"I love you Kai" ??

The Wild Boy

"What are you doing?" Kai asked awkardly. Kyungsoo's fingers were still on his lips.

"Oh! S-sorry. I didn't know- uh. Sorry!" Kyungsoo could feel his face turn red from embarrassment. He looked down, hoping his blush would go unnoticed. Unfortunately for him, it didn't.


Kai angled his neck so he could get a better view of the angel's flustered expression.

"Tomato." He said with a giggle.

"What?" Kyungsoo asked with a raised eyebrow. This boy was definately strange.

"Your face. It looks like a tomato." Kai couldn't stop giggling as he poked Kyungsoo's cheeck that was now redder than it was before.


"Come." Kai beckoned with his hand for Kyungsoo to follow him. Not kowing what else to do, Kyungsoo waddled on behind Kai, draggin his luggage with him. As they trudged through the maze of trees, Kyungsoo couldn't stop himself from taking short glaces at Kai. One quick glance turned into two. Two quick glances turned into staring. Kai turned his head to find the shorter male staring up at him.

"Like what you see?" Kai grinned at the flusttered Kyungsoo that was too embaressed to stare at him any further.


It's getting late, you should go to sleep." Kyungsoo looked up at the taller boy after a while. 

"It's okay. How am I going to protect my angel if I'm asleep?" Kai grinned sheepishly at his own greasiness.

"No, it's fine, really. I'd be lucky if I could get any sleep after what happened today." Kai nodded, but on the inside he was debating whether or not to tell this poor boy what the nasty lady tried to do to him. He decided that he was already having a bad enough day and kept his mouth shut.


When they had arrived at their destination it already began to rain.

"NUU!! My hair!!" Kyungsoo cried. his hands above his head desperately trying to stop his hair from getting wet. Kyungsoo let out a sigh of reliefe as he saw Kai enter a small den that looked decently stable on the outside, and dry enough on the inside.

Kai sat in the middle of the shelter, looking at him, as if he was waiting for Kyungsoo to join him. But as soon as Kyungsoo ducked his head under the entrance, his face met with Kai's open palm. He just sat there with his outstretched hand in Kyungsoo's face, the hand covering his mouth trying to supress his giggles.


Kyungsoo's P.O.V

There I stood. Drenched, in the rain.


First he saves me from a fire... And now he's going to leave me outside in the rain to die of hypothermia?!!

"Hey! Let me in!" I pouted, stomping my feet.

I know it sounds childish but I was cold, wet and tired. Kai just shook his head, letting the giggle escape his pretty lips that wouldn't stop smiling at my misery.


"You have to say the magic words silly!" So immature! Ain't nobody got time for that!!

"Kai is the best?" He just shook his head at me.

"What is it then? Come on, I'm tired and cold!! Please?" I was getting desperate and a bit annoyed.


Kai's P.O.V

Although my hand was covering my mouth I burst out laughing anyway.

"Say 'I love you, Kai' " I couldn't stop laughing and smiling when Kyungsoo's owl eyes doubled in size and his jaw dropped.

"No password. No entry." He sighed and hesitantly muttered something under his breath.

"What was that you said?" I smirked.

"Isaidiloveyoukai" I laughed, but I didn't move. I could sense that he was about to give in from the crease in his eyebrows and when he let out a grunt of annoyance.

"I SAID I LOVE YOU KAI!!" He shouted, eyes shut tight wit his arm flailing in the air from frustration.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter