Haniza's Day Part 1 :)

We are paired by FATE

It was a new day, the sky was clear, and the sun shone brightly… (Ok, I’ll cut talking about this crap; this is what all Chinese teacher make us write for start of a story right? P.S. Don’t trust me, my Chinese . Now back to the story…)

Haniza yawned and crawled out of her bed lazily. “Again, school. Boring guys admiring me, stupid girls hating me…” She muttered to herself. Haniza’s parents weren’t at home, they never was. Even their maid was sick and tired of cleaning her parents’ room as her parents were hardly at home. Indeed, the three story mansion was TOO big for her to live alone, but she had no choice.

After breakfast, she picked up her school bag and set off to school. She politely refused the ride to school which the driver offered, which made him quite upset. He got his pay for doing nothing. He was hired to drive, but for no one. The driver sadly shook his head; he was wasting his life, yet not.

Haniza breathed in the fresh air as she stepped out. She loved walking to school, as it was relaxing, enjoying the fresh air, and taking her time. Turning around the corner, she bumped into this guy called KAI.

“Hey kiddo! Slept well?” Kai asked, with a smirk. Haniza blushed, and nodded her head. It was like heaven for Haniza to meet the guy she liked at the start of the day, and she had butterflies in her stomach, every time she met him. Somehow she felt that there was this paintbrush, bringing colors into her life…



OK my dear readers and subscribers; this is the first Special story for the other Oceania members, since is mainly focusing on Kris and Rachel’s love story, feat. Baekhyun and Chen.

For the other member’s special story, I will be updating it between the chapters of kay? So keep on checking!

I update at least one chapter a day, except weekends. So do come and check this story EVERY DAY~~~~And subscribe, subscribe, subscribe!!!!!!! Love you all!



Readers and Suscribers please comment on your ideas of Oceania and EXO's pairing name?

Eg: Kris + Rachel= Krisel???????

     Suho + Claudia= Sudia ??????<<< z I know, so please give me ideas by commenting!!!!! Its VERY IMPORTANT, if not, I REALLY CANNOT update the chapters!!!!!! Please? And thanks! Love ya all!

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kpopdiva_JJN #1
Chapter 20: Can you add in the chapters of the other couples?
kaixuan #2
Chapter 20: Please also include the school performance and one short of other couples ~~ Thanks !
kpopdiva_JJN #3
Chapter 16: Celest's bias: Baekhyun, Chanyeol
Zye's bias: Suho
Claudia: Tao
awesomefics000 #4
I like Rachel most, followed by Celest and Haniza. These are my top three Bias, and for EXO,Kris, Chanyeol and Kai. Who is this by the way? Thanks for liking this fanfic! I would appreciate it if you could like Oceania's page too!


Thanks for supporting @kpopdiva_JJN
kpopdiva_JJN #5
Chapter 14: Who is ur oceania bias?
awesomefics000 #6
Sorry I'm not accepting any requests now till I finish the story.And as I've mentioned, The special chapters will slowly be slot in,so please don't rush me.I have Olevels too. And I want to focus writing on my Oceania and EXO biases first.Thanks!
kpopdiva_JJN #7
Chapter 14: Please please write a special chapter on Chanest!! :)
kpopdiva_JJN #8
Chapter 14: Krachel
awesomefics000 #9
Luhan and Zye:HanYe
Angela and Tao:???
Chanyeol and Celest:Chanest
Rachel and Kris:???
Haniza and Kai: Kainiza
Claudia and Suho:Sudia

Left Rachel's and Angela's
kpopdiva_JJN #10
Chapter 12: Kainiza
