Jiro and Hebe {Seeing You Again}

Don't Say Goodbye

As Jiro hugged his sister Hebe after a long time and Yesung looked at them.Yesung smiling and he can't help but be happy for the siblings.Finally they have found each other.

"I have so many stories to tell you." Hebe said."So many to share .I miss both of you too much." as she wiped away the tears on her face.

Jiro smiling but with tears in his eyes also."Me too i have so many stories to tell you.You should come with us in our apartment."

And then Hebe remembered Selina,she will be coming soon to pick her up.She doesn't think that she will agree to hang up with Jiro and yesung at this late of the day.And she was afraid that she will their their parents,and then end up forbidding her to see them.She thought of something...

"Jiro I can't come with you tonight but I will come and see you tomorrow.Just give me your address and your cell phone number.I will call you.I promise." Hebe said.

"What is wrong?You cannot come with us today." Jiro asked.

"Yes Hebe come with us now.We have alot to catch up." Yesung said.

"Selina is coming and she may not like the idea of seeing you again and hanging with you.My adoptive parents doesn't want me to get in touch with my past anymore." Hebe said.

"But I am your brother.we are of the same blood.Your true family." Jiro said.

" I know but in the eyes of law,they are my family now,Jiro." Hebe said."I am so sorrry.Promise I will see you tomorrow.You won't lose me this time."

Jiro realized that what Hebe is saying is true.he can be the true brother but she now belong to Ren family  and him in another .

"We just found each other,and we can't even talk for a longer time.Promise me Hebe ,you will call me,and we will see each other again tomorrow." Jiro said.

"I will,I will make a way to see you and Yesung tomorrow." as she waved her hand to them.The auditorium is almost empty now and Selina must be wondering where she was.And true emough when she turn to the corner,Selina was there and was looking for her.

"Hebe where have you been?I have been looking for you." Selina said."Sorry I was late for the programI have to finish up my project."

"It is alright.I don't really have to wait that long." Hebe said.She wants to tell Selina that she has found her brother but she was afaraid that she might say no,if she asked premission to see them.She might stop her from seeing them.

"Come on let us go.it is getting late,Mom and dad must be wondering where we are right now," Selina said as she took Hebe's hand.

All the way home,Hebe can only think of Jiro her brother and her best friend Yesung,she can't wait for tomorrow to come....it will be just liek old times,taliking to them and hanging up with them ,just like in the orphanage......as a smile came to her....

Selina saw the smile on her sister's face.She has not seen that kind of smile before.She wondered what could be the reason of Hebe's smile and her happiness.She is happy that finally her sis ter is happy,really happy this time......after a long time...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
congrats! ^^
Congrats ^^
congratulations :D
congrats dear c:
babyhun #9
this looks promising~
Infinite_8 #10
congratulations ^^