Prologue + Chapter 1

Beautiful Disaster


It all exactly happened at quarter to ten.

Wednesday morning.

 “See you later, Oppa.” She brightly bid farewell.

Kwon Seohyun, at the tender age of 22, hopped off from the stool with her sparkling dark purple backpack hung by her side and a large sketchbook lay on her forearm. A quick sip of her last portion of hot chocolate and a large bite of French toast had her hurried to the front door, making the bell hung on top of the doorway rung with glee. She was excited to start off the day as a college senior at Dongguk University. She’s one step away from getting her dream job. To be a theatre director. Now, all she needs to do was attend the entire lecture precisely at the right time and put all her attention to her studies. Studies only. That is if her brother could take the hint and behave.

The air outside was as cool as she would imagine it to be. It was the rainy season. Clouds up above bundled up in groups and appeared like an overstuffed cotton candy with hue of dark shade of grey around its edges. Not to mention the spine-tingling breeze blowing in amidst the tall buildings. “Looks like it’s about to rain again today.” She told herself, staring at the sky. Holding her backpack tight to her back and pulled the cardigan close to her tall slender frame, Seohyun made few steps forward about to march off to her journey to graduation day when a shade was casted above her.

“Take my umbrella.” A deep warm voice made its way through the beanie Kwon Seohyun wore that partially covered her ears. The latter shifted around and found Lee Soonkyu standing there, arm forward holding an umbrella above their heads. Even in such dark shade, his eye smile sparkled like a Christmas tree. Jolly. “I know how much you like walking in the rain and how it doesn’t bother you much. But it does to me. So I would like it if you don’t get sick especially in your senior year.” He pointed out, still with that dashing smile of his on his chubby-looking face. Oh that pinch-able face of his. Just too adorable.

Seohyun nodded and gradually took the handle. “Thank you, Oppa.” She beamed. “I’ll use it well.” You know, Seohyun always wondered about her luck as of late. Ever since she moved out from her parents’ place and stayed with her one and only brother, she thought she would never gain friends as fast as she thought it would be. You see, acknowledging the kind of goofball your brother is and the undeniable fact of how childish, silly and ridiculous he’s been; Seohyun thought that she’ll be forever known as the ‘Kkab’s Donsaeng’. Looking at the title itself weren’t a bad thing actually. But she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want a ‘disaster’ like Kwon Yul to mess her up. In her mind – which she knows it by heart – she’s the brain of the pair. The decent one. The ‘normal’ one. The fact how her brother gotten himself in the Law Enforcement was a mystery to her. Sometimes she wondered about the lives he saved in the past years. Were they in an immediate hysterical fit when they found out such a clumsy person will handle their lifeline?

Despite that, even hating the idea of living with the man; she could not deny that she’s grateful meeting the great Chef Lee, whom she had always admired since she was 15. Knowing him, sometimes questioning how he and her brother ever become friends, was the greatest thing ever. At least now, there’s another brother-figure she could look up to. One that doesn’t ruin things at a first touch. One that’s normal.

“Hey...” his voice shook her off from her short day-dream. Again, with his sweetest eye-smile, Seohyun looked up at the man and listened attentively. “I’m making Lasagna latter and thinking about putting it on the main menu.”


Soonkyu grinned. “Can Oppa trust you in helping out? You can come by after your classes are done.”

The young student widened her eyes, excited hearing such an offer. “How could I say no to that?” she let out, throwing a light punch on the latter’s arm. Soonkyu heartily chuckled at such response. “I’ll come by as soon as possible. Promise!” she responded excitedly. She then pulled out her hand and straightened out her pinkie finger. The latter pulled out his finger and hooked his pinkie with the young student's.

“It’s a promise.” He smiled brightly. “Now, go to class. I don’t want you to be late.”

“Yes oppa!” Seohyun tipped her head to the side and threw a double V sign by her sparkling eyes. With that, Lee Soonkyu stood there, relieved to see such enthusiasm from such a bright student. He remained there for a moment, watching the bright young woman crossing the street with his umbrella hung high above her head. As the sky slowly darkening, Soonkyu decided to head back to his restaurant with the news playing on the Television above the cash machine with loud volume.

“Yah! What’s going on? Get back to work!” He told his employees as soon as he reached the counter.

“Sunsaengnim! Look, there’s an accident not far from here.” Said a short-plump-looking Pastry Chef, who was standing at the front of the group holding a bowl filled with flour and butter. “Isn’t that the TREX Fashion Company?”

“Of course it is, unnie.” Said another employee, jabbing her fist at her friend’s elbow. “Ah, I hope everything will be alright though. I mean, the fashion show is coming up soon.”

“Yah!” piped up an older looking man, staring down at the latter. “How could you think of that at a time like this, huh? People’s lives are at stake. Aish... pabo.”

In all of this commotion, a sound of bell ringing above the main entrance door shook the group with immediate silence. A woman in a light brown coat, with striking golden hair rested on her shoulder and black high heels walked into the premises and made her way to the owner of the restaurant. With a simple tap of his shoulder, she then greeted with a smile and a bow.

“Oh...” Lee Soonkyu let out, startled a bit by her presence. Quickly, he bowed and showed her the way to her usual table, just by the window with a round table and two chairs placed opposite each other. As the woman finally seated, Soonkyu took out a small notepad and a pencil and addressed the woman. “What will it be today, Miss Jung?”

Jung Jessica put down her purse on the table and laid her hands on her thighs before replying to the kind mannered man. “You know my taste, Lee Sunsaengnim. Just the usual will be great.”

“The usual...” Soonkyu slowly wrote it down on the notepad. He then turned to the customer. “Will get it done in a jiffy.” The latter shyly pushed strand of hair off from her face and nodded at the man. Soonkyu bowed again before heading over to the counter, where his employees were still staring at the news. “Yah!” he hissed, tapping their shoulders with the notepad. “Get back to work. Cook up the usual!”

They groaned as they lazily dragged their feet to the kitchen area.

By the counter, Soonkyu stayed a little, staring at the television. Unlike what he seen few minutes ago; just at the background where the reporter stood, he saw a large red colour vehicle with its siren’s on. Just from that only one thought came to his mind.

“I hope you’re not messing this up, Yul.” He said to himself. “For Godsake, please, be normal.”

Well... that’s what he hope. That’s what everyone hope. But that just doesn’t happen much often.

Oh boy...


Chapter 1

Thirty minutes ago...

The darkening sky outside the window had the entire room on the gloomiest atmosphere it had ever set the place upon. Bunch of pins and needles and rolls of thin threads were left on the table untouched and unwanted. Vibrant bundles of expensive fabrics piled up onto a trolley, pushed into the room weren’t enough to light up the dullest part of the day. It was way worse than Monday. And the countdown to the biggest event the company ever conducted was day by day an inch closer. Everyone had pulled an all-nighter throughout the week and the pressure heightened every second of it. Few decided to take a brief breather, to keep themselves as sane as needed. Some just laid around in the lounge room, resting without any care. If the President of the company could see this, he’ll flipped out but knowing what they’d been going through and his angry fits he had unleashed at them, it was – in his mind – wouldn’t do much harm if he let them to rest up for a moment.

So much had taken this privilege of resting to the good use. Some even decided to bring pillows and blankets to work and if they need a little bit of privacy, there were rows of high-class tent all over the fifth floor of TREX Fashion Company building.

Unlike the rest, secluded in her own private room; a young sophisticated woman was walking around holding up her sketchbook barefoot as she had kicked off her killer hot pink high heels. She had her hair tied up in a ponytail behind her head and her glasses hanging on the tip of her sharp nose. The room was brightly lit unlike the others on that fifth floor. White chandelier lighted up the room emphasizing the pink painted walls to the extent that it looks like Dolores Umbridge’s office. Minus the china plates filled with picture of cats.

Glancing up at the clock on the wall, Hwang Tiffany put down her sketchbook and turned to look at the mannequin placed at the centre of the room. She pushed the glasses up the bridge of her nose and took few steps closer to the extravagant looking mannequin. So far, she had done putting on the finishing touches on the contemporary looking blazer, emphasizing the sharp edges of the shoulder and the pointy edges of the collar.

“It needs something.” She told herself. Rushing out of her private office, out to the hallway; Tiffany then turned to the right corner and quickly knocked on the door of her fellow fashion designer slash best friend’s office. Once she heard the latter beckoning her from within the room, Tiffany hurried into the room with a thought in mind of borrowing her best friend’s collections of gems. However, seeing the latter on the floor, lying so casually on a yoga mat and watching a gory movie on her laptop made Tiffany whether to be startled by this side or furious by the lack of progress done by the latter.

Kim Hyoyeon tilted her head to the side and greeted her friend with an offer of an opened packet of red liquorice. “Have some, Fany.” How the woman be so casual and girly and be fanatic of any gory films sometimes seems strange for Hwang Tiffany. There were even times where she starts to wonder how she befriended the younger woman. “Wanna watch together? The best bit is coming any seconds now.”

“Erm...” Tiffany responded, cringing at the scene shown on her best friend’s laptop, where the supporting character was chased by the antagonist with a chainsaw. She clenched her teeth, trying her best to look away from the film. “Maybe next time, Hyoyeon.”

The latter shrugged it off and returned back to the film, watching and munching on the sweet delight. As the blonde haired woman kept herself occupied with the film, Tiffany stepped towards the bookcase, looking through the boxes for the silver gems-like stones for her contemporary blazer. “I’m gonna borrow some of you stuffs, ok, Hyoyeon... will bring it back as soon as it finished up.”

“Borrow whatever you like, Fany.” The latter responded, her eyes still glued to the small screen. “What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine.”

Tiffany scoffed. “Except my designs. Those are mine and mine only.”

“Geez, girl.” Hyoyeon replied, finally looking away from the gory film. She pushed down the screen and turned to the latter, while lying on her side. “I know you have this principal of getting things done fast and good but can you loosen up a bit? Your dark circles are like those cute pandas at the zoo. Kinda make me wonder whether I should get you some bamboo shoots for your snacks or get you ---“

“No Kung Fu Panda reference, please!” Tiffany interjected, still busying herself looking through the silver boxes.

Hyoyeon shrugged. “No references. Got it.” She should’ve known better that it was best not to fun it up when the best TREX fashion designer in the most determined mode. Sometimes Hyoyeon hopes she would relax a bit. Even so, even if Hyoyeon say something about this in any ways at all, there’s no stopping Fashionista Hwang from what she loves.

Once Tiffany finally found what she was looking for, she quickly thanked her best friend by saying, “You. Me. Dinner tonight. My treat.”

What was seen on the younger woman’s face said it all. “Oh you know me so well, Fany.”


“What the hell was that?”

Kim Hyoyeon quickly got up to her feet, dashing over to the door while Hwang Tiffany followed her close by. Just as they were peeking their heads out of the room, people were rushing along the hallway in such frantic, they were carrying their belongings as if they were on a bargain sales.


Sounded the bell again.

“EVERYONE GET DOWN TO THE GROUND FLOOR FAST. MOVE AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!” Shouted someone at the end of the hallway. He was holding a megaphone and had dark blue attire on. “EVERYTHING IS INDER CONTROL!” The logo on his chest showed that he was from the Fire Station. Just as the hallway lessened a bit, many fire fighters were rushing in to the fifth floor heading to the west side of the building.

