Baby don't cry, tonight...

We are paired by FATE

A tear streaked down Rachel's face, she lowered her head, unwilling to show Kris how pathetic she looks now. Kris had a serious face on, he lifted Rachel's face by the chin using on hand, and stared intensly into her eyes. Kris slowly placed gentle kisses on Rachel's forehead, hugging her even tighter. He could feel it, Rachel shivering, and softly sniffing. He knew it, he always did. He was so happy to know that Rachel still loves him the way he did, although he was really desperate for the words "I love you" to come out from Rachel's lips.

Rachel turned around and hugged Kris back, while crying harder, not caring that Kris's white blouse would be well.... Transparent if her tears fell non-stop. Kris chuckled at Rachel's cute reaction, and raised his hand to shuffle Rachel's fluffy hair. This "intimate" position stayed for about 5 minutes, with Kris pulling away from Rachel unwillingly. Yes, unwillingly, as he really urge to clear his doubts out with this girl in front of him that he loved so much.

Kris's P.O.V

"Yeobo...Ani......Rachel? Can you please tell me why did you leave? I know I've been bugging you on this for a very long time, but I really want to know the reason why... Is it my fault? What did I do? Please tell me love, please.... I promise I'll change, We can get back together, start anew. I love you and so do you! So please tell me? Please... We can sort this out I promise you" These words came out of my mouth. Wow... I'm really getting cheesy eh? Haha, if these words came out in front of the other EXO members, I dont think D.O's eyes would get any larger, and Chanyeollie's mouth won't close for more than a year... And Rachel.... Answer? Faster!!!!! Can't wait.... Gosh this girl, such a tease...

"I... Had to break up with you, because... You're poor. And I'm not. I'm the daughter of the richest man in Korea, and you.... Are just a normal guy that leaves in a HDB... My parents wouldn't approve. And they said... They said they would get to school to kick you out and let no school in Korea accept you if I don't break up with you. I can't... Can't continue our relationship anymore Kris. I don't want to ruin your future. I know you love me, and so do I, but you deserve better. I don't want my parents to ruin you. Because of me, a smart talented student like you would have no school to go to, no future, nothing.... I can't do it, so I had to break up with you."

Rachel confessed to me. I stared at her, non-stop tears streamming down her face, face blushing like a tomato, and her lips, shivering... So this was what happend, I thought to myself.... So that's why she broke up with me... What a silly girl, she did'nt have to... As long as I have her, nothing matters..... But now since I know why, we should continue this relationship right? Honestly, I don't even want to let go of her now, in my arms..... So if she's my girlfriend again, I can hug her whenever I want, or kiss her, or just be by her side, companying her, protecting her. These simple things in life, free, but is so important... HALT!!!!!!! Something's still missing. Yeah right!

"And Rachel ah. Why did you then transfer to this government school? And why were you staying in a worn-down apartment?"


Aigoo, I knew it. Nevermind, things take time, so for now.....

I helped Rachel up, and got on one knee, and held up a ring, that has the words "Love lasts forever" carved on it.

"Rachel ah, would you be my girlfriend please? I love you, really. And I'm not poor now, I'm rich, I'm famous. I can take care of you, your parents don't need to worry neither do you have to."

Rachel covered her face, and gasp at me in shock. Gosh her eyes are almost as big as D.O's, keke......... She nodded, and that was all I needed. I slipped the ring on her finger, stood up, and crashed my lips on hers. This time, I wasn't pushed away, neither was I slapped. The only reaction I received, was her kissing back, passionately. I bit on her lower lips, asking for entrance. As her teeth opened up, I slid my tongue and found hers. We kissed passionately, till we almost fainted due to lack of oxygen. Our mouth left each other, and we stared at each other, then hugged, tightly, like we wanted our bodies to be a whole......


Kris and Rachel locked up the dance studio and walked out of school hand in hand. Kris offered to send Rachel back home, and Rachel didn't reject, of course. Both of them decided to make up all the time they were'nt with each other. Reaching the apartment, Kris stopped suddenly, when Rachel realised that Kris had suddenly stopped, she turned and look back at him, and tilted her head cutely. Kris smiled and said:" You wanna move over to stay with me instead at the mansion in Gangnam Area?" Rachel knew, Kris was now rich, horribly rich. While her.... Living a pathetic life..... Switching roles with Kris.... Rachel looked at Kris and told him she'll considered about it. Kris smirked and gave Rachel a goodnight French Kiss and waving goodbye to her, as Rachel walked back home.




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kpopdiva_JJN #1
Chapter 20: Can you add in the chapters of the other couples?
kaixuan #2
Chapter 20: Please also include the school performance and one short of other couples ~~ Thanks !
kpopdiva_JJN #3
Chapter 16: Celest's bias: Baekhyun, Chanyeol
Zye's bias: Suho
Claudia: Tao
awesomefics000 #4
I like Rachel most, followed by Celest and Haniza. These are my top three Bias, and for EXO,Kris, Chanyeol and Kai. Who is this by the way? Thanks for liking this fanfic! I would appreciate it if you could like Oceania's page too!

Thanks for supporting @kpopdiva_JJN
kpopdiva_JJN #5
Chapter 14: Who is ur oceania bias?
awesomefics000 #6
Sorry I'm not accepting any requests now till I finish the story.And as I've mentioned, The special chapters will slowly be slot in,so please don't rush me.I have Olevels too. And I want to focus writing on my Oceania and EXO biases first.Thanks!
kpopdiva_JJN #7
Chapter 14: Please please write a special chapter on Chanest!! :)
kpopdiva_JJN #8
Chapter 14: Krachel
awesomefics000 #9
Luhan and Zye:HanYe
Angela and Tao:???
Chanyeol and Celest:Chanest
Rachel and Kris:???
Haniza and Kai: Kainiza
Claudia and Suho:Sudia

Left Rachel's and Angela's
kpopdiva_JJN #10
Chapter 12: Kainiza
