

I nervously turned off the camera, taking out the SD card and putting in my sock, for safe keeping. I slipped the camera back into the pockets of my pants and continued changing. I did go by those pictures pretty quickly, I should investigate more. 

The loud knocking on the door nearly made me slip and drop everything," Yah! I gotta piss, hurry up." Jungkook said from outside. I started laughing.

"Fine, fine!" I put on Jimin's white shirt and walked out. Almost colliding faces with Jungkook."Jungkook, if you want me to get out, don't you think you should move a little bit for me to open the damn door."

He scrunched his nose," Whatever I have to pee." 

"Aigoo, so cute, Kookie." I pinched his cheek as if I was a passing ahjumma. He rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom, while I went into the bedroom.

Jimin was on his phone in bed. His hair out of his hat for once, but now in a messy swift. I hopped into bed and crept into the blankets with him. I curled up by his side. I smiled slightly. I felt at home and warm. I rest my head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Why so cheesy? Do I smell good or something? Hyung said that girl's like guys that smell nice." Jimin chuckled, and he must have noticed my smile that I was desperately trying to hide.

"No, you smell like strawberry covered poop." I laughed a little harder than I should have.

"Then you must like strawberry covered poop." Jimin laughed.

"No!" I was gasping for air." Fine! You smell nice." I said, dramatically breathing in the air.

"That's what I thought." Jimin said flicking my nose lightly and going back to his phone.

"Hey, what are you doing on your phone?" I said, resting back on his shoulder and slightly looking over.

Jimin quickly clicked the home button on his phone, as if he was nervous and went to some lame games that he usually doesn't play," Nothing special."

"Are you hiding something, Jiminnie?" I asked, I honestly wasn't really bothered by it, I was just teasing. He was acting a little dense though.


"You kids better not do anything digusting in here. It's worse enough that Jungkook and Jimin eat their greasy pizza on their beds in here. Goodnight." Namjoon said with a smile on his face.

"Night!" Jimin and I said in unison.

Jungkook walked in and lied on his bed," Yo, yo." He said as he jumped into his covers. Looking as if he was diving into a pool of joy. 

"Whatever. Goodnight guys." I turned my back to Jimin and fixtured myself to a comfortable position. Covering my face the the blanket to block any light that dare bother my slumber.

"Jagiyah, are you mad?" Jimin asked, wrapping his arm over my waist and pulling me in.

"No, I'm not at all. I'm just trying to get comfortable. Goodnight Jiminnie." I said ready to shut off.

"Yah, forgetting something?" He said. I rolled my eyes from under the blanket. I lifted my head and turned slightly kissing Jimin on the nose and then getting back into position.

"Hey, shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Jungkook said, but in a playful tone. I knew he was laughing over there.


Groggy as hell I pick up my ringing phone. Jimin and Jungkook were groaning at me to pick it up," Hello?"

"Where the hell are you? I can tell you stopped by the house because your door is open, and you usually have it closed." Yongguk said firmly.

"Why does it matter? And if you need something just tell me. Why all of a sudden you keep stopping at home? Is it because of what I said to you?"

"No! I've been staying at home because sleeping in the hang out isn't exactly the best place. I've been getting neck and back problems. I need you to get here sometimes today. Either tonight or later today, I do not care. Get here as soon as you can, we need help."

I cracked my neck and rubbed my eyes," God, it's always when you need help. What a great brother I have. Fine, I'll help. Maybe tonight. It's not like you guys really leave the hang out now. Bye." I hang up and slam my head back down on the pillow. Sighing the stress away. Good thing today is Saturday. I was absolutely done with nearly everyone at school.

"Are you okay?" The sleepy Jimin says. His eyes closed and his hair in a mess. He wraps his arms around me, and I ease down.

"Yes." I simply say closing my eyes.

"Well... It's 8 in the morning... Do you want to make breakfast? Pleeeeaseeeeeee?~" Jimin begged me. I sighed getting up. Feeling a little more irritated. I tried not to portray any body language that would make Jimin or Jungkook question me. I just went straight to the kitchen. Rolling my eyes slightly as I put on the pink apron that Namjoon has for some reason. Now is not the time to question it. I tied my hair up into a bun and got started.

I put the pasteries in the oven and waited. I made some spring rolls and cooked up a large bowl of bulgogi for the boys to share amongst themselves. I know it seems like a heavy breakfast but their usually begging me for more food when I give them something simple. 

I huffed and set everything on the table. Not even bothering to take a bite I just slumped onto the couch and let the thoughts and pass and the irritation subside.

Jungkook P.O.V:

I rolled my eyes at how rude Jimin was actually being," So, when are you going to tell her?"

Jimin gave a smirk and texted on his phone. Still lying in bed," Maybe later today. Maybe next week. I don't know."

"It's been a year. You say that every time I ask you." I huffed slightly.

Jimin just shrugged," I don't really care. We'll just see."

I nodded and the aroma of food caught me. I started for the kitchen.

End of P.O.V

Jungkook and soon the rest of the boys followed up to the food. They started feasting like animals. 

"Thank you and goodmorning ____!" They all said, mouths full of food.

I nodded and back waved them. I started for the door. I sat on the chair at the porch and took in the morning air. Chilly, crisp and cold. The sky was slightly gloomy but clear in a way that was subtlety beautiful. I smiled slightly. I jumped as the front door opened.

"Oh, hi Jungkook." I waved.

"Why are you out here?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"I'm still tired that's all." I adverted my eyes to the sky.

