Chapter 16

The Human Experience

“I have no idea how to handle this situation,” Bora admitted to Luhan as the pair sat on the school roof, “I’ve never had to deal with hunters who have been kicked out of the group before.”

“I still don’t get how that works out,” Luhan told her, “why is this council so important?”

“The hunters created it years ago, back when it became clear to everyone in the supernatural community that we had to keep our world hidden,” she explained, “we’d always had to hide what we were, but until that point we’d never bothered to clean up our mess. Human started noticing things, whole villages attacked by wolves and people drained of blood, and we had to start working harder.”

“And so the council came in then?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “at first the council was just a cleaning crew of sorts, making sure that things stayed human friendly. Then they started getting more power. Now, they have control over what hunters get to kill what targets. They’re all about the protection of hunters around the world, so it’s rare to hear about them abandoning one of their own.”

“Full moon tonight,” N called out as he joined them, “have you made sure your chains are working?”

“Yeah,” Luhan nodded, “ever since those hunters showed up, Kris and Suho are being extra careful about that kind of stuff.”

“Good,” Bora nodded, “because I have a bad feeling that they plan to use you and your brothers for whatever they’re planning.”

“I just want to know what gave them the idea to attack us,” N sighed, “those two are crazy, but they aren’t stupid. They know that trying to kill an original is almost impossible.”

“They might not have the council’s help, but they have someone,” Luhan frowned at Bora’s words. If the council wasn’t helping them, then who was? Bora and N clearly didn’t know either and that bothered all of them.


Night found Luhan trying to chain himself up with his brothers before they started changing. They had all checked the heavy, silver chains over a couple of times, trying to ensure that nothing could go wrong. But this somehow did little to calm the feeling of worry forming in their guts. Werewolves had a sixed sence of sorts when it came to knowing if something bad was going to happen. Just like animals seemed to know an earthquake or flood was coming, werewolves always seemed to know of coming danger. They never knew what exactly was going to happen, but they always got a gut feeling.

“Something’s going to happen tonight,” Suho frowned after he finished chaining himself up, “I think that those hunter brothers are going to make their move soon.”

“Hopefully Bora and the others will be alright without us,” Tao sighed sadly, “I hope they aren’t going to need us.”

“Hyung?” Sehun suddenly asked and everyone’s head turned to look at Sehun before following his gaze to Luhan. The blond was taking off his chains, his eyes staring blankly in front of him. Something wasn’t right and his brothers were already chain up, unable to do anything.

“Luhan, stop,” Kris called as they watched the second oldest slowly leave the basement, his trance like state remaining the whole time as his brothers called for him, begging for him to return. They would have liked to go after him, but before they could start removing their chains, their change started.

“Hyung,” Sehun whimpered as his body started to contort, bones shifting and skull elongating.

The twelve could hear Luhan’s howls of pain, his own change starting to take hold. When a werewolf changed, their human mind was forced to the back of their brain. In its place was the mind of a feral wolf, one that would attack anything that it didn’t recognize as its pack.



And most importantly, vampires.


“It’s a nice night,” Bora sighed as she walked through the park with N. Elsewhere in the park was the rest of their family, hunting for animals to feed from or a few late night joggers. Bora herself had gotten her fill from a female jogger not long before she met up with N.

“The sky is so clear you can see the stars,” N nodded, looking up to see the dark night sky lit up with hundreds of stars.

“I’d say it’s a good night to die,” both turned to find the older of the hunter brothers smirking at them, a crossbow in one hand and a bag of stakes in the other.

“You sure making your move now is a good idea?” Bora asked, glancing around to see if she could find the younger brother, “without your brother and without the support of the council?”

“The council doesn’t matter,” Jihoo scoffed, “those old bats have out lived their use. Once I kill you, their power is gone. No one will listen to them, not when they told me, the man who kill an original, not to do it. No, the council will lose everything and I’ll gain it.”

“So that’s why you’re here,” N smirked, “personal gain. Greed.”

“Not greed,” Jihoo dismissed, “power. I want power. I want control over the other hunters. And I have all the help I need.”

“Who would help you?” Bora asked, “other than your brother you have no one.”

“No one?” he laughed, pointing his crossbow at her head, “Then what do you call my witch friend on the other side? Opps, you didn’t know about her, did you?”

“Witch friend on the other side?” both vampires felt the dread rising as an idea formed in their mind. Both only knew one witch on the other side who would work with hunters, who would be desperate to kill an original vampire.

Song Mihyun.

“Oh?” Jihoo raised an eyebrow as a nasty smirk formed on his face, “I see you’ve realized who my friend is.” Jihoo was about to say more when a scream filled the air. And not just any scream either, but Seunghyun’s scream. The cry cut off half way through, like his throat had suddenly been slashed, but all three knew it was Seunghyun’s voice.

“What did you do to him?” Jihoo hissed, eyes filled with rage. The scent of blood filled the air and Bora knew that the younger hunter was dead, probably killed at the hands of one of her family. She couldn’t say she felt bad about it, not after everything Seunghyun had done and what he planned to do, but she wished that his death had happened a little later, after she’d taken care of his brother who was not in a blind rage.

Jihoo shot five stakes at Bora and N, the pair dodging everyone like it was nothing. With a cry, Jihoo ran at them, waving his crossbow like it was a hammer. N moved behind him and grabbed his arm, twisting it until they heard the bone snap. In pain, the hunter fell to the ground, cursing both vampires.

“We should have done this on day one,” N scoffed.

It was then that they heard the growl. Bora and N turned to fine a wolf with blond fur. Even though it’s eyes were vacant, Bora knew that this was Luhan.

“My trump card,” Jihoo hissed out, “a backup plan.”

Luhan lunged and Bora realized that this was the role her mother played in things. The witch had somehow possessed Luhan and was making him attack them. All vampires could die from a werewolf bite, even an original. Using Luhan had probably been the plan B in case the hunter brothers failed to kill her and the others.

Bora realized this and then teeth sank into flesh and the scent of blood filled the air once more.

A/N: I feel kind of bad ending the chapter here. And poor Luhan, possessed by an evil witch and being used to kill the (vampire) girl that he likes. Poor oppa, I feel so mean doing this to him. oh, and don’t fear readers, I’m not going to end this story any time soon. Our hunter brothers might not be the villain any more (ya know, since one is dead and the other probably will be soon), but I have a whole new villain coming in. In other words, the story will go on! Anyway, thanks subscribers, thank you those who comment, please leave comments (you know I love seeing and reading them), and I’ll have a new chapter posted soon!!


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Chapter 2: Comments
ttphan #2
I was reading the forward and I was like.. " holy Jesus this is so much like the originals" I'm sooooo looking forward to reading this
julianguyen1995 #3
Chapter 3: I love this story, it reminds of the vampire diaries/the originals but the asian version! :D lol
Chapter 42: Awwww i love happy ending♥ i'm glad to stumble this fic and decide to read it till thr very end. It was good!!! Got me cry a lil bit when hakyeon cried bcs of bora's stone but i'm happy it was happy ending. Great job author-nim!! ^^
kdramalover1 #5
Chapter 23: I don't tend to comment on fanfics that are already finished..
But I just love this story so much!! I like seeing this side to Gayun too. :)
wonja2 #6
I was gonna comment and say I had read your profiles for exo word for word in another story...then I realized you were the author of that story too! Lol.
So based on the forward/summary this is inspired by the vampire diaries?
Anyways, thanks for adding to the fantasy/scifi genre, I'm a huge junkie for all things fantasy/scifi!
Chapter 42: Beautiful :'(
Chapter 42: It's so beautiful. . . *sheds tear*
Author-nim is Awesome!
Jenn81234 #9
Chapter 42: LOVE UR STORY
missispanda #10
Chapter 42: kkyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooo~~~~~~~~~