Memories Part 1

The Wild Boy

*important author note at the end of the chapter* (this chappie is real short I'm sorry and it's just drabbles of the memories they had together pretty much)








Groans echoed through the hallways of the mansion along with the sound of soft padded slippers making their way to the door. "Jongin-ah, it's two o'clock in the morning. Can you just please wait until the sun rises?"

Kai just pouted in response and did that extremely cute whiney face he learnt off Kyungsoo. When even his father turned away to shield himself from the aegyo, Kai face planted into the pillow and screamed. 

"Aaagghhhhh!! Appa doesn't love me. Kyungsoo hyung doesn't love me. No one wants to play with jongin NOBODY LIVES JONGINNIE ANYMORE!!!" 

Tonight had been a full moon and Kai always got antsy and overall became a handful. In a way it's like saying he was going through his very special time of the month. In the midst of his temper tantrum his "special oolf senses" failed to make him aware of the shorter male that had practically thrown himself on the younger boy before lethargically nuzzling his nose into the space between Kai's wolf ears. 

The screaming falters once Kai realises the situation he's in and tries hard not to smile too obviously. 

"Don't be sad Jonginnie~ Hyung loves you~ but hyung also loves sleep so if you could not then that'd be great." Kyungsoo mumbled sleepily, retiring back into his mountain of blankets. Kai turned to complain more to his appa but he was also asleep already on the sunbed near the window. 

Not liking the lack of attention, Kai rolled on his back so that Kyungsoo was practically sprawled on his face and chest. Manoeuvring the shorter male to fit his preference, Kai began placing soft slow kisses starting from Kyungsoo's neck, making his way along his jawline until their lips were pressed firmly against each other. 

Only then did Kyungsoo show any signs of acknowledging his lover's presence. Responding to the at first innocent kiss, it eventually became passionate and sloppy; Kyungsoo with his fingers threaded through Kai's hair and the latter tilting his head the right angle for easier access. 

When suddenly Kai's plump swollen lips disappeared and all Kyungsoo could see was a toned backside and the messy mop of black hair that belonged to his lover. 

"Yah pabo!~ you can't just leave me hanging!" With a smug smirk, Kai tilted his head to look at his hyung and said mockingly "Don't be mad Kyungiie~ Jongin loves you~ but Jongin also loves sleep so if you could not then that'd be great. "

With a loud groan Kyungsoo returned to his respective side of the bed and tried to ignore the hard on between his legs to catch a few more hours of sleep. 


"Jongin I think that's enough chocolate-"

"NO! NEVER!!!" 

Jongin had been making chocolate chip cookies for Kyungsoo but now they were more chocolate than they were cookie. 
"Jongin what are these brown blobs (💩) doing in the oven?" 

Holding out his hand with a 'brown blob' sitting in his palm, Kai gave Kyungsoo a wide smile and said " cookies for my favourite hyung. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!"

"... Jongin... It's September..."

The dumb grin on Kai's face did not fade however, it only shined brighter. "But hyung! Everyday is a good day for chocolate chip cookies."

Kyungsoo couldn't disagree so he picked up a cookie from the oven tray and took an apprehensive bite of it. Surprised by what he found inside, Kyungsoo had to fight the urge to spit the contents in his mouth out. Inside the layer of biscuit was hot melted chocolate that oozed from the opening and burnt his tongue. 

Instead he forced an encouraging smile and nodded. The bright smile he received from Kai was worth the damaged taste buds. 


A.n: so it's been ages since I last updates and I'm sorry. A lot of you guys have unsubscribed and I don't really blame you. Before my laptop was broken and now it's completely gone racist my sister took it and handed it in. So I'm updating from my phone and it's really difficult. 
angst of fluff??
Can't really put a poll on here with my phone but just comment anything you guys want to see in here. 
Usually I wouldn't do that but this fic is Kind of an experimental fic for a friend of mine and it started out as a joke (which is why the beginning is so sigh) but omg you people are actually reading this and it makes me so happy even though I don't have a lot of subscribers, I love each and every one of you. 

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter