well. Oh! So apparently, my best friend was cheating on her ex with my first ex and my first ex was cheating on me with my best friend. Messed up doe. Messed up . I also have a new student in my class, he's cute, he's Koreannn, but he's also super blunt and that's like his ugly personality, but he's cute...so...yea. I also hung out with my friend that I sorta liked, even though he had a girlfriend. My friends are like teasing me now because of him and I'm like "guh! I don't like dat nigga! He has a girlfriend, you cray?!" but they still think that I like him -__- wtf? Okay das enough of my messed up life. My birfdai's next week guise :3 ohhhh~

If you guys have an Instagram, lez follow each other~

Follow me @rach4infinity

So yea, thank you for reading. I love you all so much. Can't wait for Teen Top's comeback next week. Hugs and Kisses from the one and only me. For the last time in this story....

Bai bai!

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)