

"Alright, lets go." I gave him a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

Since we are all still underaged, it would be bikes or walking. We walked Jimin to the Bangtan hang out.

"Yah, don't you want to stay and cook or something?" Namjoon gave me puppy eyes, pleading for me to cook.

"Ah, sorry. Not now, guess you'll just have to starve to death or something." I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, grabbing onto Jungkook's hand and leading the way to B.A.P's hang out next.

Jungkook coughed, I looked at him and realized we were still hand in hand," Oh, sorry if that made you uncomfortable..." I let go and continued to lead the way.

"No... Not really, I mean... Never mind." He said and didn't meet contact with my eyes.

I shrugged it off," Whatever you say, Kook."


I slid the garage door up," Yo, yo!" I entered seeing Zelo taking pictures of his socks on the couch," Wow, going into battle today, and you're taking pictures of your socks."

He gave me a sarcastic glare," We're not doing anything today."

"Really?! Wait, where's everyone?" I was slightly surprised Yongguk might have taken my advice.

"He's upstairs. Everyone else went to get food." He looked up from his phone and fist bumped Jungkook.

"Thanks Jello." I laughed and pinched his cheek. Before he could get mad, I scurried up the stairs.

"You're such a little troublemaker." Jungkook laughed.

"You know me well then." I agreed with him.

I walked into the office and saw Yongguk," Hey, what's happening today?"

He looked up and gave a gummy smile, one I haven't seen in awhile," Nothing. We're not going. I'll stand them up."

"What if that causes gang war?!" 

"Then I'll have them burned to the ground. I'm sure that won't happen though. I could easily have Zico over, and we talk it out in some way. Probably won't end well, but I'm not risking my men and my money to save some uncover spy."

Although I thought of this as a bad idea, I rather not question Yongguk's decision. Plus, I had plans with Jungkook today. I wanted to spend some genuine time with my best friend. I simply nodded my head in understanding and nudged Jungkook.

We left and were on our way to the amusement park. I felt a sudden grab at my arm, which made me stop in my steps. I didn't bother to look at the person holding onto me," Jungkook, let go and lets go." I rolled my eyes.

"Um..." Jungkook said standing beside me. I looked at him and the owner of the arm.

"What the hell do you want, Yukwon?" I shoved my arm out of his grasp. 

"I think you know what I want, I want you." Yukwon said, he didn't even have lust in his eyes. My genuine thoughts were that he was walking around drunk.

"Go away. C'mon, Kook." I held onto Jungkook's arm.

"Hm? Is this your boyfriend now?" Yukwon raised an eyebrow.

"N-no! Go away, I don't want to deal with you, Yukwon." I yelled at him.

"Well, when we wipe out your guys tonight, you're going to have to deal with me, sweetie." Yukwon winked. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook clench his jaw and grind his teeth in irritation. 

"I'm not apart of B.A.P. ing know that, also you won't be. If you touch my boys, I'll burn your ing territory to the ground. Tell them that. Now go away Yukwon." I glared at him.

"How about a 'good bye' kiss before I go away then?" He stepped closer to me. I grasped onto Jungkook's arm tighter.

"Don't touch me." I flinched as Yukwon put his hands on my shoulders.

"He's not your boyfriend, he shouldn't mind then." Yukwon leaned in closer to me.

"HANDS OFF OF MY GIRL!" Jungkook yelled at Yukwon and shoved his shoulders.

"Huh?!" My jaw dropped, and I let go of Jungkook's arm.

Yukwon laughed and scoffed," You're welcome, ____." He turned around and waved away.

Jungkook's eyes widened at the realization of his words," I was j-just trying to protect you."

"Mm..." I looked away," lets just hang out with BTS. I feel like the amusement park can wait..." 


We walked to the Bangtan hang out, the rest of the walk was silent and awfully awkward. Before we walked in Jungkook held my shoulder," I'm sorry, if that was weird. I just-- I don't know."

I gave him a smile," No, it's okay, Kook! You were just trying to protect me." He returned a kind smile to me.

We walked in and there they were. The sad souls lying around the empty table, stomachs growling and eyes that only portrayed hunger, pain and sadness," Noonaaa... Cook... Please..." Namjoon said to me.

"The hell, Namjoon? I'm not even your 'noona.'" I scoffed and pitied them, I was already making my way into the kitchen though. I threw on the apron that was hung on the white rack. I tied my hair back and started cooking. I fried up some eggs, ham and ramen. I just wanted to make something quick for their poor souls. I felt hands go around my waist, and I slightly flinched.

"Huh?!" I looked over and saw Jungkook.

"Can we just stay like this?... For a little while, please?..." Jungkook asked.

"Yah, Jeon Jeongguk, why so touchy lately?" I raised an eyebrow and continued cooking. With that, I heard a door slam in the back and a few gasps from the table behind us. I ignored it though.

"I don't know, just being weird." He chuckled," Do you need help with cooking?"

I laughed," Kooking..."

