Chocolate Pudding

The Wild Boy

“Soo… Where are they taking appa?” Jongin tilted his head in different directions, trying to get a glimpse of where the stretcher was heading off to. Kyungsoo looked down at the boy in his arms with a pitiful look in his eyes. SooMan was very old now and his health condition wasn’t that good in the first place, but it still shocked Kyungsoo to awaken finding the ambulance at their house because the elderly man had a heart attack. “Kyungsoo?... HYUNG!! Where are they taking him? Are they going to be long? He promised that we could go see the Christmas lights tonight. We’re still going, right?” Kai may be very smart but he was just as naïve.

“We’ll soon find out, Jongin. Appa is going to be at the hospital for a bit, okay? So for the meantime you’ll just have me. But that’s okay, we’ll still visit him so it’ll be okay.” Kyungsoo massaged the young boy’s scalp gently like he always would when he was distressed. Kai leaned into the touch and wrapped his arms around the latter’s waist.


Kai’s P.O.V

I had never been in a hospital before. There was this open time that I got a check-up in Suho’s lab but that was different, I know Suho. But all these people are strangers in possession of syringes and drugs to me. Kyungsoo said that there was nothing to be worried about but I couldn’t help but tighten my grasp on his arm. The ‘doctor’ led us down the white hallways into a big room with a single bed where my appa was sleeping. There was a similar machine that was tracking his heartbeat; we learnt about it in class but I forgot what it was called. The leaps are less frequent and so are the beeps. There are more pipes connected to his veins and he needs a mask to help him breathe. The sight was so terrifying and it triggered something inside me.

Images were flashing in my mind, blocking out all of my senses. To say that they were unfamiliar would be a lie, but I can’t remember where they were coming from. I could feel a migraine coming on but I kept it to myself. We were here to visit my appa on Christmas, so a little headache shouldn’t be a problem.

I saw Kyungsoo’s eyes tearing up as he turned away and buried his face into my chest, so I just held him close. I remember him telling me about his father and how he never saw him again. Soo Man was important to him, and now he’s in the hospital. I can’t say that I understand what it’s like to have your father taken away from you in such a confusing and heartbreaking way, mainly because I can’t even remember being taken away from my parents, so I just told him that everything was going to be okay. He said that I should be the one upset, but I didn’t even know what was going on. He said something about heart failure and slim chances of survival.

We sat on the chairs by the bedside table and prayed for him. I didn’t know how to pray so
I just asked Santa ahjusshi to give me my appa back in exchange for the Nerf gun I asked for. I didn’t open it yet so let’s just hope he kept the receipt. We were getting ready to leave but I think I stood up too quickly because my migraine came back like a shot through the brain. I didn’t react fast enough to catch my balance and ended up on the floor. After that, everything went black.

Narrator’s P.O.V

Out of all the lonely Christmas’ that Kyungsoo spent alone, this had to be the worst. Soo Man was still unconscious and even though they said there was a slight chance that he will recover, it was going to be a long wait. Kai wanted to see the Christmas lights because he can’t remember what it looked like in the city. He was so excited that he made us all pinky promise to go, together. But even Kai himself wouldn’t be able to go. He collapsed on the hospital floor and had to be taken away as well, making this Christmas extra lonely.

The doctors didn’t know what was wrong with Kai so I called Suho and Joonmyun and told them to come to the hospital. Luckily for me, the doctors let the Kai and his father stay in the same private room instead of separating them. Kyungsoo cautiously slipped into Kai’s bed, under the thin layer of fabric and he searched for his hand and placed it on his neck. If the latter was conscious he would usually caress him in the same place. Kyungsoo closed his eyes, trying to imagine an alternative to today’s events’ they’d exchange gifts in front of the Christamas tree and eat chocolate pudding. Kai would make a mess of himself as usual and Kyungsoo would wipe the remaining pudding off the side of his mouth. They’d kiss under the mistletoe as snow continued to fall outside, with the fireplace lit to keep them snug and warm. They’d go see the city display of Christmas lights and hold hands to stop Kyungsoo from falling on his ice skates.

It would have been everything he wanted, but those plans had to be postponed. Maybe next year he told himself for the nth time before drifting to sleep, surrounded by the warmth radiating from his lover.


“This won’t hurt at all, kid, so just stay still” They inserted a syringe into his vein and injected a think substance. It was a lot more painful than they made it sound. I tried to open my eyes but everything was spinning and the lights were so bright. Something inside me didn’t feel right. I to my side and vomited involuntarily, all over the other people.

Next thing I know, I was being hauled off the operation table and brought back into my old room I shared with two other boys that were older than I. L.A.Y ran over and gave me immediate medical attention, being the medically talented one. The other boy… he kept calling my name. But it wasn’t actually my name. I couldn’t see his face but he kept on calling out “Jongin! Jongin, can you hear me?”

Jongin? Why was he calling me Jongin? Only Kyungsoo and appa call me Jongin. KYUNGSOO! Where was Kyungsoo? The migraine was still there, pounding in my head.


“JONGIN!! Suho, come here, he’s moving! Jongin, can you hear me? Jongin wake up!” Kai peeped his eyes open at the sound of Kyungsoo’s voice. Surely enough, he woke up to the sight of bewildered brown eyes staring down at him. A small smile crept onto Kai’s lips at the look on the shorter boy’s face. “You idiot! You scared me half to death, do you know how worried I was?” the wide eyed boy threw his arms around the younger one and placed a loving kiss on his forhead. “Don’t scare me like that anymore, okay?” Kai could only reply with a soft nod before checking his surroundings. They weren’t at the hospital anymore, instead they were in Suho’s lab.

Suho came running in and practically jumped on the patient. He was rambling on about something like ‘thought you were dead’ and ‘precious little wolf-ling’. Kai just stared back at the older man that was sobbing in relief, giving Kyungsoo a look of confusion. When everyone has settled down, Kai told them about the things he saw when he was unconscious. Then he recognized the room, it was the one they were currently sitting in. The realization was unexpected and shocked him. He started to quiver, shake and twitch uncontrollably. Suho recognized this as an anziety attack. He was familiar with the following procedure due to having to calm L.A.Y down from his many ‘special’ moments himself.

“Jongin! Suho, what’s happening?” Kyungsoo was frantic, not knowing what to doa dn feeling useless. “KYUNGIIE!! KYUNGSOO!” Kai shouted his name, as if he were searching for him; which he was, in his mind, because in his mind he was back in the forest, by himself, all alone. The shorter male was nowhere to be found and Kai’s Auto phobia was starting to kick in. “Soo-ah! Where are you?” His loud cries turned into soft whispers. “Jongin!” He could hear Kyungsoo’s voice in the distance, slowly pulling him back to reality. He had calmed down significantly now that he was in his lover’s arms with a hand running through his brown locks.


“So… something like trauma?” Kyungsoo asked, tilting his head to the side cutely.

“Yeah, pretty much. His memories might start coming back to him. When they do, pay close attention to what he’s telling you. The information would be useful, it’ll help me figure out what he’s so afraid of. Just… for the mean time try to stay away from hospitals and such, okay?” Kyungsoo just sits there occasionally nodding his head.

Today had been really stressful for Kyungsoo but as if the gods had pitied him or by miracle Soo Man recovered quickly. Even though he wasn’t well enough to be accompanying them to see the lights, we were content with him being alive. Henry said to lay low on the pudding because chocolate fudge isn’t good for the poor old guy.

I decided to take a break from it all before heading out to watch the lights. Kai was asleep so I invited Joonmyun over to talk and eat pudding because we had too much left over. