Chapter 15

The Human Experience

“How’s your stomach?” Sehun asked on Monday once Jina had taken her seat in class.

“I’m fine,” she smiled slightly, ignorant to the glares given to her by his fangirls, “Leo oppa says that I’ll be fully recovered by tomorrow.”

“That’s good,” the rainbow haired werewolf grinned. He’d felt super guilty that Jina had been hurt on his watch, even if everyone – and he meant everyone – had told him that it wasn’t his fault.

“Leo hyung’s going to be keeping a close eye on her now, though,” Hyuk spoke up, taking his seat beside the youngest vampire, “and me, too. Can’t have our little girl getting hurt again.” He ruffled her hair playfully and she laughed lightly. Sehun watched them with a small smile, thinking about how the pair really were like siblings.

Soon enough class began and Sehun started to notice how several of the other girls in class kept glaring at Jina. More than once, he also over heard them whispering mean things about the vampire girl. Since his seat was three rows in front of Hyuk and Jina, he couldn’t look back to see if either one had noticed the looks or heard the words. However, he was able to see Kris and D.O’s reactions and see that they had noticed what he had.

Before long, class had ended and Jina quickly took off out of the room. Sehun stood, but several of his fangirls swarmed him, keeping him from following her. Looking around, he saw that Kris, D.O, and Hyuk were in similar situations. It didn’t take much to realize that at least one of the fangirls had left the room, probably planning to get reinforcements from other classrooms before attacking Jina.

If Jina was a bit more experienced with controlling her vampire instincts, Sehun wouldn’t be worried. If Jina wasn’t injured thanks to Seunghyun, then Sehun wouldn’t be feeling so scared. Sehun started trying to push girls out of his way, but they refused to move. Finally, he lost his temper and yelled at them to move. Maybe it was the look on his face or the tone of his voice, but the girls moved and he took off running trying to find Jina. Hyuk wasn’t far behind, calling out that he was going to find Bora.

After all, Bora would know exactly what to do.

She was Bora, the Queen of the Vampires.

Sehun just kept running, trying to find Jina. When he did, he felt his heart stop for a second.

Jina was hunched over, her stomach starting to bleed again as her wounds had opened up. There were at least seven girls standing around her, laughing at her and calling her things like ‘’ and ‘.’

“Get away from her!” Sehun growled, causing the girls to jump in surprise.

“O-Oppa,” one of the girls started to say, started to defend herself, but then she saw the look on Sehun’s face and shut . The crowd parted for him, allowing for easy access to the injured vampire.

Jina whimpered slightly, trying to keep the pain she was feeling from clouding her mind. Leo had always told her that was how losing control started. Intense pain, emotional or physical, blinded the mind and control over the urge to kill was lost. She knew she couldn’t slip, not here in school with so many people around. Bora was proud of her for controlling herself so well. So was N and the rest of the family. Leo might not show it well, but he was very proud of her. She couldn’t slip now and disappoint them.

Leo’s face when she’ll killed that guy in the sixties had killed her. He’d looked so upset, so disappointed in her. She couldn’t do that to him again. The others had all understood, even Gayun had been kind about what had happened, but not Leo. So she couldn’t slip again. Not here at school with tons of students around who could get hurt.

“Jina?” Sehun asked, trying to help her stand, “just focus on me, ok? Hyuk went to get Bora. She’ll fix everything.” Sehun wrapped his arms around her, keeping her still and she welcomed the contact as it gave her something to focus on other than her pain.

“Oppa,” one of the girls whined, “how can you touch her?”

“Just get away,” Sehun growled at the girls around them, “I don’t ever want to hear about you going anywhere near Jina again. Because if I do, you’ll be facing not only my wraith, but the wraith of my brother’s and Jina’s friends. And I would strongly suggest not pissing off Bora and Leo.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Bora hissed from the other end of the hall way. N stood tall on her left while Leo was at her right, glaring down at the human girls who had hurt Jina. If the girls had thought Sehun’s glare was scary, then Leo’s glare was enough to make their hearts stop dead in fear. Even though Sehun wasn’t the target of the vampire’s anger, even he felt a chill run up his spine.

The pack elder had always said that Leo was the one vampire no one in their right mind would ever cross. No one else came close to how scary Leo got when angry. Even Bora’s rage didn’t compare. Looking at him now, Sehun knew why the elder had said that. Leo was always so calm and collected that to see him any other way drew attention. When he was angry….


“Get out of here,” Leo growled, “and never go near any of us again.” The girls nodded, shaking in fear before running away. Anyone else in the hall also fled, fearing that Leo would turn his anger to them. Once everyone was gone, Leo’s gaze softened. He quickly walked over to Jina and took her from Sehun’s arms.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her, his own hands moving to examine her injury for himself. Even with a wound caused by wood, vampire still healed fast so her original wound hadn’t been too bad. However the girls who attacked her hit her right where her injury was at its worst and opened it enough to draw blood. Leo knew Jina would be fully recovered by the next day, but she would have been healed a bit sooner had the girls left her alone.

“This is my fault,” Sehun frowned, “the ones who started this were my fangirls.”

“Don’t take the blame for them,” Bora told him, taking Jina away from Leo so she could look over the younger too, “the acts of others are not under your control. If they do something to hurt those you call ‘friend’ then that’s their fault, their guilt to carry. Not yours.” Sehun simply nodded. Bora was right, he knew that, but that didn’t calm the guilt he felt in his gut every time he saw the blood staining Jina’s uniform.

“I’m taking Jina home,” Leo announced and Bora agreed.

“She can’t be running around with a bloody shirt,” N admitted, ruffling Jina’s hair playfully, “I’ll get Hyuk to take notes for you, alright? Just go home and rest. If my shoulder’s still bugging me after three days of resting, you must be going through hell with only one full day of rest.”

Sehun watched as Leo led her away. The older glanced back once, sending him a small smile as if to say it wasn’t his fault. Somehow, the fact Leo didn’t blame him made Sehun feel a lot better.

A/N: sorry for all those who wanted to see more LuhanXBoraXN for this chapter, but I thought Jina, Sehun, and Leo needed some more love. And isn’t Leo just so sweet when he’s looking after Jina! Truthfully, I’ve been thinking of putting a vampire-human confrontation in here for a while, but I’d always thought it would be Bora beating the out of some stupid human girl who messed with her (verbally beating her up, not physically. She’d kill the girl who tried to hit her). But I think this worked out even better! Anyway, lots of love to my subscribers <3 you guys rock! Please comment if you have time (I’d actually like to hear what you guys think of Jina and her boys. Are you a LeonJina supporter? Or do you think SehunJina is cuter?). I promise to focus on Bora next chapter, I know you all must miss her and hate that she’s only doing cameo bits right now.

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Chapter 2: Comments
ttphan #2
I was reading the forward and I was like.. " holy Jesus this is so much like the originals" I'm sooooo looking forward to reading this
julianguyen1995 #3
Chapter 3: I love this story, it reminds of the vampire diaries/the originals but the asian version! :D lol
Chapter 42: Awwww i love happy ending♥ i'm glad to stumble this fic and decide to read it till thr very end. It was good!!! Got me cry a lil bit when hakyeon cried bcs of bora's stone but i'm happy it was happy ending. Great job author-nim!! ^^
kdramalover1 #5
Chapter 23: I don't tend to comment on fanfics that are already finished..
But I just love this story so much!! I like seeing this side to Gayun too. :)
wonja2 #6
I was gonna comment and say I had read your profiles for exo word for word in another story...then I realized you were the author of that story too! Lol.
So based on the forward/summary this is inspired by the vampire diaries?
Anyways, thanks for adding to the fantasy/scifi genre, I'm a huge junkie for all things fantasy/scifi!
Chapter 42: Beautiful :'(
Chapter 42: It's so beautiful. . . *sheds tear*
Author-nim is Awesome!
Jenn81234 #9
Chapter 42: LOVE UR STORY
missispanda #10
Chapter 42: kkyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooo~~~~~~~~~