

"Bye unnie!" I call as I hang my apron on the metal hooks that hang on the wall of the coffee shop.

"What shift are you taking tomorrow?" Hyuna calls me before I leave the shop.

"After school for 4 hours. Just as usual. Bye unnie! Eat well, rest well, fighting!" I sling on my backpack and run out, pushing the glass door open.

I breathe in the crisp, fresh air, getting away from the heavy smell of coffee and pastries. I started to walk home, which I'd rather not be at... Which I wouldn't even call a home. It's more like a place to sleep. That's basically it. Home should be where there's family. A loving family, a family that will appreciate my work... I shook my head and the thoughts subsided. I began just taking in the beautiful scenery. 

I was rudely interrupted by the noise of some gorilla thugs beating on some innocent kid when I was walking past an alley," Hey, gorillas." They all stood still, dropping the kid on the floor.

"Oh, _____, what are you doing here?" One of them bowed to me, stuttering his words.

"Didn't I tell you punks to leave people alone? At least do it away from when I'm trying to walk back home. Jesus, you're all a bunch of idiots."

"We're sorry, _____." A bigger built one said.

"Now leave before I beat you until you're all spitting out eachother's blood."

They all got up and ran away like a dog chasing a cat. I bent down to the kid with his gyobok ripped in several areas and beat pretty bad. I noticed his emblem on his jacket, until I really observed his face I noticed who it was," Jungkook you ing idiot. Why are you trying to pick fights again? And without the Bulletproof Bulls."

"Boys Scouts." He corrected me and chuckled.

"Hey, you little , I know what I said. C'mon lets get you to the dump." I extended my hand to him and helped him get to the Bangtan hang out.


I knocked on the door, to have Rap Monster opening it," Well, isn't it B.A.P's Princess representative."

"Shut the up Kim Namjoon. I saved one of your pals while he was getting beat on the street. I'm not even involved with B.A.P, alright? My brother just happens to be the leader. You need to cage your animals. You're all a bunch of rookies still anyways." I didn't go inside, but I sat Jungkook down on the chair that was outside.

"Whatever, here." He handed me a first aid kit, as if he knew Jungkook would get into ." What? We always have the kit near the door, just in case."

I rolled my eyes," Why are you even wearing sunglasses? Is the world to bright for you?" I said as I tended to Jungkook's wounds. I was basically the medic of this neighborhood. I would pick up almost anyone who was hurt and tend to them. Even though I was the daughter of the late B.A.P leader I wasn't afraid of the other gangs. I knew a lot already. Tracking, hacking, fighting, escaping. The Nalinas tried to kidnap me once, and I was able to get out with no struggle. The rival gangs of B.A.P either don't know about me, don't care about me or they know that I'm just about smarter than the B.A.P members put together. I don't mean to brag, but it's true. The B.A.P boys know how to fight, cover their prints and plan situations. They were not as skilled as me though. I guess I get it from my mom, since I didn't really have any professional training. My father didn't even want me to be a part of this life style. I was "Daddy's Princess" or "Daddy's Little Girl" however you want to put it. He told me that I was a lot like my mother, who died when I was born. My father is dead as well, but no one ever told me how. I wasn't even invited to his funeral. I don't know why, but I was able to come to acceptance...

"Thanks, Doll." Jungkook smirked.

"Shut up." I laughed and closed the kit." Now stop getting into . The next time I see you, it better be at the skate park. Bye." I shoved the first aid kit in Rap Monster's arms and walked off.  

... We're known as the Bang family. You'll never know when we'll strike. My older brother, Bang Yongguk, now runs B.A.P. I haven't seen him in weeks though... Which leaves this house to myself. I used to think it would be so much fun to have basically a mansion to myself, but I regret it. I don't care how loud I can turn up my music, I don't care that I can eat as much food as I pleased and not share. I want to go back when our family would watch war movies together, I want to go back when I would cook ramen for my brother and see his excited facial expression... But it seems as though that's gone now. What things I would cherish were now merely memories. Nothing more than the past. 

I sighed and clenched at the straps of my backpack. Just ready to kick off my shoes and take off this stupid gyobok. Hopefully my brother's home... No, he's not. No need to get my hopes up. He's never home. 

I hesitated to put the code in, but I did. I pushed the large double doors," Gukkie?" I said loudly, wincing at the echo. The echo roamed through the tiled home and up the stairs. No response. Of course, he's probably at the dumb hang out with the boys as always. 

My phone began to ring," Hello?"

"Bang needs you." Zelo said on the other line.

"Junhong, why can't he tell me himself?"

"It's Zelo. He's taking care of Jongup. Jongup has been hit by some Nalina idiots."

I sighed," Alright Zelo I'm on my way." 

Right when I thought I could kick up my feet, something always happens. 


I pulled up the garage door up, they all sat there with their heads hung low, the laptop resting on the table," What? Not happy to see me?"

Yongguk's head lifted," The Nalinas have Youngjae."

