When There's Hope

Fight Through The Problems

A week has passed and you were finally discharged from the hospital. You were reliefed. Now all you had to do was catch up on school work. You let out a heavy as you walked out of the building, looking into the bright sky. "Everyone must be at school." You told yourself as you looked down at your phone. You decided to go to the school and pick up your missing assignments. 

You walked into you the office, asking for assignments. You bumped into Mi Sook before you reached a teacher. "Oh," Mi Sook didn't notice. She looked up and met with your eyes. "Lina? I didn't know you were out." She fixed the stack of papers. "Yup." You verified. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't think I have to tell you information on what's happening in my life, Mi Sook." You gave her a look. "But I thought we were okay? I mean, I apologized." You sighed, "But I didn't forgive you yet." She didn't reply, nor speak. She stood there, stunned. She was expecting the both you to be on good terms now. "What will it take for you to forgive me?" She asked, not looking at you. You could tell she was nervous by the crack of her voice.

"Hmm.." You thought about it for a bit. "What you did to me, Mi Sook, is unforgivable." She looked at you, as if she was about to cry. "But I'll see if I can forgive you." A big bright smile was shown on her face. She was about to say say something but you spoke first, "I haven't forgiven you yet. I just need to find a reason why." A smile still stood on her face. "Fine with me!" She left, still smiling happily. Secretly, you smiled too. 

After collecting all the homework you needed, you decided to wait for the seven boys. As you were waiting, Teen Top passed by. You didn't notice though. You looked into Changjo's eyes, but you saw right through him, and he noticed that too. He was heart broken. He was about to stop and talk to you but, "Oh? Jungkook oppa!" You screamed, waving your hands in the air. Changjo turned around and saw him, soon seeing you run off to him. 

"Oh, Lina. You're out of the hospital." You nodded, "Where are the others?" Jungkook looked back and pointed. "They're coming." You smiled as you saw them walking towards you. Your smile dropped as soon as you noticed a familiar silhouette. 

"Yah! Lina?" Suga waved his hand in front of your face. "Huh?" You snapped back to reality. The silhouette you noticed earlier was closer. "Guys, can we go?" You tugged on Jin's shirt. "Wae?" Jin asked. You hesitately pointed at the silhouette. Mi Sun. V wanted to stop her, but you pulled him back. "Andwae, oppa." Everyone was shocked. Oppa? You've never called him oppa before. You felt so vulnerable and scared so it just slipped. V didn't want to do anything to upset you, so he didn't do anything. "Don't call me that." He said, rubbing his knuckles on your head. "It creeps me out." You laughed, earning a smile from everyone. 

"You guys go on ahead." You stopped, handing your apartment keys to V. "I need to go to the library. I'll be home soon." You smiled. "Okay. Be safe." V said cautiously. "Don't worry I will!" The seven boys turned around and continued walking. 

It was around 4:30 pm so the sun was about to set soon. While you were on your way to the library, a shop caught your eye. You were still heart broken and traumitized, you were about to do something you thought you'd never do. "Just this one time." You promised yourself. You checked your pockets to make sure you had some cash on you and you did. You took a deep breath before you opened the door.

"Evening, miss." The bartender greeted. You bowed. "What would you like?" He asked nicely. You didn't know what drink to get. You've never ordered alcohol in your life before. You leaned in and whispered, "What's good for a heart break?" You sounded so stupid, but the bartender got it immidiately. "Ah, perfect." He picked up a bottle and poured it in a glass. You quickly drank it, cringing from the sour taste. "Blah," You spat. The bartender laughed. "First time?" "Nae."

It's been an hour and a half and you were definitely drunk. You were getting pretty crazy. The bartender kept asking you where you lived so he can call a cab and send you home, but you kept calling him a stalker and what not. "Yah! Get your hands of me!" You mumbled. "Aish!" The bartener got fustrated. Your eyes were droopy and you kept swaying side to side. 

You grabbed the collar of the bartender, earing a frightful eyes from him. "Give me more." You demanded. "Miss, you had too much." Actually, you only had about three glasses. Surprising how fast you got drunk. It's cause your body wasn't used to it. "I want more!" You shouted and pushed the man. "Forget it." You threw your hands in the air. You payed for the drinks you had, "Keep the change." You said groggily. 

You left the bar, hiccuping here and there. "Aish, stupid phone is dead." You shoved yourself phone back in your pocket. You didn't know where to go so you stood in front of the bar. "Lina?" Someone noticed you. You held out your finger and pointed at the person, tears forming. "No. Stay away." You stepped back. Changjo knew you were drunk. 

"It's just me. Changjo." He stepped closer. "Stop!" You shouted louder. Funny how you found Changjo in the same situation about a year ago. Who knew this was going to happen to you. "You're drunk Lina, I'll take you home." You laughed like a maniac, "I can take myself home, excuse you." You put your hands on your hips after hiccuping. You swayed the left, almost falling. Changjo caught you just in time. "Don't touch me!" You pushed him away. You didn't really shout, more like yelling but only he could hear. 

Your tears began to lose control. "Just stay away from me." You looked down at your shoes, rubbing your right arm. It was quiet for a moment. Your sober self was telling you to walk away, but your drunk self told you to stay still. "Lina, I'm sorry." He apologized and took hold of your shoulders. "Look at me." He whispered. You refused. He cupped your face, forcing you to look at him. You teared more. You haven't seen those eyes in ages. Those lustful eyes, full of passion. All you saw before were anger and hatred.

"Don't cry." He wiped your tears with his thumbs. "I've missed you." He hugged. You didn't speak. Do I miss him? No! You don't! But I still... Stop, Lina! You were arguing with yourself in your head. You didn't know what to say. As if Changjo read your mind, "I don't need a reply. I just wanted you to know." His hug got tighter.

The moment was abruptly interuppted when you didn't feel his warmth. He was on the floor, nose bleeding. "Chango!" You screamed. "V! Stop! You're hurting him!" V didn't stop but just kept throwing punches. "What did you do to her?!" He kept shouting. "V!" You kept shouting, but never got his attention. "OPPA!!!!!!!" You shouted louder. V froze, holding Changjo's collar and his fist in the air. You didn't feel drunk anymore. 

You didn't say anything but walk up to Changjo. "You okay?" He nodded, touching his lip checking for blood. "V, let's go." You told him. You had Changjo's arm around your shoulder while V was feeling guilty as ever. 


Yay! Update! ^-^

How was this chapter so far? -highfives- 

I know, it was short. Again. I've been busy lately and school is starting soon,

so I've been working on my summer assignments and stuff.

But don't worry, I'll be updating soon!

Do me a really big favor and support my new fic?

It would really mean a lot! 

Check it out here! The serious has already begun, so no need for waiting.

Ok, see you next time.

Thank you to all my precious subbies <3 -5evrkpop

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Chapter 19: Changjo and Lina back! They were a OTP! I ship them... Please end it off happily.. Thnx author nim!
klienchoung #3
Chapter 19: I am so
uyenddd #4
Chapter 18: Changjoooooooo~ great chapter :)
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
what problems ?!
Jimins_Wifey #6
Chapter 17: You go ricky!!!!!!! ohhhhh that bish was getting on my nerves -_-
Chapter 17: Go ricky! Go go Ricky! LOL!! I like it!
Chapter 16: Oh snap! Damn V!
Chapter 15: i love this story <3 fighting author-nim