23) The Decision

Mato and EXO's Trouble Girl

Narrator's POV

Jasmine sat on the grass peacefully, contemplating on what would happen next

"aish chincha! Why is life so hard?!" she yelled to no one in particular. Her ringtone interrupted the deep thoughts as she answered the call "yeobosayo?"

"Jasmine-ah" V said. By his tone of voice, Jasmine could tell that he had crying, she decided to ignore it

"oh V-ah, what's up?" she tried to ask as nonchalantly as she can

"uh let's go out today. I have something important to tell you" he muttered

"yeah sure. What time?" Jasmine said standing up and brushing the grass off of her

"I'll pick you up at U-Kiss's dorm at 5" V said

"jamkamman" Jasmine said preventing him from hanging up "let's meet at the park by Seoul High Academy"

"if that's what you want, okay" V said "oh and wear something pretty jagi"

"okay, bye" she said "saranghae"

"n-nado saranghae..." V muttered before hanging up. Jasmine sighed before walking back to U-Kiss's dorm

"oh? Jaz-ah, you're back so soon? Where's Kevin?" Kiseop asked

"Kevin oppa's at home...I have a date later so I'm going to get ready" she said going to her room. Jasmine looked at the time, 2 o'clock. After taking another shower to get rid of her sweat, she took the next hour to fix her hair and makeup, choose her outfit, shoes, and accessories. Something in her gut made her feel that this was going to be the last date she'd have with V.


"oooh~ someone's trying to impress a boy" Hoon teased the girl who was looking at herself in the mirror

"what time is it oppa?" Jasmine asked

"almost 4" he said

"I gotta get going then" Jasmine said leaving her room "oppa, when you see Kev oppa, give him this"

"igeo bwoyah?" Hoon asked taking the envelope from her hand

"it's nothing, just give it to him, please?" she asked with a small voice

"sure" Hoon smiled. Jasmine forced a smile and gave him a hug along with the other members

"I'll miss you oppas" she said

"we'll miss you too" AJ said "but you're only gonna gone for a few hours"

"yeah, but still" Jasmine muttered waving goodbye. She walked to the park, her steps getting heavier as she neared her destination. Once arrived, it was nearly 5. She sat down on the park bench next to the dented tree. After a few minutes, she spotted the familiar figure of her boyfriend

"I swear everytime I see you, you get prettier" V smiled greeting her with a sweet kiss

"and you're as cute as ever" Jasmine smiled at him "so what did you need to talk to me about?"

"um, the King and Queen talked to me about us-"

"I know..appa told me" she muttered

"they gave me a decision, I already have my mind made up, but I wanted to tell you some things" he said

"what is it?" Jasmine asked

"first of all, I'm not a mortal. I come from this island called Bangtan. I was made from the dirt and grounds of my island. I lived in the time when your umma and appa were still your age. I'm your unnie's godfather. Your parents sent A-Pink...I mean Cheer Star and BTS to Earth to watch over you, but I fell in love with you...even though that was something I shouldn't have done" V said silencing the girl "because I am an essence of the past, when you go back to Mato, I shall not be there even though rest of BTS will be present. You have to rule and save EXO and Mato, when you do that, I can't be there. I was given two choices. To give up our love and return to being my true self, or to stay on Earth, lose all of my powers, my immortality, keep my memories, but be able to stay with you."

"is there a way for you to be with me and go back?" she asked feeling herself tear up. He sighed slowly shaking his head "then...what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to stay here on Earth" he said "as much as the news pained my brothers and everyone else I have gotten to know and love, I can't give you up...even though the tasks you will have to do is enough to kill me already"

"wae? what do I have to do?" Jasmine asked

"I'm sorry...but I cannot say" V said letting tears fall down his cheeks

"I'm not going then, I'm going to stay here with you" she said tightly grasping his hands

"no you're not" V said looking into her eyes "you finally discovered who you are. You are going to save your family, your planets, your people. Only you can do that. When all of it is done, you can come back here and have a life with me. Please Jasmine, help your nature first then love me"

"but V-"

"promise me you'll help them" he whispered

"I...I promise" Jasmine strained to say. He gave her a smile before kissing her deeply

"you know where to go now" he said putting a strand of hair behind her ear

"neh" she nodded

"I love you so much" V said and helped her stand up

"I love you too" she said before running off

"one day Jieun" he said to no one. Jasmine was running to find her birth parents, while fighting the urge to run back to her boyfriend

"aish. Where could they be?" she asked herself stopping to catch her breath. Closing her eyes, she thought hard "appa...umma...unnie...oppa...where are you?"

"right in front of you" a woman's voice said. The young girl opened her eyes to be in room with her birth family

"we've been expecting you to come Jieun" Soohyun said. Jasmine only nodded her head and looked at D.O who was giving her a curt, but fatherly nod

"I'll go back to the planets with you" she muttered

"thank you" Maerin - her mother - said. She engulfed her youngest daughter in a hug "thank you so much"

"let's not waste any time then" Jasmine said pulling away "let's go"

"right now?" Hyunsoo asked and she nodded. Pulling out the matoki she got from her foster parents, she pressed the button and the 5 went in the space-ship. An unfamiliar matoki was on the front of it

 (A/N This photo is not mine. Credits to whoever made it)

"so this is my matoki" Jasmine muttered looking at it in awe

"it's been at the palace ever since we sent you to Earth" Soohyun said as their parents navigated it to Mato Planet

"are you ready to see home?" Hyunsoo asked Jasmine

"neh" Jasmine muttered fiddling with the ring on her finger. She looked outside the spaceship one more time before it blasted off into the air


A/N Hey guys! Been listening to Badman for the past like...idk hours but I've been like dying under them for the longest time. Ugh the feels! I don't know why, but my feels for BAP and EXO have just exploded x10000000. Like I'm finding Lay's part in Growl like one of the iest things ever and Daehyun's opening lyrics to Badman was just unfff. I can't believe my orientation for my off-level advanced honors geometry is on Friday! I don't want school to start! Plus...I have to buy a $100+ graphing calculator! I'd rather use that money for BAP and EXO! Like fo sho! Ugh enough of this author's note. Bai bai!


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 43: Awww this fanfic was so cuteee, although I'm sad that V lost all his powers and has to be separated from BTS. This fanfic really made me laugh, thanks for the amazing read! Hwaiting~! <3
margiegarcia #2
Chapter 43: I love jasmine's personality sooooooo much she is a cool character. Plus I like the design of her bunny.=)
Chapter 43: Sooo sequl with jaz&v babies??? please?
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 43: Gosh I totally love this story!!!!
14 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hehe V^^ that was cute ^^ BAP told jieun to visit them when they have a grandchild xD
Shrfhaldrs #6
Chapter 43: Eonni~can you pls take a pic of that korean guy and sent it to me i want to see how cute he is^^
Chapter 43: Oh my god, I really really love this story and the first one too! I know I'm asking too much, but can you make another sequel? If you have time of course! You're a great author, and your stories are just amazing! <3
Chapter 43: ... Please make more. Like this. I liked it a lot. Your a good author :-)