"Well, I mean, no . When you think about it. Youngjae has been gone for a couple of days and all of a sudden The Nalinas hit Jongup with a pole. Like what's that all about? And a pole? Really? Idiots. You probably didn't even need the USB to figure out something by now. So what do you need? Because I know you wouldn't have called me here for a friendly family get together after being weeks of not seeing you."

"We need you to track down Youngjae. We left a tracking device on him before he left."

"Of course, because without Youngjae you wouldn't have the brains of this gang, so what am I? I'm just a back up now?" I say as I grab the laptop off of the desk and start to track him down.

"Don't be like that, _____." Himchan consoled.

I felt used and uptight," Whatever. You know it's true." One click..." Done. He's in some dump at Hongdae. We're currently at Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu. It would take 30 minutes. Maybe an hour." I put the laptop back to the table. (A/N: I believe that TS Entertainment is located at 788-6 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, right? If I'm not correct, go ahead and correct me LOL.)

"So what's the plan?" Daehyun asked.

"Are we going to pay them?" It was obviously they wanted money. The Nalinas live off of money. 

"They want money, chances are once we give them the money, they'll wipe us out. We all know that The Nalinas are underrated pirates, but they're stealthy and have a good aim. They're a misunderstood gang. We'll figure it out."

"Well, if that's all, I'm off." I started for the garage door.

"Before you leave, I have something to ask you."


Yongguk lifted his head from his cloudy thoughts," Why did you take so long to answer your phone before?"

I nibbled at my lower lip, knowing that he would be furious knowing I was helping rival," I was helping Jungkook from the gorillas in the alley near work."

He pounded his hand on the table, I was surprised it wasn't broken in half, he seemed outraged and he started yelling," WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT HELPING STUPID RIVALS?! You could have been kidnapped, or dead on the street!"

"Bang don't act like I'm involved with this stupid gang , I'm not. I know how to protect myself! Plus, they're rookies! They're new! They don't know what they're doing. I doubt that Jungkook will do anything to me!"

He stood up," I don't give a ing about your ing little boyfriend. He's now in a gang, I don't care that I've met him, that I know him, that you've brought him to our home before. I don't care that you two were good friends. That's in the past now, he's in a gang. DO NOT ING HANG OUT WITH HIM. Life isn't a movie, ____!"

"It's not like you come home anyways! Just because he's in a gang, that shouldn't change him! We can still skateboard together, we can still study together, we can still hang out together, right?! Just because he's in a gang that shouldn't change him, right?! Am I ing right?!" I started to cry, but I ignored the pathetic tears," I don't even see you anymore! You never want to hang out with me. You only want me is when you really need me. Like this as an example! Yongguk you don't know how hard it is! Now if that 's all, I'm leaving." I roughly wiped my eyes. His facial expression changed, he looked defeated and ashamed. I shook my head and ran out, tears still free falling from my face. My chest felt heavy, I haven't cried in so long. 

I accidentally bumped into someone, my eyes were still on the ground," I'm sorry." I bowed.

"It's alright. I wanted to say thank you again for helping me back at the alley." The familiar voice caused me to look up." What's wrong?!"

Seeing the same beaten up face as earlier,"Jungkook," I calmed myself down," you haven't changed, have you? I mean, we're still friends, right? You know, I don't have anyone else. No one ever wants me around."

He softened and embraced me in a hug," Of course we're still friends. Did Bang tell you otherwise?" I shook my head in his chest." No matter what, we'll always be best friends." 

"I'm sorry to break your little reunion here, but hello darlin'." I broke from Jungkook's arms and we both looked to find the owner of the voice.

"Nalinas... What do you want?" There in front of me stands all seven members of Block B. 


A/N: I didn't know if this was long enough, but hey man. It's good for starters, right? I just want to see if you guys like what I have laid down on the table so far. Well thank you for reading! I was surprised to see subbies all of a sudden and the first chapter wasn't even up. LOL. Thank you so much! Please look forward for the next chapter woot woot~

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working on 15 now...


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rachelanh #1
Wow cette idée
Chapter 18: OMG i was tearing up at the end ;-;
Chapter 18: i screamed when i saw this update xD
Chapter 17: OMG this story was sooooooo good i need an epilogue ;-; you can't leave me like this author-nim~
Chapter 17: I mean Jimin. That's a typo there~
Chapter 17: Youngjae-geun..
You didn't even have the chance to talk in this story.. *as much as I can remember
And now you're in jail..
Oh.. ㅠㅠ
I miss you..

I wanna ask one thing..
Jiin said he wanted to protect her.
So he took the damage for her.
Soo.. basically Youngjae wanted to shot her..
Chapter 16: What's with the 'Bang. Black...?'
Please don't tell me that's a gun shot. And she out.

Loololol~~~ Pardon mee~
Chapter 13: Even if I don't understand fully what they're talking about.
I wanna cry.. *SOBS. ㅠㅠ