
The real world

As soon as he was back in his hotel room Zelo quickly locked the door and rushed into the bathroom. Pulling the pills Jongup had given him out of his pocket the teen sat them on the corner of the sink and looked at them for a minute before picking one small plastic capseul up and staring at it. Jongup had seemed so convinced they were poised.. some metal delusion no doubt but still.. there had to be something dangerous inside the things. Breaking the capsuel in half Zelo tipped the powder that was inside into the palm of his hand. It was like icing sugar or talcom powder almost. It didnt smell of anything and Zelo was too weary to taste it, just a mix of chemicals.. chemicals that had the power to change someone's entire mindset. Shaking any distracting thoughts away Zelo concentrated on thinking of a way to get rid of the pills without allerting anyone that he was doing it, the last thing he wanted was more people questioning him and he definately didn't want to give Jongup any reason to dislike him.
After mentally filtering through all the films he'd seen that vaguely included anything about drugs Zelo brushed the powder on his hands into the sink and started running the cold tap. Once that powder was washed away the teen picked up another of the capseuls and broke it in half, tipping that powder into the sink as well. Doing the same with the rest of the pills Zelo slowly repeated the process with each until all he had was a pile of empy shells, sitting on the floor the teen leant against the bathtub and grabbed a roll of toilet paper, carefully wrapping each individual capsuel half in one or two sheets before throwing them into the small bin next to him. They were completely hidden so there was no way anyone would notice he's even had them, once the cleaners came and changed the bin there would be absolutely no trace that he'd ever come in contact with the pills or with Jongup and he wouldnt have to think about it anymore.
The teen wasn't sure how long he'd been sat on the bathroom floor but by the time he'd finsihed getting rid of all the shell halves his had gone a little numb and standing up was more difficult than it should have been. Strectching out the teen walked slowly back to his temporary bedroom and noticed that the TV he'd broken had already been replaced and the glass and broken DVD's had been cleared away. As well as that there was a backpack sat on his bed, walking up to it the teen saw a small note folded on top of the bag.
Some things you'll be needing. Contact me if there's anything else you want.
-Bang Yongguk

Flicking the TV on for background noise Zelo sat on the bed and pulling the bag into his lap, routing through it curiously. Inside was a bund of pretty mundane things, a few notebooks, pens and pencils, a calclator and some textbooks. Confused as to why Yongguk thought he would need this stuff Zelo pulled out an evelope that was inside the pack and opened it, pulling out what looked like a test paper the teen skimmed over the first page, frowning as he slowly realised what he was looking at. They were school admission papers, the first page was just a summery of the school rules, the second was what would soon be his school schedual and the rest was a short test to determin what class he would be placed in. It had only been a week and they were already shoving him into school?! All Zelo really knew about school was what he'd seen in TV showsand they didn't really sell it well. As far as he was concerned school meant crowded halls, drama, bullies, bad food and angry, poorly dressed teachers. Why would he want that? Then again.. it wasn't like he could spend the rest of his life in the hotel room. Maybe he'd enjoy it.. or meet someone his own age that wasn't crazy. If things got bad he could just whine at Himchan until they let him drop out. There was no harm in trying it..
Slowly convincing himself that it was a good idea Zelo grabbed one of the pens from his bag and started filling out the forms, finding most of the questions relitively easy, he tucked the paper back in the enevlope and sat it on his bedside table. Decing to ask Yongguk what to do with it later the teen turned his attention to the TV, letting his mind relax after the confusing day.

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Chapter 7: Thanks for the update, author-nim :))
Chapter 6: i'm a new reader and i just found this fanfics and it's cool...
keep on writing, juseyo...
Chapter 5: I've just read your fanfic... it's really coooolll.... I love something like this... keep going pleaaaaseeee... I just love your fanfic and I register just to tell you this comment and subscribe your fanfic... thanks... :)))