30) Meeting EXO

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl

Narrator's POV

Jimin and Jasmine ran into the throne room to be greeted 12 men dressed in uniform talking to B.A.P and the King and Queen

"I'm going to go now. BTS, A-Pink, and B1A4 are going to the control room" Jimin said patting her shoulder before leaving. Jasmine watched the 19 people interact before she knocked on the door

"umma, appa, Jimin said that you wanted me" Jasmine said coming in

"oh! Jieun-ah, these are my brothers. Well...not blood related, but we're sort of like brothers" D.O said

"is this little Jieunnie?" a tall man with pale blonde hair asked

"hyung introduce yourself first" another boy said and 11 boys faced Jasmine.

"We Are ONE! Annyeonghaseyo, EXO imnida" they bowed - including the King

"appa, I already know who you are" Jasmine said

"arayo, I just...you know...wanted to do it again for old time's sake" D.O said awkwardly

"just sit by umma" she shook her head

"yeah appa, just sit by umma" a boy said teasing D.O

"and uh...I don't mean to be rude or anything, this is just me, but uh. Why are y'all wearing school uniforms? Like aren't you guys done with school? and aren't you guys old?" Jasmine asked crossing her arms

"hurtful" another boy muttered as B.A.P was trying to conceal their laughter

"B.A.P samchuns, I hear you laughing" Jasmine said making them shut up

"well...you're a fierce little girl" a guy with dimples said

"I'm not little" Jasmine clarified

"yah, you guys should introduce yourselves individually" Maerin chuckled

"no need" Jasmine told her mother "I'm starting to recall them from the paper unnie and oppa gave me"

"what paper?" everyone asked

"they were teaching me about Mato and EXO Planets" Jasmine answered and walked up to EXO who was towering over her "Kris, Suho, Baekhyun, Xiu Min, Chanyeol, Luhan, Kai, Lay, Sehun, Chen, Tao. right?"

"right..." Baekhyun muttered

"wrong" Kai said

"what's wrong? I'm right" Jasmine said

"aniyo, we're samchuns" Kai said                                                                  

"oh god fine. Kris, Suho, Baekhyun, Xiu Min, Chanyeol, Luhan, Kai, Lay, Sehun, Chen, and Tao samchuns" Jasmine said and turned to Kai "happy?"

"yup" he nodded

"and of course, there's appa" Jasmine smiled in his direction

"I don't recall you ever being sassy" Xiu Min said

"eh" she shrugged

"well you definitely look like a Warrior-"

"damn right she does!" Yongguk yelled interrupting Lay

"but she looks more like an Exotic" Chanyeol said

"oh hell naw" Himchan said "you better take that back Park Chanyeol"

"or what?" Chanyeol asked

"you don't know I can do up my sleeve boy. If I were you, I would put your car in reverse before I smash it with my matoki" Himchan said "anyways, don't you see her? She looks exactly like her mother"

"nuh uh! She looks like D.O hyung!" Sehun shouted. With that, EXO and B.A.P started childishly bickering

"are you sure you guys are older than me?" Jasmine asked silencing them

"sadly" her appa said

"well...I guess it was nice meeting you...?" she asked slowly backing away "I have some business to do with uh...yeah"

"you've grown a lot Jieun-ah" Suho said giving her a smile

"kamshamnida samchun" she waved before leaving to find BTS

"is it me or is she sorta bipolar?" Chen asked

"or two-faced" Tao shrugged

"whatever she is, it's great that we're finally meeting her" Luhan said "right?"

"right" Sehun agreed "you definitely won't be bored with Jieun"

"have you told her when the first task starts?" Kris asked her parents

"aniyo" Maerin sighed "I'm not sure if I should tell her"

"if you don't tell her, that will be even worse because then it could happen while she's sleeping or eating or anything. It's better to tell her noona" Jongup said

"Jongup's right" D.O said to his wife

"but she'll live in anxiety and fear for the moment of the task to come" Maerin defended

"Maerin-ah, you should tell her" Baekhyun said "tell her after dinner tonight. It will give a good few days notice"

"trust us Mae" Yongguk pleaded to his sister "I know she's your daughter and you probably will know what's best for her, but Jieun knew that she was going to face many difficulties. She could have backed away from this and let our planets suffer, but she left Earth, she left her family, and she left her love. Just to help us."

"I know-"

"do you know what that means? It means that she's accepting her true identity. The least we can do is tell her the truth of what is to come" Yongguk said fairly convincing his sister

"fine. I'll tell her after dinner" Maerin said                                        

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)