Chapter 15

My new next door Neighbour!

Hi guys! The story are going to end soon~ the next chapter are the end of the story. I'll make another soon, I hope so hahaha. Hope you guys like it~^^

Chapter 15

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Tiffany was starting to get all hyper.

"Calm down Tiff!" I told her. She kept trying to make her dress looks perfect, even though its already looked perfect.

"I can't!" she put her high heels on and off, and on again.

"Kai and Luhan will be here any minute," I said, "Try not to die before then."

With that, Tiffany stopped and rolled her eyes.

"You and your sense of humor."

"That's why you love me," I smiled as I gave her a hug, purposely messing up her once smooth, wrinkle-free pink dress.

"Ah!" she let out a small scream and quickly tried to even it again, "Why don't you get into your dress? Like you said, they're going to be here any minute."

"Less time in that dress equals a happy me," I grinned as I laid down on my bed. Tiffany walked to the window and looked outside.

"Oh my god! Limo, outside."

I ran to the window and looked out to see a black limo parked in my driveway. Kai and Luhan got out, wearing tuxedos.

"Kai looks so hot," Tiffany gushed.

"Oh gosh, please don't let me hear that again," I answered sarcastically and smiled. I quickly got on my dress.

"Your hair," she pointed out. I grabbed my hairbrush that was on my nightstand and quickly ran it on my brunette hair. I took my little clutch bag and wear my earrings and a ring to support my dress.

"Lets go," I said. We walked down the stairs to see my parents taking pictures of Luhan and Kai.

"Mom, dad, please, this isn't prom," I groaned.

"We'll take even more pictures at prom," Mom smiled as she snapped a picture of me and Tiffany.

I found my black flats and put them on, but Tiffany a.k.a my fashion stylist convince me to wear high heels, and I did. 

"Get in all together," my Dad instructed us. As we did that, my mom took another dozen pictures.

"Okay, lets go now," I said, desperately trying to hide my face from the camera.

We walked outside, and it would have been dead quiet if Tiffany hadn't started gushing about the limo.

"I can't believe you guys rented a limo," she repeated for the nth time. I don't think she's ever been in one. Well, I guess her annoyingness could be excuse, I thought as I smiled.

We got in, with Kai and Tiffany on the left side, and Luhan and me in the back.

"You look great," he told me.

"Thanks," I replied, "So do you Lu."

I zoned out for the rest of the ride, starin out the window. I suddenly realized that I couldn't leave early, even if I wanted to, since I wouldn't have a ride.

Once we got to the school, we got out and along with many people all dressed up in formal wear, made our way to the hall. The DJ was playing a song by Usher, and almost everyone was out on the dance floor.

"Refreshments table," I said and Tiffany nodded. It was sort of our tradition to check out the food before everything else.

"Oooh, cupcakes!" I smirked as I grabbed one.

"Do you know how many calories are in that thing?" she asked as I took a bite.

"Who cares?"

"Hey babe," Kai appeared and wrapped his arm around Tiffany's waist. He looked at me, "Mind if I borrow her for a few minutes?"

"Sure," I replied, "Borrow her for the whole dance if you want."

Tiffany rolled her eyes at me and they dissapeared in the crowd. Luhan came up next to me as I took another bite out of my cupcake. He didn't say anything, he just stood next to me, like he was making sure I wasn't going to run off or something.

"Hey, look, there's Yoona," I pointed out, "Go ask her to dance or something. I know I'm boring. And I think Yoona has been waiting for you."

"Its fine," he shook his head, "I'll wait till after...." he suddenly cut off.

"After what?" I had a feeling Luhan was going to say something important.


"Liar," I said. I finished my cupcake and threw it in the trash, "Tell me."

"Its nothing," he repeated, with a hint of annoyance. I glanced around and saw him. Sehun. He was also in a tuxedo, and lets just say my heart wouldn't carry a steady rhythm. I realized that I was holding my breath and let go. Sehun caught my eye, and quickly dissapeared into the crowd.

The Usher song finished, and "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga come on. Luhan tapped his fingers on refreshments table impatiently.

Suddenly, the song stopped, and the lights turned off, except for a single spotlight on the stage. I turned to look, along with everyone else in the room. It was Sehun.

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Chapter 17: Finally. ❤
gorgeouszhang #2
Chapter 17: This is sweet :3 I never imagine hunsica will go well together but after reading this.... Well, why they look so cute to be a couple aaaaaw HAHAHA
Chapter 17: OMG!!! This is just SO sweet! I was squealing over every chapter. Amazing story :)
I wish it was longer though... ;^;
Ilovefanfics______ #4
Chapter 17: Great story!!
GorjessSpazzer_26 #5
Chapter 17: I <3 this story so much!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 17: Lovelovelovelove this story~<3
Chapter 17: This was a quick read, finished it in an hour but very good! ^.^
Chapter 10: ARGH Sica should just date him again, it's not like he murdered her mother or something D:<
Chapter 3: Sehun asked Tiffany out rather quickly o.o Only on chap 3 but loving it!