Chapter 14

My new next door Neighbour!

Chapter 14

I sat up suddenly, and realized that my phone was ringing. I groaned and reached for it. "Hello?" I asked sleepily.
"YAH!" I heard Tiffany's voice screaming, "Wake up you sleepy-head! I'm coming by in half an hour!"
"Why?" I glanced at the clock, "Oh god, Tiff, its only ten a.m."
"What do you mean by its only ten am? Do you know how long it takes for a girl to pick out a dress?"
I groaned, "Is that why you called me?"
"Duh. Of course!" she replied. "The Spring Fest is tomorrow, how can you be so... not worried about it?"
"I could just wear what I wore last year," I replied as I sat up.
Tiffany laughed, "You wore jeans and a t-shirt last year!" I shrugged, even though I knew she couldn't see me, "Your point?"
"You are not supposed to wear jeans and a t-shirt to Spring Fest!"
"Well, at least I stood out the most," I replied.
"You're going to wear a dress this year, for your birthday," Tiffany replied firmly, "See you in half an hour."
She hung up before I could protest. I walked to the bathroom, and picked up my light pink toothbrush. I stared at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth.
My hair looked like a complete disaster. After I was done brushing my teeth, I took a hair band and put it up in a ponytail.
Twenty-two minutes later, Tiffany's car pulled into my driveway. I grabbed my wallet, stuffed it in my back pocket, and walked outside.
"Hey," she smiled brightly when I walked to her car. I notice Yoona in the backseat. I got in.
"You know, I don't understand why you can't just wear the dress you wore last year," I commented as Tiffany started driving away. Yoona and Tiffany gasped in shock at the same time, like they had planned it or something.
"No one does that," Yoona replied.
"Well, you guys have fun picking out your dress; I'll save my money and wear one of my old dresses."
"You only have one dress," Tiffany rolled her eyes, "Don't worry about the money. I'll pay for your dress, as a birthday present."
"No!" I protested, "Don't give me a dress for my birthday. Get me something useful."
"Don't you want to look good for the Spring Fest?" Yoona asked. "Its only a dance," I murmured to myself.
Tiffany parked her car in the parking lot of the mall. We walked in. I saw a row of jeans, and immediately started walking in that direction.
"Hold on, missy, dresses first," Tiffany told me. She grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me to the dresses section.
I stood there, staring at all the dresses they had. Short, long, and every color you could imagine. Oh god, this was really going to take all day.
"They have like, a million dresses here!" I complained as I followed them down a row of black dresses.
"Hey, this one looks cute," Yoona said as she pulled out a light blue dress from the racket.
"Great," I said, "It looks great on you Yoona! It will! Now just go pay for it and lets get out of here."
"I still have to try it on," Yoona laughed and shook her head, "It might not look good on me."
"Of course it will!" I replied impatiently.
Yoona laughed again, "Thanks for the compliment, even though you only said it so I would hurry up."
"Like I said," Tiffany cut in, "We might be here all day." I groaned.
"Why don't you just look around, and see if there's any you like?"
I quickly glanced around, "Done, and nope."
"Jessie," Tiffany said, holding up a pink dress and examinating it, "Don't be a party pooper." I sighed, "Fine."
I walked down a row of dresses, merely glancing at them. I had almost walked across all of the rows, when I noticed the men's suits section.
I heard someone laugh, and goosebumps formed on my arm as I realized how familiar it sounded. I glanced around. Then I saw them.
Kai, Luhan, and Sehun were there, laughing around with each other. I guess everyone's looking forward to the Spring Fest, I thought sulkily.
I walked back to Tiffany and Yoona, and saw that they were holding at least ten dresses in their arms.
"You've got to be kidding me," I protested.
"And this is the part where we try them on," Tiffany replie cheerfully, "Oh, and I found the perfect dress for you."

She handed me a long frilly, apricot-colored dress with ribbon right below the bust line.

"Its... pretty," I finally said.

"Great," Yoona smiled, "Now lets go to the dressing rooms."
I followed them as I kept my eyes on the dress. I tried to imagine myself in it, but couldn't.
"Go," Tiffany pushed me into one of the stalls. I closed the door behind me and changed. I opened the door, and Yoona, Tiffany and I stepped out at exactly the same time.
My body somehow felt so... , even though I knew I was wearing the dress. Probably because it only had two, thin layers.
"You look great!" Tiffany told me, "I say definitely that one."
"Yeah," Tiffany agreed.
I brought the price tag forward and almost choked when I saw the price. I couldn't even afford the dress if I had planned to buy it on my own.
"Oh god! This is beyond expensive Tiff!"
"Its a well-made dress," Tiffany informed me, "And anyway, like I said, I'm paying for it. I know how much these are supposed to cost. Trust me, its worth it."
"I'm never going to wear this anyway," I replied. I couldn't imagine myself anywhere with this dress.
"Hey beautiful," Kai appeared, followed behind by Luhan. Kai walked up to Tiffany, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. Tiffany giggled.
"Great," I rolled my eyes, "And this is the part where Tiffany says Oh, now that you two have seen it, we can't wear this to the Spring Fest anymore!"
Tiffany rolled her eyes at me, "First of all, I do not sound like that. Second of all, its true."
"Well, I'm still keeping this dress," I replied stubbornly. "See, we knew that you liked it," Yoona grinned. Shoot.
After I changed out of my dress, I spent another hour sitting on a bench, waiting for Yoona and Tiifany to make up their mind. I stared at the clock, and tried to intimidate it into moving faster, which didn't work.
"How about this one?" Tiffany asked as she stepped out of the stall.
"Yes, its perfect," I didn't even bother to look at it.
"Hmm, I like it too," she replied, twirling in front of the mirror. I grunted.
"Smile," she told me, "This is my dress."
Yoona stepped out of her stall, and stood next to Tiffany. "I like this one," she smiled. "Great!" I jumped up, "Now we can go."
"Yes, we can go now," Tiffany replied, "This must be the happiest moment of you life."
"Yes, it is," I replied with a smile.
They changed in a hurry, and rushed to the register, due to my complains that they weren't moving fast enough.
"Remind me to never invite Jessica when we go shopping again," Tiffany joked. "Yes, please don't," I grinned at her.
We walked out of the mall, and back to her car. "Where are we going?" I asked as Tiffany backed out the parking lot. "We're going to meet the guys," Yoona replied. "The guys?" I asked. "Yeah, Kai, Luhan, and... Sehun."
Suddenly, I didn't feel eating anything.
Tiffany didn't reply for a few seconds. She glanced at Yoona, and Yoona nodded. "Fine," she replied as she made a U-turn, driving in the direction of my house.
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Chapter 17: Finally. ❤
gorgeouszhang #2
Chapter 17: This is sweet :3 I never imagine hunsica will go well together but after reading this.... Well, why they look so cute to be a couple aaaaaw HAHAHA
Chapter 17: OMG!!! This is just SO sweet! I was squealing over every chapter. Amazing story :)
I wish it was longer though... ;^;
Ilovefanfics______ #4
Chapter 17: Great story!!
GorjessSpazzer_26 #5
Chapter 17: I <3 this story so much!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 17: Lovelovelovelove this story~<3
Chapter 17: This was a quick read, finished it in an hour but very good! ^.^
Chapter 10: ARGH Sica should just date him again, it's not like he murdered her mother or something D:<
Chapter 3: Sehun asked Tiffany out rather quickly o.o Only on chap 3 but loving it!