Hyoyeon quickly grabbed her bag and dragged her best friend out of her office. “Come on! You heard the guy, let’s hurry!!” However, the latter wouldn’t budge. Her attention instead was glued on the fire fighters. Suddenly, Hwang Tiffany pulled herself from her best friend’s grip and ran towards where the Fire Fighters were heading. “FANY!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?”

“I’M SAVING MY BLAZER!!” She shouted, quickening her speed to the west side of the building.

“Aish!!!” Hyoyeon let out, changing her route at the last minute and hurried off after her best friend. “FANY-AH! YOU CAN MAKE ANOTHER ONE IF--- Oh My God! FANY-AH!”


Fifteen minutes ago...

The call was in. And the target this time was the TREX Fashion Company in the heart of Seoul. All the crews quickly get on work mode especially on thinking their chances to see good-looking models that worked for the TREX. Guys and Girls. For some dedicated ones, it was just another job while for others; it was a job with an unexpected bonus. Mounting the Fire Engine, the first batch grabbed their helmets, tightened up their attires and hang on by while the vehicle rolled out of the garage.

“Do you think we can get to see the models?” asked a middle aged fire fighter. His eyes were widened since the call was made. “I heard that they’re having a rehearsal today, just think of it! We might be lucky to see them in—“

“Yah! Ahjussi!” the head of the batch spoke up from the front seat, glaring at the man through the mirror. “Calm yourself down. You’re a married man with 5 kids. Don’t forget that! We’re not there for sightseeing. We’re there for—“

“Helping the resident of Seoul from the harms and dangers of life-threatening situation.” The crew replied monotonously.

“Precisely.” The leader nodded in satisfaction. “We’re helping! Not trying to go on a date, ok? So pace yourself.” He then looked at the reflection on the top mirror and saw one of the crew had a headphone on, listening to something that makes him bobbing his head aggressively, making the person next to him leaning away from his dangerous arms. The leader shook his head. “God help us.”

As the sight of the TREX Fashion Company building came into full view, all the fire fighters quickly got out of the vehicle and headed towards the building’s front entrance. The leader rushed to the front of his crew and laid out the orders. “Kang, Goo and Baek, go to the fourth floor and make sure the people evacuate the area properly. Check every rooms if you have too.”

“Yes sir!” the said crew understood the order and ran towards the entrance, where the polices were standing, keeping the pedestrians out of what could potentially dangerous to them. The leader then motioned Han, Seong and Joo over to the ground floor, ordering them to cut off any threatening circuits that could fire up the fire. Just as he reached to the younger pair of his crew, he quickly turned to Kim Taeng – the most responsible of the pair – and said, “They said the fire might get up to the fifth floor, get the people out as soon as possible. Handle them with care, Kim. That’s the designers’ floor. Don’t ruin anything while you’re at it.”

“How’d you know that sir?” Kim Taeng asked.

The leader smirked. “I have a buddy of mine working up there. Go! Kwon Yul, you heard what I said?” The other of the youngest pair turned to the leader and happily pulled up a thumb up. Just as the pair was about to head off, the leader seized Kim Taeng’s arm and worriedly whispered, “Keep an eye on him. I don’t want anyone suing our .”

Kim Taeng nodded in assurance. The situation was just as hectic as expected. Down below the polices were guarding the area, leading the victims out from the building while the fire fighters get themselves equipped and ready for what will come to them. Kim Taeng and Kwon Yul were climbing the emergency stairs up to the third floor, resting for a bit before proceeding to the fifth floor where they were assigned to work on. Luckily, there were few other fire fighters working their best in evacuating the floor.

“What’s our status?” Kim Taeng asked the other fire fighters, who were showing the people out through the emergency stairs.

The older fire fighter then said, “The fire is on the west side of the building, it’s climbing from the third to the fourth. You two can start to clear up there. We’ll make sure the folks are safe and sound.”

“Yes sir!”

