Chapter 12

My new next door Neighbour!

Chapter 12

"Let's try this again," the teacher instructed. She showed us the move again. I looked around. Here I was, stuck in a room with a bunch of eight to twelve year olds.

After many attempts, the teacher said, "Jessica, why don't you give it a shot."

Did I mention that I'm the Teacher's Assistant? I was so going to kill Tiffany for this.

I took her place in front of the room. Twenty pair of eyes stared at me.

"Um, okay, why don't you guys just show me what you've got so far?" I the music.

It was like watching a war unfold. One girl accidently hit the girl next to her. The girl who got hit narrowed her eyes at the girl who hit her, and then accidently hit her in the elbow too. Then they started having an elbow fight.

One boy, who was off to the side, wasn't moving at all. Instead, he pulled his sweatshirt over his head.

Two girls in the middle weren't even paying attention to the whole routine; they were just standing there, waving their arms like they could pass as participating. They giggle and kept sneaking looks at the guy across from them.

Oh boy.

I turned off the music.

"Okay, um, that didn't go too well," I murmured to myself. "Do you guys even want to learn how to dance? Or did your parents just make you?" I asked.

One girl raised her hand, "My parents made me. I at dancing, anyway."

About half of the people murmured in agreement.


So then I started, I the music and said, "Watch this." I started putting in random moves together. After a few minutes, the twenty pair of eyes that were staring at me, widened.

"That was so cool!" the girl said, "I want to learn how to dance like that!"

"Well, you can't if you don't even pay attention," I said, "Now, do you want me to teach you or not?"

My answer was twenty heads nodding.

I smiled. This wasn't so bad.

"Okay, now just follow what I do."

Ten minutes have gone by when the door suddenly opened. I couldn't believe who walked in. Sehun. What the heck was he doing here? He saw me, but showed no signs of it. He started talking to the teacher.

I looked away from him.

After a few minutes, he said goodbye to the teacher. Just as he walked out, he gave a winked at me. Or, at least, I think he did.

"Good job Jess! Thank you so much for helping out. I can take over now," the teacher said as she walked up to the front of the class again.

"It was my pleasure," I smiled. I grabbed my bags, waved goodbye, and then walked out.

I waited for Krystal to pick me up, since someone, name Tiffany, was apparently busy.

Finally, Krystal got there and we drove home.

"Are mom and dad home?" I asked as I stepped inside the house.

"No, they're out shopping."

"For what?" I asked.

"Your birthday." She shot me a weird look.


"You do realize your birthday is next week, right?"

"Oh, really?" I was astonished.

"What? Have you been living under a rock these past few days?"

I shook my head, "I just have a lot going on in my mind."

"Well, your birthday is on the same day as the Spring Fest," Krystal informed me.


"I give up," she murmured and walked away.

I glanced at the calendar on the fridge. Whoa! It was already April. I wanted to slap myself on the forehead. Who would be dumd enough to forget their own birthday?

I looked out the window and something caught my eye. Yoona, Tiffany, and Sehun were standing in front of his door, talking about something. What were Yoona and Tiffany doing at Sehun's? I watched them smile at each other, and then Yoona and Tiffany got into the car. Yoona waved goodbye to him as they drove away. Was he with Yoona now?

They owed me a big explanation.

"Wake up you lazy bump!" Tiffany shouted. I murmured under breath and sat up.

"Go away," I mumbled.

"Never," she started dragging me off my bed.

Just like the daily routine.

After everything was done, we got into her car and started driving to school.

"So, what busy things were you doing that prevented you to pick me up?" I asked. I saw you at Sehun's house, was what I wanted to say but I didn't.

"Oh. You know, stuff," she said casually. Tiffany was hiding something from me.

"Remember when you said bestfriends tell each other everything?"


"Well?" I pressed.

"Well, what?" she asked, definitely trying to pass time.

"What were you doing?" Just admit it already!

"There are some things you can't tell your best friend," Tiffany replied coolly.

"Like, oh, I don't know, just for example, hanging out with their ex?"

She pulled into her parking space and stopped the car. Then she turned to face me.

"Jess?" she said slowly. I waited for her to continue, "Well, maybe this friend should just make up her mind. Is she going to move on, or does she want her ex back?"

Then she got out the car and handed me the keys, "Lock the doors when you make up your mind."

I sat there, shocked. I couldn't believe what Tiffany just said to me. She wasn't in my situation. She didn't understand anything.

But I couldn't help replying her every word throughout the rest of the day. Maybe she was right. Maybe, I should just make up my mind, and actually stick with the decision. And maybe, just maybe, I should stop saying maybe.

Through one of the classes, I caught myself staring at Sehun. He was sitting just across from me, and my eyes tranced over his figure.

And that was when I realized, I am falling for him again. Even though I was completely against it, I couldn't help it. Curse you, Cupid.

After school, as I was putting my stuff away in my locker, Luhan stopped by, which surprised me a lot! Luhan was one of the hottest guy in school, and was one of Kai's best friends. We haven't talked much since last year. He was my date to one of the dances we had.