"I saved you these. I could tell you didn't eat." In the plate he held up to me was two spring rolls, a pastery and some noodles and a piece of egg from the bulgogi.

I smiled widely and bowed my head, grabbing the plate," Thanks Kookie, you're the best." I ruffled his hair.

"You're welcome. Yah! Watch it! It takes a long time for me to sculpt my hair perfectly like this!" He laughed.

"Hey! You should thank your pillow for sculpting your hair, you punk." I laughed with him.

"Well, go inside whenever. I'll be there." He walked in, and I nodded.

I looked down at the plate of food he saved for me and smiled. Jungkook, you sweetheart. 


I washed the dishes and collected up the small amount of my belongings," Leaving so soon?" Suga asked me.

"Yeah, Yongguk wants to see me." I said with a slight sadness in my voice.

"Well, you're always welcomed in the Bangtan. I hope you know that. Even when we got beef with your brother or some happens, I will always understand you're not apart of them."

"Thank you Yoongi, it means a lot to me." I smiled and took my phone out of my pocket.

"You're welcome. See you later." He waved to me." Oh! Right, Jimin isn't here right now. He went to his friend's or something. Jungkook is taking a shower, and the others are probably irrelevant to you right now." He chuckled." I'll leave a goodbye for you."

"My own boyfriend doesn't even stay until I leave... Whatever. Thanks again Yoongi! I'll see you later. I'll try and look for my box of manga for you! Bye now!" 

"Goodbye!" He waved as I walked out. Now... B.A.P, here I come...


I lifted the garage door up. Himchan watching security cameras. Jongup in the fitness room and Zelo was napping near a pizza box. Yongguk, I assumed, is in his office.

"Hi guys." I waved to them all giving Himchan a back hug, with the chair blocking most of it. I pinched Zelo's cheek, but he was still asleep. I went into the room and gave Jongup a small hug. He was slightly sweaty, but I could get passed it. I walked up the spiral stairs to meet the office.

"Yeah?" I said, peeking my head in.

"I need your help. We have made a plan, but I'm not sure it's going to work..."

"What is it?"

"What if we just give them the money and run out with Youngjae."

"That's a big risk, you know." I rolled my eyes at my brother's ignorance.

"We know, but that's probably all we have."

"Okay, try this smart one. Go in. Give the money to them. They throw you Youngjae, and I will be behind them. They wouldn't even notice me. If I go straight to Zico, they wouldn't dare make a move. The cold gun on his head. You will be able to get away. Once it's clear. Jungkook can help me get them beaten to the ground and we can run out safely." I obviously winged the plan, but it sounded better than his and more protected.

"No, I'm not risking your life. And NO Bulletproof Boy Scout will be helping me. I don't need them."

"You will at some point you know... But even without Jungkook, I could easily get out. I've done it before!" 

"No. Think of something else." He tapped his pen on the desk.

I thought deeply until a light bulb lit up," Jongup and I can sneak into the Nalinas terrirtory and get Youngjae. We can beat up the guys if we need to, but it can be avoided."

"Why him? Why not all of us? That sounds ridiculous..."

"If all of us went in, for sure one of you will do something dumb. Jongup is our extra strength, once we get Youngjae, we will have our brains. I will lead through and do both. Get it? I will not be put into risk, we can do this easily."

Yongguk ran his fingers through his hair, he was stressed," Fine, but the little meeting with the Nalinas. They said if anything out of the original plan is done, they will do something about it."

"If they do, we will be prepared. How many days do we have?"

"We have been given a week. The sooner, the better. I can only imagine what they're doing to Youngjae... Alright, you can leave." He shooed me off like I was a dog.

"Am I just a dog now? Whatever, bye." I walked out, with nearly zero tolerance at this point.


I walked home, shoulders slumped and head hung low. Some Saturday this is, huh?


A/N: Please excuse if there are typos. My beta reader is out, and I am lazy. Let me take a moment for Block B. Block B is now under a new company. I think it's called like the Six Seasons or something. I don't remember. Something with Seasons. Block B will also be performing at a school on September 14th. That's what I saw. I'm so happy jFC. So in honor of Block B's hardships I will post this early. I actually worked on it all night just because of Block B's come back. Also Bangtan's trailor. Oh god, my kokoro is bouncing today. So! I will start adding questions for you guys. Who is into anime? 

I also made an so here ya' go! I have came to realize I am actually not really close with my subbies. So, if you have a twitter, tumblr or instagram just message me either in comment or of your account, and I might follow you. I hope we become close!!! ~ Bye ^^.

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working on 15 now...


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rachelanh #1
Wow cette idée
Chapter 18: OMG i was tearing up at the end ;-;
Chapter 18: i screamed when i saw this update xD
Chapter 17: OMG this story was sooooooo good i need an epilogue ;-; you can't leave me like this author-nim~
Chapter 17: I mean Jimin. That's a typo there~
Chapter 17: Youngjae-geun..
You didn't even have the chance to talk in this story.. *as much as I can remember
And now you're in jail..
Oh.. ㅠㅠ
I miss you..

I wanna ask one thing..
Jiin said he wanted to protect her.
So he took the damage for her.
Soo.. basically Youngjae wanted to shot her..
Chapter 16: What's with the 'Bang. Black...?'
Please don't tell me that's a gun shot. And she out.

Loololol~~~ Pardon mee~
Chapter 13: Even if I don't understand fully what they're talking about.
I wanna cry.. *SOBS. ㅠㅠ