"Yah!" He laughed and gave me a cute smile," I mean it, do you need help?"

"No, I'm good. Thanks Kookie, for asking." He nodded and rested his head on my shoulder. He then let go and left to his room. I still felt his warmth lingering away.

"Yah, what's happening with our maknae?!" Hoseok asked.

"I don't even know..." I said.

"Should I go see how Jimin is doing?!" Taehyung asked.

"Naw, he'll be fine. Just sit down and enjoy the food that this lovely lady is currently cooking up." Jin said to Taehyung.

I laughed and started to set up their plates. I set them down in front of them and they all thanked me. They digged into the food like animals, and I just laughed at the sight. Bangtan might be rivals with B.A.P, but Yongguk accepts Jungkook. Not only that, but they're so kind and welcoming to me. I feel at peace and at home around them. I feel like those missing pieces are being placed in. Plus, I'm not part of this gang ... I shouldn't have to worry... Whatever.

I walked into Jimin and Jungkook's room. I lied down on Jungkook's bed, he wasn't there. I assumed he was in the bathroom, but Jimin was on his bed," Don't you miss me?" He said, breaking the somewhat peaceful silence.

"No." I bluntly said," I like where we are now."

"Where's that?" He turned to his side, facing me, but I didn't move. I was still looking at the ceiling.

"Hardly talking, leaning more on the strangers side. I like it, it brings me some peace." I ended that with a silent sigh, exhaling all the good memories we had together, but it still lingered in the air.

"... What's with Jungkook?" He looked down.

"I don't know. We're aparently just friends. He's a good kid." I gave a small smile at the thought of Jungkook.

"He's good for you, you deserve him..." Jimin's words faded, and he lied back down.

Jungkook came walking in, with messy and wet hair," Yo, are you staying the night?"

"I don't have clothes..." I sat up on the ledge of his bed and sighed.

"I can... give you clothes? If you don't mind wearing mine, that is." He put the towel around his neck.

"Hm... Alright. Just hand me a shirt and boxers or something." I never mind wearing boxers, I used to do it all the time. He threw me a shirt and boxers. I went off into the bathroom to change.

Jungkook's P.O.V:

"What's with you two?" Jimin asked as soon as she left.

"Why are you so upset? I thought you didn't care about her. I think I... like her." I sighed and smiled.

"I do care about her! How dare you say that! I care so much about her, I don't think you understand." He sat up on his bed.

"That's not what you said before. Anyways, what's in the past is in the past, I think I'm going to try and make my next move..." 

"Which is--?" He gave me a strange look.

"Asking her out. I think she's the one for me." I smiled hard.

"She's a ." Jimin said bluntly.

"You just said you cared about her! Jimin, don't talk about her like that!" I wanted to get up and punch him.

"W--." Jimin stopped talking as _____ walked in.

She looked so cute. The boxers covered her upper thighs and the shirt was so big on her, it was covering most of the boxers. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, and her hair was messy and down," Can I just sleep next to you, Kook? Since... You know... And I could sleep on your floor but..." She pointed to our floor. It was cluttered with dirty clothes and empty pizza boxes," I should clean your room tomorrow..."

"No! No, it's fine, just sleep on my bed or something." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Go sleep in the living room." Jimin growled at her.

"Okay..." She said turning around.

"No, just sleep on my bed, I don't mind. It's too cold out, plus we don't have other blankets or pillows for you to sleep with..." I glared at Jimin, in exchange he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Alright... Good night..." She lied next to me and rolled around for a bit, but she fell fast asleep soon. She must have been really tired. I looked over and Jimin was already lying under his blanket and turned away. I looked at her, and she is absolutely beautiful. How dare Jimin just play with this girl's heart... She didn't need any of that... I just want to be with her, and treat her like she's a damn princess. She's even cute when she sleeps. Soft snoring, she drools a little, but I like her enough to let her do so. I put my arm around her and started to drift away...

End of P.O.V


A/N: Lmao if you think I took the time to reread this and check out for typos, you thought wrong. Happy New Years, ya'll. 

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working on 15 now...


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rachelanh #1
Wow cette idée
Chapter 18: OMG i was tearing up at the end ;-;
Chapter 18: i screamed when i saw this update xD
Chapter 17: OMG this story was sooooooo good i need an epilogue ;-; you can't leave me like this author-nim~
Chapter 17: I mean Jimin. That's a typo there~
Chapter 17: Youngjae-geun..
You didn't even have the chance to talk in this story.. *as much as I can remember
And now you're in jail..
Oh.. ㅠㅠ
I miss you..

I wanna ask one thing..
Jiin said he wanted to protect her.
So he took the damage for her.
Soo.. basically Youngjae wanted to shot her..
Chapter 16: What's with the 'Bang. Black...?'
Please don't tell me that's a gun shot. And she out.

Loololol~~~ Pardon mee~
Chapter 13: Even if I don't understand fully what they're talking about.
I wanna cry.. *SOBS. ㅠㅠ