The Next Morning

The Wild Boy

The morning sun’s rays shone through the translucent drapes. Two bodies tangled together under sheets, exchanging warmth and sharing skin. Kyungsoo pried open his heavy lids to see a sleeping Kai lightly snoring, still asleep. A gentle smile graced his lips before leaving a trail of soft kisses along his jawline to his chin and giving the younger a subtle yet passionate kiss on the lips. Even in his sleep, Kai was breathtakingly beautiful. An electronic ring emitted from the younger boy’s handphone which Kyungsoo grabbed and muffled the chime by stuffing it into his pillow to prevent the Kai from waking up. The ring was signalling an incoming text message from Suho. Kyungsoo knew better than to pry, but he was curious to know why Suho hyung was messaging his boyfriend at 7:00 am.


$uho Hyung: Got your text this morning. What the hell were you doing at 2am in the morning?!?! Anyways, if you really want to go through with the plans, head down to the lab at 9 o’clock with your bags packed and everything ready.


What was Kai doing at 2am in the morning and why would he be packing?... Packing… A thought struck Kyungsoo and it brought him back to the previous events that took place last night. Their first fight, and boy was it a big one. The memory of Kai’s retreating figure and him packing his bags made Kyungsoo’s stomach twist in discomfort. After putting Kai’s phone back onto the bedside drawer Kyungsoo placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder and shook him lightly.

“Jonginnie~ Time to get up.” He cooed lightly, not to startle the sleeping boy. Kyungsoo received nothing in response other than a low whine in protest. “Jongin ah, your phone was ringing” In an instant, Kai shot up out of bed and snatched his phone out of Kyungsoo’s hands. A little startled Kyungsoo jumped a little but regained composure when he saw Kai scramble out of bed and into the bathroom before slamming the door shut.

Kyungsoo makes his way to the bathroom door but stops in his tracks when he hears Kai muttering to himself. Slightly opening the door to sneak a peek, Kyungsoo can’t fight the smile from forming out of his lips as he sees Kai fussing on how to apply BB cream because he has always been insecure about his dark complexion.

Kyungsoo takes easy steps to his lover and spinning him around help spread the beauty balm evenly as his eyes scan across his gorgeous facial features. Somewhere between longing gazes and steady breathing, Kyungsoo’s hands were gently cradling the side of Kai’s cheek; then fingers running through his dark brown locks, hand moving to caress the nape of his neck and drawing him in for a kiss; a kiss full of longing, need, sincerity and love. It was deep yet gentle, offering a small sample that would eventually lead to an addiction.

But before Kai could get hung up in the sweet flavour of Kyungsoo’s lips, he pulled away harshly and gave the shorter male a small push to give himself the opportunity to back out. Without another word Kai turned to walk out but Kyungsoo threw his arms around his torso and held him tenderly, feeling the transfer of body heat from his bare chest to Kai’s warm back and vice versa. It was natural for Kai to be topless, he’s always topless (==”) but for the shorter boy it was unusual. He wasn’t chubby or anything, he just wasn’t fond of the thought of people commenting on how squishy he supposedly was.

He looked down at his bare torso and found a handful of scattered hickeys everywhere, then he remembered about last night… no wonder Kai didn’t want him to hold him and kiss him like usual. He was dirtied and now even Kai couldn’t love him, especially after everything he’s put him through.

“Jongin… can we talk for a minute?” Kyungsoo said unsurely, anxious to settle whatever problems he may have caused last night.

“I don’t have time for this. I have to go if I want to get there early.” Kai didn’t even spare him a glance as he continued to button his dress shirt with shaky hands. Frustrated with how Kai was avoiding him all morning, Kyungsoo marched to the other side of the bedroom and took matters into his own hands. Speaking of hands Jongin’s were smacked away and replaced by Kyungsoo’s efficiently nimble fingers that worked from the bottom button all the way to the top.

“Listen Jongin… I’m really sorry about what happened with Joonmyun and I’m sorry that I didn’t visit you when you were away. It’s just, I really wish we could get past this and talk it out but we can’t fix this if you’re not willing to try.” Kyungsoo said, smoothing out his collar.

“What’s there to talk about? We already talked about it last night, and frankly I think that’s all the discussion needed for this topic.” Kai said as he brushed past Kyungsoo and sat down in the edge of the bed to put on his socks.

“Jongin- please. I wasn’t thinking. Can we forget about what happened? I just want things to go back to the way they were before last night.” Kyungsoo pleaded, big brown orbs staring up at Kai from the crouching position in front of him. He was ignored once again but this time when Kai had slipped on his shoes and grabbed his suitcase, he stopped before of him, gazing affectionately.

A gentle hand caressing his cheek, “Kyungiie, Saranghae. I love you more than anything, more than myself. Always remember that, okay?” And with a soft press of lips, he left behind his most valuable treasure for another man; a certain Joonmyun that deserved someone as great as Kyungsoo.

Speaking of which, had been standing still, tears streaking down his face. His heart was aching for what he had driven away himself. Sometimes it’s best to let the ones you love go, and if you’re lucky they’ll come back to you. Little did Kyungsoo know, he wouldn’t be considered ‘lucky’ for the next three years…



Author's note: It's been a millenium since I have last updated and I'm sooo sorry. authornim loves you losers <3 <3 <3

Yeah idk where this story is heading and I have a fic outside of aff to write for a friend so I might nit be able to update often. mianhe bbs <3



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter