Chapter 10

My new next door Neighbour!

OMG! Why all of you are so sweet? Thankyou for always supporting my story, my lovely 83 subscribers!I'm sorry I haven't replied your comment yet.
And look what I got~ its a picture for the story! Yaaay! Thankyou Kendy_Smile!
Its kinda short for this chapt. I'll try to write it long for the next chapt, and I'll update it tonight :) Enjoy!

Chapter 10

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the stairway. I pulled away and turned to see what it was. Hayeon was standing there, watching us quietly.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry, Hayeon-ah." I got up and walked towards her. I felt myself blush. I didn't look back at Sehun.

"Its okay..onnie." She said as she followed me upstairs, "I won't tell mommy and daddy."

I didn't say anything as I got out her pajamas and let her change. All I could think about was our kiss. I couldn't believe he actually kissed me. What happened to moving on? I was mad at myself for kissing him back. It was probably just another mind of game of his, and I had fallen directly into the trap.

"I thought he wasn't your boyfriend onnie." Hayeon said as she climbed onto her bed. "He's not."

"Oh. Okay." She nodded like she understood. "Goodnight, Hayeon-ah." I turned off the lights and closed the door.

I stopped and hesitated. What would I do when I Sehun again? I stood behind the railing of the staircase and peeked down. He was sitting on the couch, hunched over. Sigh. He looked so perfect. But no, I couldn't be falling for him. I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my face with my hands.

I couldn't just hide upstairs until Mr. and Mrs. Choi came back. I slowly made my way down and quitely sat down next to Sehun.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Then I felt him looking at me. I glanced up and met his eyes. I wanted him.

"I'm sorry," he said quitely. "I....."

"We broke up," I interrupted. My voice was shaky.

"I know."

"Then..why did you...kissed me?"

Before he could respond, the door knob turned and Mr. and Mrs. Choi walked in. I gave them a weak smile.

"Hayeon's fast asleep."

"That's great," Mrs.Choi said, "Thankyou so much for looking after her again, Jessie. Hayeon really likes you."

"I love looking after her too, Mrs.Choi." I faked a smile as she handed me the money.

We exchange goodnights. Then Sehun and I walked out to his car. We sat in silence as he backed out the driveway and started driving to my house, I mean, our house.

"Jess," he said quitely, without looking at me. I kept my gaze out of the window.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to move on, and at the same time, I want him. Badly.

When he pulled into my driveway, just as he stopped, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door.

"Jess," Sehun put his hand on my arm to stop me.

"I can't," my voice broke. All I was focused on now was to get away from him, so I could think it over.

I grabbed my bag and ran out. I quickly opened my door and then closed it once I was in. I looked out the window to see Sehun wait for a few seconds, and then he backed out of the driveway.

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Chapter 17: Finally. ❤
gorgeouszhang #2
Chapter 17: This is sweet :3 I never imagine hunsica will go well together but after reading this.... Well, why they look so cute to be a couple aaaaaw HAHAHA
Chapter 17: OMG!!! This is just SO sweet! I was squealing over every chapter. Amazing story :)
I wish it was longer though... ;^;
Ilovefanfics______ #4
Chapter 17: Great story!!
GorjessSpazzer_26 #5
Chapter 17: I <3 this story so much!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 17: Lovelovelovelove this story~<3
Chapter 17: This was a quick read, finished it in an hour but very good! ^.^
Chapter 10: ARGH Sica should just date him again, it's not like he murdered her mother or something D:<
Chapter 3: Sehun asked Tiffany out rather quickly o.o Only on chap 3 but loving it!