Just as the pair were rushing over to the west side of the building, as expected the fire were gaining speed and shape. There was a strong gaseous smell making the flame ignited stronger and hotter. Spotting a fire extinguisher, Kim Taeng rushed over to grab it while Kwon Yul kicked down the office door nearby to check whether the fire was coming over there. As expected it did.

Kwon Yul hurried out, only to find himself getting back inside and stared at a mannequin at the centre of the room. He cringed at the sight of it. “That is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen.”


He ran outside, saw his best friend trying to put out the fire with the fire extinguisher. “Find another one, Yul! HELP ME OUT!”

Yul nodded, rushing off, hoping to find another extinguisher. However, all of a sudden a loud explosion was heard, ringing hard in his ears. He ducked from the effect and quickly made his way back to his friend. There, he found Kim Taeng struggling on the floor, moving away from the now wasted fire extinguisher. Kwon Yul rushed to his side, dragging him from the growing blaze. “Are you ok?”

Taeng coughed hard. He looked up at his friend, patting the latter’s arm wearily. Yul quickly took out his radio and called for back-up. Just as he was done, someone was rushing by in killer high heels towards the office that nearly caught on fire. Another then made an appearance at the corner, away from the fire.

“FANY-AH!!” Kwon Yul heard her. Catching on how the fire was intensifying in its temperature, the fire fighters quickly got up to their feet. Kim Taeng moved over to the blonde haired woman, pulling her away from the fire while Kwon Yul got up running after the one who just bravely entered the next door office. There, as Kwon Yul reached the doorway, the woman was struggling with the blazer on the mannequin while balancing her bag by her shoulder.

“Miss, you shouldn’t be here!” he shouted, moving in closer trying to pull the latter from the mannequin. The latter resisted, kicking the fire fighter in the shin with her killer heel. Yul staggered backward, holding himself. He quickly got back up to his feet and tried again. This time he succeeded but only to have his mid-section violently elbowed by the woman. He felt the rush of air coming out of him. “YAH! IS DYING IN A FIRE YOUR DEATH WISH?”

The woman turned around sharply and glared those scary daggers-like stares with her nostrils flaring up. “I DON’T CARE IF IT DOES, I HAVE TO SAVE THIS BLAZER EVEN IF IT BURN ME UP!”

Silence came between the two. Down on the floor, Kwon Yul was staring weirdly at the woman, shocked by how selfish the woman was turning to, all because of a hideous looking blazer.


Yul’s face dropped fast at the eerie sound. He looked up at the woman and asked, “Do you have a can of hairspray?”



“Nevermind, JUST RUN!!!”

Kwon Yul quickly got up to his feet, swept the woman off the ground and onto his shoulder. He then hurried out of the office, leaving behind the mannequin.

“LET ME GO!!” The woman screamed, beating the fire fighter’s back hard with her fists. “MY BLAZER!!!”





Hope you'll enjoy this first few updates. Will post up the second chapter soon. (Maybe tomorrow? haha) Thank you so much for subscribing and reading this. CHEERS FOR YEH!!!

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Its semester break and I am back baby! lol Right now, Im working on BD and hope to upload 'them' sometime this week. Wait for it. Sorry for the delay. Hang on.


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sunshiner515 #1
Chapter 23: Pls update soon.
pikaGee #2
Please update! I really love this story up to the point of rereading the story a whole lot. Please update author-nim! I'd love to see what's going happen when the group is all gathered!
Chapter 23: Ooh~Can't wait for SunSica <3
Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 23: update soon please
jaecicca #5
Chapter 23: anticipating sunsica next chapter ><
Sone-ism #6
Chapter 23: Oohh.. things are getting good! Can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks for the update! :)
tati_mayumi #7
Chapter 23: omg... will sonkyu meet jessica next chapter???
i'm waiting for this...
happy holidays, dear author!!!
Chapter 22: Kust finished all of this chapter in one round :)) great job author
Chapter 1: I like how you introduce the characters so colorful :)