Kyungsoo = Kris' weakness

The Wild Boy


“Kyungsoo, come outside. You can’t stay in that thing forever.” Kris was currently trying to coax the majorly shorter boy out of his and Kai’s shared blanket fort where he had been moping for god knows how long. It had been two and a half months since Kai left (Kyungsoo had been counting) and he had spent that time looking back at their memories that were captured on polaroid films. It felt like he was reopening his own wounds but he missed Kai too much to care. He never wanted to forget his smile, the sound of his laughter or the moments they spent together, and hearing Kai say that he wished he could forget was like a gunshot to the temple. “I’ll make you hot chocolate~” Kris tried one last time but his only reply was a long whiney groan.

Kris sighed before barging in through the blankets curtaining the entrance to the fort and hauling Kyungsoo out and over his shoulder. “Guess Plan B will just have to do for now. I tried asking nicely, I really did.” He stepped out the door carrying Kyungsoo when he heard Suho on the phone.

“Kai! I’ve been meaning to call you, how is everything going?

That’s great. Kris and I will be heading to Vancouver to meet you next week and- HOLY KYUNGSOO GET OFF ME!!”

Kris had tried to pull Kyungsoo back into the room where he came from but even every 187cm of that y Chinese Canadian UNF couldn’t hold him back. The second Kyungsoo heard Kai’s name he was flailing his arms around and using his feet to force himself away from Kris, aiming for his face of course.

When he managed to retrieve the mobile phone from Suho’s hand and ran down the hall into the master bedroom with it and locked the door. He took deep breaths to calm his breathing before bringing the handset to his ear.


“Hyung?” his voice was rich and smooth, in a way that was kind of surprised to be hearing Kyungsoo’s voice again. But Kai still sounded as gentle as he was kind hearted.

“Jongin!” Kyungsoo exclaimed with a shuddery breath, clutching the phone tighter. “Jongin, hyung misses you so much. What are you doing in Vancouver? When are you coming back home?” his voice filled with hope and anxiety.

“uhh… That’s the thing hyung, there’s no easy way to say this but-“ Kyungsoo cut him off.

“You’re not coming home, are you?” there was a pregnant pause because both of them knew the answer but it hurt both sides to say it out loud. “Why aren’t you coming home? Don’t you miss your hyung?” He could feel the tingling sensation in his nose, a tell-tale sign that he was going to cry any moment now.

“I do miss you hyung, I miss you a lot. But this is for science, so I’m volunteering to help benefit the world.” There was forced optimism in Kai’s voice.

“What do you mean for science Jongin? No psycho scientist is hooking my boyfriend up to a machine and using him as some kind of guinea pig just to-“

“I’m not your boyfriend anymore, hyung. Remember?” it took Kyungsoo all of his will power to hold back the tears because he brought this upon himself and there wasn’t any way to fix it.

“Don’t be like this Jongin, let’s not be like this. I love you and only you. Don’t you know that?”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean hyung. And don’t promise me forever when you’re going to go back on your word.” This was his breaking point. There was nothing to hold back the sobs coming from his lips on the other line. Kai felt a harsh tug at his heartstrings every time he heard Kyungsoo let out a cry, knowing that it was because of him.

But it was for the better. It was for his benefit and Kyungsoo’s benefit and for science. He’d tell himself that and it’s get him through the day but when he lay his head down on his pillow, the nights always seemed longer than they did at home. Because time spent with Kyungsoo always ended too soon and seconds without him seemed to last forever.


“What do you mean you can’t take me with you?” Kyungsoo was following Kris around like a curious puppy, poking and prodding at him while asking questions, only because he know Kris was anything but immune to cute things. So with his bottom lip in a pout, he looked up at the giant with rounded bambi eyes.

“Arrgh… Suho get him away from me. He’s doing that thing with his face. It’s so cute get him away before I agree to things I’m going to regret.” Suho sighed, walking over to where Kris was cowering from Kyungsoo who looked like a harmless bunny rabbit. He threw the younger boy over his shoulder and strutting away.

Why is everyone manhandling me lately? Kyungsoo grumbled to himself.

Kyungsoo landed on the office chair with a thud. He continued to whine about wanting to go to Vancouver with them. Unfortunately for him, Suho continuously rejected his proposal. “But I’ve never been to Vancouver before. Kris hyung has been there lots so he can show me around. I promise not to be a burden.”

“Suho look at him. We have to let him come with us, he’s making the face. We’ll take him around with us and he can fit in our pocket cause he’s so teeny tiny. We’ll be careful when crossing icy roads, I’ll even hold his wittle little hands and-“

“NO! Kris be strong. Don’t give in to his sparkling eyes. How many years have you known him and you’re not used to saying no to him- Kris what the hell are you doing??”

Kyungsoo had his short arms wrapped around Kris’ neck as the giant carried him in his arms. The short boy was booping his nose, peppering his cheeks with baby kisses and whispering aegyo in his ear while Kris continued to coo over him as if he was a child.

Suho grabbed Kyungsoo from underneath his arms and placed him back on the chair. “And you young mister, are a responsibility that I cannot be bothered bringing all the way to American Antarctica. Vancouver is in Canada and Canada is nothing but snow, mooses and maple syrup. Kai needs time and no distractions. We can’t afford to be carrying around liabilities that will cost us his well-being.”

Kyungsoo was starting to feel agitated, but he kept quiet because he didn’t want to be yelled at. For their remaining time in Korea Kyungsoo was giving Suho the cold shoulder, but occasionally hung out with Kris when he was bribed with ice cream. Kris couldn’t live knowing that such a cute creature was mad at him. He was secretly plotting a plan in his head. Because when Suho and Kris left to Ice land he’d sneak into Suho’s office and take a look at Kai’s files.

“Bwahahahahahahahaha!!” Kyungsoo hadn’t realised that he did his evil laugh out loud until he saw everyone in the ice cream parlour staring at him and Kris hiding his face in second hand embarrassment.


Author's Note: WELLLLLLL HERE IT IS!! The next chapter is finally here. yay! 

Anyone else excited for Exo's comeback? Prepare to watch me cry like a little like i did on their first comeback... mehehehehe!

Kind of disappointed with the leaked videos and audios though because they worked really hard and everyone is kind ofruining the effort.

but anyway JAY PARRKKKK!!! GRAAAY~~ SIMON D!~!~~@!#@#!@#;PWEJ MFLONSXC

neh neh neh neh metronome~~

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter