Chapter 4

My new next door Neighbour!

In school.

We got there just a minute before the bell rang. I raced to my locker, quickly put in my combination, and got it open on the third try. I grabbed everything I needed and quickly walked to my first period class.

I walked into class just a second before the bell rang. The first person I noticed was, none other than, Sehun. He was sitting in the only seat that used to be empty. The seat next to mine. I wasn't in the mood to see him, and less than happy to sit next to him. I slowly started walking to my seat.

"Jessica, please hurry to your seat." My teacher said.

I blushed and quickly sat down, making sure to avoid eye contact with Sehun.

All through class, I made sure to keep my gaze straight ahead, not even slightly glancing his way. I heard his pencil being tap on the desk. As soon as I looked at him, he smiled. Oh crap! So he did it on purpose!

At the end of the class, I waked out as fast as possible. My next class was all the way at the other end of the school, so its take a lot of time. I glanced back to see Sehun following me.

I slowed down so we were walking side by side. "What? Are you stalking me right now?"

"Not technically, but I do have all the same classes as you." he smirked.

"How do you know my classes?"

We walkes into class and he said, "Oh, I have my way."

I was just about to reply when the bell rang. Oh, I have my way? That didn't answer my question at all.

"Class, please put your project on your desk," the teacher instructed. Project? What project? Oh crap, that huge project? Why did I have to leave it at home.

"Jessica Jung?" the teacher stopped at my desk.

"Umm, I forgot it." I mumbled.

"You know I can't take it, if its late. I'll give you a B if you give it to me tomorrow." he said.

"Thankyou sir." I said politely, but I was crying inside. Krystal was like always perfect, she always had an A on everything. She take role on every part of school clubs, and her shelf is full of trophies. A "B" might not be that bad to some people, but to me, it was horrible.

After school, Sehun walked with me to my next class. Or rather, our next class.

"isn't that bad Jess," he tried to cheer me up, but even he knew that it wasn't going to help.

"Thanks." I murmured.

We walked in silence for a few seconds until I couldn't help but ask, "So, you've met Fany."

"Yeah. She's nice," he didn't look at me. "And pretty," I added wearily. "Yeah," he agreed.

I felt frustrated inside. Did he think I didn't know he had a date with her?

"And you've got a date with her," I finally managed to say that. "I know," he replied, like it wasn't a big deal. "You're the one who said she was pretty and nice."

I didn't reply right away. We got to our next class, and he sat down in the seat next to mine.

"I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you guys." The words got caught in my throat, but I managed to spill them out.

"You sound very happy," he teased.

I decided to just ignore him. It was his decision anyways. I wasn't going to tell him who you should date and who you shouldn't date, right?

"We will be starting our new project this week," the teacher, Mrs.Kim said, "You will work in pairs."

Everyone started pointing to each other and whispering, already deciding who they want to be with.

"Quiet class. I will choose your partners," she added. Everyone groaned.

Mrs.Kim went down the list, starting who we'll stuck with. Everyone who had already been called to pair up were the ones who hated each other. Mrs.Kim probably did that on purpose.

"Jessica Jung and Oh Sehun," she called out. I snapped to attention.

"Wait, what?"

"There'll be no complaining about who you're paired up with," she reminded me.

I sighed and glanced at Sehun who already smirking at me.

Soooo, how is the story so far? Is it boring or not?
Oh! And I already got 30 subsrcibers! Hehehehe thankyou everyone!

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Chapter 17: Finally. ❤
gorgeouszhang #2
Chapter 17: This is sweet :3 I never imagine hunsica will go well together but after reading this.... Well, why they look so cute to be a couple aaaaaw HAHAHA
Chapter 17: OMG!!! This is just SO sweet! I was squealing over every chapter. Amazing story :)
I wish it was longer though... ;^;
Ilovefanfics______ #4
Chapter 17: Great story!!
GorjessSpazzer_26 #5
Chapter 17: I <3 this story so much!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 17: Lovelovelovelove this story~<3
Chapter 17: This was a quick read, finished it in an hour but very good! ^.^
Chapter 10: ARGH Sica should just date him again, it's not like he murdered her mother or something D:<
Chapter 3: Sehun asked Tiffany out rather quickly o.o Only on chap 3 but loving it!