Feelings still mutual?

We are paired by FATE

When the principal left, EXO and Oceania sat down in a circle, Suho starts to demonstrate his leadership qualities by sorting things out with the huge group of 18 people.


"So... According to what our pairing is, in one week, the dance room will be for each pair/ group to practice for a day, and i have already sorted the time slots out...


Monday: Kris & Rachel                                                                  Tuesday: Chanyeol and Celest

Wednesday: Me and Zye                                                               Thursday: Kai and Haniza

Friday: Luhan and Angela                                                              Saturday: Tao and Claudia

Sunday: Both EXO & Oceania full group practice


You can also have private practice amongst yourselves too. We have about one month to the performance so everyone good luck! Let's put our hands together and cheer! Oh, our full group name shall be.... EXOCEANIA!!!!!! " When Suho finished his -forever lasting- speech with a huge laugh at the last part, the members of both teams stood up, put their hands together and... &*!@#$%?/!%$#@! F I G H T I N G ! ! !"

After the cheer, they left the dance room with their partner, giggling and laughing along the way. This left Kris and Rachel behind, and the atmostphere was horribly awkward...

When Rachel stood up and was about to leave, Kris pulled her wrist. His grab was so firm, yet gentle. Rachel stood/froze on the spot, trying to get her wrist out of Kris's hand, however, the pull got softer and softer, she didn't want to leave, honestly.

Seeing that Rachel wasn't struggling that much to leave anymore, Kris smiled and pulled her down. Rachel felt herself falling backwards. She landed on something, not the floor. It was Kris. Rachel is currently sitting on Kris's lap, while Kris enveloped Rachel into a hug. He missed the feeling so much.

Rachel's P.O.V

Oh my Gosh.... I'm sitting on Kris now... The feeling is so familiar... But what do I do know? Should I get off? But.... I don't want to. Should I stay? But I can't.... Do I still like Kris, after all these years? OF COURSE. But why? How can Kris just slap me the first time we met, after all these years of seperation? And most of all, is the feeling between us...... STILL MUTUAL?


"Rachel... Do you still like me?" a soft and gentle voice floated into her ear, she shivered at the warm air, and a small smile crept up onto her face. Memories slashed past in her head,


The days they shared one coffee ice-cream cone,

The days they sang duets with each other,

The days they walk back home together, hand in hand,

The days where Kris would always be there for her-----When she cried, when she was angry, when she is full of joy, whenever, wherever.....

The days that Kris would plant a kiss on her forehead, and she would use her textbook to hide her face.

The days where they would pass love notes to each other during lessons, sometimes they would get caught, and the teacher would read their confessions to each other aloud in class, earning looks from the other classmates........


But then, as it flows more and more, unhappy times came.

The day Rachel brought Kris home to meet her parents,

Her parents rejected Kris when he left, as he's poor.

Forced to break up, or she would be sent overseas for an arranged marridge,

The pain, ache, sufferings......

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kpopdiva_JJN #1
Chapter 20: Can you add in the chapters of the other couples?
kaixuan #2
Chapter 20: Please also include the school performance and one short of other couples ~~ Thanks !
kpopdiva_JJN #3
Chapter 16: Celest's bias: Baekhyun, Chanyeol
Zye's bias: Suho
Claudia: Tao
awesomefics000 #4
I like Rachel most, followed by Celest and Haniza. These are my top three Bias, and for EXO,Kris, Chanyeol and Kai. Who is this by the way? Thanks for liking this fanfic! I would appreciate it if you could like Oceania's page too!


Thanks for supporting @kpopdiva_JJN
kpopdiva_JJN #5
Chapter 14: Who is ur oceania bias?
awesomefics000 #6
Sorry I'm not accepting any requests now till I finish the story.And as I've mentioned, The special chapters will slowly be slot in,so please don't rush me.I have Olevels too. And I want to focus writing on my Oceania and EXO biases first.Thanks!
kpopdiva_JJN #7
Chapter 14: Please please write a special chapter on Chanest!! :)
kpopdiva_JJN #8
Chapter 14: Krachel
awesomefics000 #9
Luhan and Zye:HanYe
Angela and Tao:???
Chanyeol and Celest:Chanest
Rachel and Kris:???
Haniza and Kai: Kainiza
Claudia and Suho:Sudia

Left Rachel's and Angela's
kpopdiva_JJN #10
Chapter 12: Kainiza
