Seaching For You

Don't Say Goodbye

Hebe woke up and looked out  at the window.The sun is starting to come out.She was starting to adjust to Taiwan's took her a while to adjust to the new time zone.Today is her first day in school.New school,new environment but this is nothing new to Hebe.She felt like she was being thrown from one place to another.

The only thing that is keeping her now that they are here is the possibility of seeing her brother again and Yesung again.It has been five years she has last seen them.The day when she left the orphanage.Her adoptive parents and Selina promised her that they are going to visit the orphanage again and see her brother and her friends again.But their promise never did come true.They have to leave to America right after she was adopted.And she never see her brother and Yesung again.

They must be grown up now,just like her.Jiro is already eighteen and he must be a real man now and Yesung her best friend then is also a teen ager at fifteen.She wondered if he looked the same just like then.She wondered if he has continued his singing and his music.Dad after day and her thoughts are always on them.Even though Selina is the sweetest thing as a sister,she missed the company of the boys,their rough ways and their funny jokes all the time.

She got up and get ready for school.Selina is now in college now,so she doesn't have the security of her company now.She has to stand on her own and face everything by herself.She is going to attend an all girls school.One that is supposed to be prestigious and well known for all the children of rich parents send their daughter over there.Now she got everything that she wants,new clothes,new shoes,big allowances fron her adoptive parents,a personal maid to attend to her needs and even a driver to drive her to any place that she needs to go.

Her adoptive parents business went big eversince they adopted her and they thought that her presence in their family brought them an enermous luck.They cater to her whims except for one thing and that is to see her brother and see her friends and go back to the orphanage.They are afraid that they going to lose her once she found her brother and her friend.The Uncle won't be looking for her now for he got paid already and he has waivered the rights to her and her brother.

"Good morning Mom,Dad" Hebe said in greeting to her parents.

"Ah you are up early. You must be excited to see your new school." Mrs Ren said."I am sure you are going to have lots of fun."

"Yes,I am quite excited,and it has been a while since we are home." Hebe said."it will be quite an adjustment to me again."

"You will do well.I have no doubts about that." Mr Ren said."Selina is still in bed ,I assume?"

"Yes her class doesn't start until mid morning." Hebe answered."Can I go out to shop after school?"

"Sure,just bring your maid with you.I don't want you walking alone by yourself." Mrs Ren said.

"But do I always have to go with her?" Hebe said with a pout in her lips."Can't I go by myself?"

"You know the answer to that.No,it is for your own safety." Her Mom answered.

"Alright then.I am going now.Bye Mom ,Bye Dad."Hebe said as she left for school.

The school as expected was big and prestigious.Girls with silver spoon on their mouth driven by uniformed chauffer and in their luxurious car went by as they deliver their student inside.The building was huge ,big corridors,majestic entrance.Hebe walked inside the students affairs office with confidence  to check her class and schedules.Five years in America and it has given her enough confidence to carry herself no matter who is in front of her.

"I am Hebe Ren Fu Zhen.I am here to get my schedules and class." she said in introduction

"Ah you are the transferee from America.We are expecting you,and here is your schedule.If you need anything just let us know." Mrs So said."Your classroom is just straight ahead towards the end.Mr Lee is your adviser,so if you need anything don't hesitate to tell him."

Hebe nodded her head and smile at her."Thank you Maam" she answered as she walked out of the office.She went straight up to her classroom. and the class is almost full.It seems like everybody knows everybody else except her.They all look at her as she walk in.

Just then Mr Lee came in as everybody's ateention was turned to him."Good morning Sir." as everybody said in unison.

Hebe looked at him and then walked to him in front and gave her paper.He took it without much of a glance.He loked strict and mean.

"Ah Miss Ren,you are the transferee from America?" he said it aloud."Alright find your seat somewhere.,and I am going to assigned somebody to help you out on your first day."

He looked out at his class and pointed her to seat on the seat at the nd by the window next to a cute beautiful girl."You can take the seat over their and Miss Rainie Yang will help you out today."

"Me? Why me?" Rainie said in protest.

"You know this place more than anybody else.So I expect you to do your job." Mr Lee said.

"Yes sir." Rainie said unsmiling."Now my day is ruin." she said under her breath.

Hebe just smiled at her."Don't worry I won't hold you up.You don't have to show me around." she said."I am fine on my own."

Rainie smiled at her."Thanks." as they concentrate on their studies for the day....

By lunch time as Hebe wandered around the school and corridors.She saw the poster by the student center.There is a welcome program for start of the new school year,and they have a band and some minor celebrities invited for the occasion....and as she read the name....and it say Kim Jong Woon  and she only knows one person who got that name....and she wondered if it is possible that it can be him.She can feel her heart beating so wild.Could it be Yesung? Her friend from the orphanage......Is it possible that he also knew the whereabouts of her brother Jiro? hebe felt so excited...she was never been this excited in her lifetime.....She will find them and yes she is going to see them again....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
congrats! ^^
Congrats ^^
congratulations :D
congrats dear c:
babyhun #9
this looks promising~
Infinite_8 #10
congratulations ^^