"Hey, Jess," he smiled. His blonde hair was a little messy now, and I couldn't help but admire his brown doe eyes.

"Oh hey," I smiled back.

"So, I haven't talked to you much since school started," he said, and I swore he took a step closer to me.

"I know, sorry."

"Hey, no need to apologize," Luhan grinned again. "So, I was thinking, maybe we should start hanging out again."

Did he just indirectly ask me out on a date?

My answers surprised both of us, "Sure, just give me a call. You know my number right?"

"Of course. From last year."

"Great," I gave him a smile.

"See ya," he waved goodbye and started walked away.

What. the. hell. did. I. just. do?

I had no idea why I just said yes.

I thought I just decided that I liked Sehun again. Did my brain somehow form a plan to use Luhan to get Sehun back, without me knowing? Like in the movies, and books. The girl dates another guy, to get the guy she wants jealous. Whoa, that was confusing. Wait, that wasn't possible. My brain is my brain, so....

And here I am, talking to myself. Could my life get any more pathetic?

Then I realized that I didn't have a ride. I wasn't sure if Tiffany was going to wait for me or not, since of what happened this morning. Luhan was almost out of the building when I called out to him.

"Hey! Lu! Luhan!" he turned around and waited for me to catch up to him.


"Mind giving me a ride? You know, I hate the bus, and I'm not sure if Tiffany was..." I started blabbing off. "Yeah, sure," he inturrupted, probably not wanting to hear my lame excuses.

I smiled, "Thanks."

We just took a step outside when we heard "Jessica!"

I turned around to see Tiffany. Uh oh.

"Hey," Tiffany said when she stopped in front of us.

"Hey, Tiffany," Luhan greeted. Tiffany's eyes widened a bit when she saw him.

"Luhan? Oh hey, I haven't seen you with....Jessie in a while," she said.

I prayed that he wouldn't say anything, but unfortunately, he did.

"Jessica and I are bonding again," he grinned. Uh, yeah, sure.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I see. So, you've made up your mind, huh? And this is what you decided?"

What? Who said I've made up my mind? I'm not even close. Oh god, this is starting to sound like those love triangles. Oh my god, he's so nice and stuff, but he's blah blah blah, all that.

"No, I...." my voice trailed off. Luhan kept silent, since he didn't know what we were talking about.

"Well, have fun....bonding." Tiffany said, and then walked away.

"What was that all about?" Luhan asked as we started walking towards his car again.

"Nothing," I shook my head. Please don't ask any further, I thought and fortunately, he didn't.

We drove in silence. This was nothing like the car ride I had with Sehun. Sure, the one with Sehun wasn't all that...happy, but it wasn't this awkward. Hold on, scratch that. It was pretty awkward. Ugh. I give up on trying to figure out this..mess.

He pulled into my driveway. I saw Sehun next door, getting out of his car. Tiff's car, also with Yoona in it, pulled into his driveway too. They quickly got into the house. I just sat there and stared at Sehun's house, until Luhan coughed.

"Oh, sorry," I got out and started walking towards my house.

"I'll call you tonight," he pulled out and winked. I managed a smile, and waved goodbye.

"Was that Luhan?" Krystal opened the door and demanded, after he drove away.

"Yeah, so?" I said and started heading upstairs.

"Is there anything going on between you two? Cause, I mean, I'm totally Team Sehun."

I turned around, "You are what?!"

"You and Sehun," she grinned, "The other way sounds weird."

"This isn't a Twilight Saga movie," I rolled my eyes, "Team Sehun? Really, Krys? Really?"

She just grinned and walked away to watch TV.

I headed upstairs, heard my cellphone ring. I pulled it out of my bag and Luhan's name flashed on the screen.


"Hey, Jess," Luhan said.

"I thought you said you were going to call me tonight," I glanced at my clock, "Only eight minutes has passed."

He laughed, "I know, but I remembered something I wanted to ask you."

I waited for him to continue.

"Will you go to the Spring Fest with me?"

BAM! Hello readers! There's a litlle Kai in the old chapt, and I put Luhan in this chapt now! Hahahaha, how's the chapt? Comment below~^^

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Chapter 17: Finally. ❤
gorgeouszhang #2
Chapter 17: This is sweet :3 I never imagine hunsica will go well together but after reading this.... Well, why they look so cute to be a couple aaaaaw HAHAHA
Chapter 17: OMG!!! This is just SO sweet! I was squealing over every chapter. Amazing story :)
I wish it was longer though... ;^;
Ilovefanfics______ #4
Chapter 17: Great story!!
GorjessSpazzer_26 #5
Chapter 17: I <3 this story so much!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 17: Lovelovelovelove this story~<3
Chapter 17: This was a quick read, finished it in an hour but very good! ^.^
Chapter 10: ARGH Sica should just date him again, it's not like he murdered her mother or something D:<
Chapter 3: Sehun asked Tiffany out rather quickly o.o Only on chap 3 but loving it!