Stalker Dragon

We are paired by FATE

Finally, school ends. Walking as a group with EXO and the other Oceania members, they split up outside the school gates. Kai insisted on walking Haniza home, Chanyeol magically appeared to be Celest's neighbour. Luhan held hands with Zye and wanted to walk together to the MRT station, Suho called for a cab with Claudia as he wanted to have dinner with her. Angela and Tao went opposite directions, while continuing to curse each other while walking apart from each other.

"YA!! Angela Lee!!!!You are walking the opposite direction from your house!" Zye shouted at Angela who was stomping away at a fast pace.

"Who cares, I rather take a big loop than walk with a jerk!" Angela shouted back

"Ya idiot! Who's a jerk, you're stupid, idiotic, crazy and uglay!!!!!" Tao scremed at Angela, as he heard what she said from far away.

Other EXO members decided to walk around the city before going back, so they left quickly as well

"..............." Rachel just stared at her members and the EXO guys leaving one by one, and she started to walk herself home, to the foreign place she does'nt belong. Who knows, a pair of eyes secretly stared at her, spying every single move of hers, and so did that person, hid at corners, while following Rachel to where she was going....

Rachel started to listen to music, the usual ballad she listens, the only song in her phone . She hated the song, yet loved it. It was the song the person she hated played, yet also the song that brought her and the person she loved together... "Kris...."she mumbled, as a tear rolled down her cheek, images, past memories flowed in her head, it hurts, her head, her heart, her everything......

As she walked through a dark alley, a pair of hands came to stop from screaming, muffled her, and pulled her into a corner of the alley. Rachel was afraid, she was traumatized. What was happening, is she going to get kidnapped? Is she going to be ? What would her fate be like? Unconsiously, she muffled a person's name she never thought she would call for ever again "Yi Fan........Help, I need you" she said, unfortunately, was muffled tight,the "mystery person" could not understand what she said.

Rachel was pinned to the wall, and when the guy said:"Don't shout or scream, please... I won't do anything to you, I swear...", Rachel knew immediately, the voice she could'nt be more familiar with. KRIS.Rachel nodded her head, and the hand that was covered around left,and Rachel panted for air.

"Oh My Gosh Kris Wu Yi Fan how dare you ing dare to follow me where I am going you stalker and then make me unable to talk, then drag me and pinned me to a freaking wall? Who on earth do you think you are you ing Bastard! How can you treat me like this do you have any idea how scared I was? You knew  was scared, I freakin know you know that I'm scared of these stuff and yet you still do it to me, you heartless cold blooded pig head !!!!!"

Rachel ranted non-stop, till a pair of lips was smashed against hers. Rachel shot her eyes wide. "What....?" she said in the process of kissing. She tried to push the man in front of her, but she couldn't. She could have, but she didn't. She didn't struggle, but closed her ees instead, lost in the kiss, the feeling she had missed so much, she wanted so much. As she wrapped her arms around Kris's neck, she came back to her senses. She opened her eyes as she realised the situation in front of her now. She pushed away from the kiss, covered , and stared at the man in front of her. Kris was blushing, shocked at what he just did to Rachel. However, it was too dark for Rachel to see.

"Y..You're too noisy lah...Aish!" Kris stuttered.

"Who asked you to suddenly popp up and the scare and frighten me then after that you still grab me so hard like you are some sort of weird people,wait you ARE wei....." Her words were cut off when Kris said:"Want to get kissed again?" And with that, Rachel blushed and lowered her head. And the next second, she raised her head again, which amused Kris,as her emotions change too fast. "Then why you stalk me, you mad? I'm not even a star or something yet you stalk me? Shouldn't it be the other way round?"She asked.

"Why did you leave?" "Can you please stop asking me that the reason is clear" "That was just a lie, tell me the real one"  "I said, it is the reason so accept it even if you don't want to! Stop being so irreasonable Wu Yi Fan!" Rachel replied, sounding very annoyed, and she walked past Kris, wanting to continue her way baack home.

Kris grabbed Rachel by the arm. "Please........Rachel.......Please..........Don't leave me......."Kris plead, softly, voice shaky. However, Rachel shook his hand off and left without looking back



Rachel walked into her one room flat, located in a very worn down building, switched on the lights, and slumped down on the sofa, sorting out what has happened today.....


Kris P.O.V

I kissed her........ Ah, missed it so much.........Wait where is she going? Her home is in that "Haunted house" looking building? Gosh what happened? Isn't Rachel the precious daughter of the richest man in South Korea? Why is she living in this worn down place? Did she quarrel with her parents? No, impossible, she never goes against them, and her parents treats her like diamonds, pearls and gold. So why??? This is weird something is wrong.....Definately.


An awfully long chapter for my lovely suscribers and readers. YES, PLEASE SUSCRIBE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!And so how's the story so far? And Rachel shall end up with Kris???

Look forward to the next chapter Haniza, special for you...... PLEASE COMMENT AND SUSCRIBE SO I HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE MORE,LOVE YOU ALL GOODNIGHT!!!!

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kpopdiva_JJN #1
Chapter 20: Can you add in the chapters of the other couples?
kaixuan #2
Chapter 20: Please also include the school performance and one short of other couples ~~ Thanks !
kpopdiva_JJN #3
Chapter 16: Celest's bias: Baekhyun, Chanyeol
Zye's bias: Suho
Claudia: Tao
awesomefics000 #4
I like Rachel most, followed by Celest and Haniza. These are my top three Bias, and for EXO,Kris, Chanyeol and Kai. Who is this by the way? Thanks for liking this fanfic! I would appreciate it if you could like Oceania's page too!

Thanks for supporting @kpopdiva_JJN
kpopdiva_JJN #5
Chapter 14: Who is ur oceania bias?
awesomefics000 #6
Sorry I'm not accepting any requests now till I finish the story.And as I've mentioned, The special chapters will slowly be slot in,so please don't rush me.I have Olevels too. And I want to focus writing on my Oceania and EXO biases first.Thanks!
kpopdiva_JJN #7
Chapter 14: Please please write a special chapter on Chanest!! :)
kpopdiva_JJN #8
Chapter 14: Krachel
awesomefics000 #9
Luhan and Zye:HanYe
Angela and Tao:???
Chanyeol and Celest:Chanest
Rachel and Kris:???
Haniza and Kai: Kainiza
Claudia and Suho:Sudia

Left Rachel's and Angela's
kpopdiva_JJN #10
Chapter 12: Kainiza
