Here comes the Villain

My Fiancé is a total mess!!!


SNSD - My J (Jo Youngmin XD)



You screamed and Youngmin suddenly jolted up. “WHAT? What happened!!!???” Youngmin shouted. He turned around and saw you sticking on the wall with your blanket covering your body.

“_____-ah, you’re awake?” Youngmin asked.

You remained speechless as Youngmin smirked. “Your thinking we did something last night don’t you?” He asked as he went towards you.

You stuck to the wall even more and shook your head. “N-Noo!!!! Of course not!!!” You stuttered. “Relax” He sighed. “We didn’t do anything” He assured you as he fixed the bed.

“Then-You came in my room!!!!???? BYUNTAE!!!” You shouted and ran towards him and hit his chest.

“Mwo?” He scoffed trying to block your punches. “Look who’s talking! You’re the one who figuratively told me to stay!!!” He grabbed your hands.

“MWO? NO WAY!!!” You shouted and tried to struggle when suddenly the both of you fell down on the bed. You were on top of him with your eyes wide open. The two of you were too shocked to even move.


“Good Morning Ms. Yookyung” A Maid bowed.

“Can I see Youngmin Oppa???” She jumped up and down happily. “Ma’am, I think he’s still asleep” The maid said. “Even better!!!” Yoonkyung smiled and squealed.

The maid escorted Yoonkyung to Younmin’s room but he wasn’t there.

“He must be in Ms. Geum’s Room” The Maid blushed.

“Who’s she?” Yoonkyung raised a brow innocently.

The maid blushed and said. “She’s Mr. Jo’s Fiancé”. Yoonkyung’s eyes widened and she screamed.

The door opened and Yoonkyung’s eyes and the maid’s eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“Ms. Geum! Mr. Jo!” The maid said as the two of you looked at them.

You quickly stood up and Youngmin did too. “Oppa!!! What has she done to you???” Yoonkyung ran towards Youngmin and caressed his face. “YA! What are you doing here!!??” Youngmin shouted.

“I’m here for you Oppa!” She smiled then shot a glare at you.

You winced as she went towards you.

“Your engaged with this girl???” She scoffed as she took a strand of your hair as she rolled her eyes. “Oppa! I’m better than her!!!” She stomped her feet. “Mwo!?” Youngmin scoffed.

“No you aren’t! She’s way better!” Youngmin protested making you blush.

“Oppa! How can you say that???” Yoonkyung pouted. “She looks so- so idiotic and ugly” Yoonkyung insulted you as you almost punched her until Youngmin stopped you.

“What is happening sir?” 3 butlers went in.

“Please kick this girl out!!” Youngmin said coldly as the butlers bowed and pulled Yoonkyung. “Oppa!” Yoonkyung said.

“Don’t call me that” Youngmin shot a glare which scared Yoonkyung.

The maid bowed and closed the door. “I’m sorry” Youngmin sighed. “Youngmin...” You said as he smiled. “I’m taking you somewhere special today, you better dress up!” He said and went out. “Be down at 8:00am sharp”

You stood there blushing and it took you minutes to move.

You went to the bathroom and changed into your clothes.

Then headed downstairs “Oh! You’re done? ” Youngmin turned around. “Kaja!” He said and grabbed your hand. “Where are we going?” You asked. “To my favourite café!!” He said.

The two of you went outside and was driven to a place called “Café Love”

The two of you went in. “Yes sir?” The woman asked. “I made a reservation under Mr. Jo” Youngmin smiled.

“Oh! The special right?” The woman smiled with her hands together. “Right this way sir” She escorted the two of you inside. You looked around and saw the pretty decorations. “Yepoda~” You whispered as Youngmin smiled at you.

“Here you go sir” The woman smiled as she showed you a table. The two of you sat down and you enjoyed the pretty decorations. “Here you go sir” The woman appeared with a tray full of yummy food. There was cupcakes and pulp juice.

“+_+” You said with a face. “Dig up!” He said as you smiled widely and you dugged in and ate everything at site. “Aren’t you eating?” You asked him noticing he was staring at you.

He shook his head and said “It’s alright, I enjoy watching you” He said which made you blush. You grabbed a cupcake and stuck it in his mouth. “Shut Up!” You said.

The two of you played in the amusement park the whole day until the sunset.

You and Youngmin were sitting on the grass looking up the sky. “There are no stars” You said as Youngmin looked at you. “That’s because we are in the city” He said. “I have always wanted to see a sky full of stars” You sighed.

Suddenly rain started to pour down. You ran under a shade as Youngmin stood under the rain. “What are you doing???”  You asked. “Play in the rain once in while Pabo!” Youngmin said. “Mwo?” You raised a brow. “Oh yeah! I forgot!!! I have one last thing to show you!” He said and grabbed your hand.

   smiley So???? What do you think???? Please comment!!!! Love you guys!!!! heart   

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Chapter 37: Hello I'm New reader. I like your Story coz there are love-hated relationship and many sweet scene. I love to know when Kwangmin pretty care about OC's girl.

Please continue this story...I'm impatient to know the ending :)
soungmin #2
pls. update
Youngmin why are you so cold???
wait -- can i ask you? is bora and minwoo couple here??
Kyahh"!!! I hate young min :(( xD update sooooooooonnn
xuanying #6
Please update soon!!
4everALonE_26 #7
Annyeong new reader!
Yeah..Thier comeback was soo..asjkhsdflsdufhsdhf;dkfdsf..LoL.
Update soon~! =)