Why did you leave?

We are paired by FATE

Kris pulled Rachel into a dark room, locked the door, turn on the lights and stared at her,scanning her from top to bottom. Her looks, the personality she had now, and everything that he missed so much...
She had change,from the short girl that always get lost in the mall when shopping with him and follows him everywhere and is always cheerful and chirpy, she had changed into a cold, emotionless quiet woman that haven't spoke or have any facial expression since he met her. Of course, to Kris, Rachel was still short.

Kris couldn't bear the awkward quietness anymore. He chose to say something.  ''Park Rachel-sshi ah, why did you leave me, and the school that time?'' 

Rachel just stood there,shivering a bit, but Kris didn't notice ''Like I've said before, I have no more interest in you anymore.I found you plain boring and I decided to end our relationship.''

''You're lying, liar.''Kris said without hesitation.   ''If what you said was true, why did you quit Dongkwang? If you said to avoid me, why didn't you quit the school when Minhyuk broke up with you? Think of a better excuse Rachel ah...''

''Its none of your business,when I decide to leave the school, we're not in a relationship anymore so its none of your business.'' Rachel's voice became shaky. She hated the feeling, when the past was brought up again,especially by the main cause, Kris Wu Fan...... She spent years of hard work, hard time, to build up an ice wall around her heart, making her be cold, emotionless and distant, so she could stay strong to the cruel world, and she didn't want the wall to break.

''............ Well I.......'' Kris tried thinking of a reply, he did'nt want to accept the fact that what she does was none of his business anymore. And he did'nt want to accept the fact that Rachel was'nt his anymore, although they already had their break up since years ago. Sweat trickled down his forehead, as he focused desperately to think about what he should say.

Chance! When Kris began to stutter, Rachel dashed out of the room, leaving Kris behind. She started to run, kept on running. She does'nt know where she's going, but she had to escape from Kris, as far sa possible.





Haha, I heard from Colin.C  that I had two new suscribers, I got so excited that I started to write a new chapter on a Sunday noon. Haha~ Some spelling mistakes I suppose, since I type very fast and too lazy to check, sorry, but I'm sure you could understand...





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kpopdiva_JJN #1
Chapter 20: Can you add in the chapters of the other couples?
kaixuan #2
Chapter 20: Please also include the school performance and one short of other couples ~~ Thanks !
kpopdiva_JJN #3
Chapter 16: Celest's bias: Baekhyun, Chanyeol
Zye's bias: Suho
Claudia: Tao
awesomefics000 #4
I like Rachel most, followed by Celest and Haniza. These are my top three Bias, and for EXO,Kris, Chanyeol and Kai. Who is this by the way? Thanks for liking this fanfic! I would appreciate it if you could like Oceania's page too!


Thanks for supporting @kpopdiva_JJN
kpopdiva_JJN #5
Chapter 14: Who is ur oceania bias?
awesomefics000 #6
Sorry I'm not accepting any requests now till I finish the story.And as I've mentioned, The special chapters will slowly be slot in,so please don't rush me.I have Olevels too. And I want to focus writing on my Oceania and EXO biases first.Thanks!
kpopdiva_JJN #7
Chapter 14: Please please write a special chapter on Chanest!! :)
kpopdiva_JJN #8
Chapter 14: Krachel
awesomefics000 #9
Luhan and Zye:HanYe
Angela and Tao:???
Chanyeol and Celest:Chanest
Rachel and Kris:???
Haniza and Kai: Kainiza
Claudia and Suho:Sudia

Left Rachel's and Angela's
kpopdiva_JJN #10
Chapter 12: Kainiza
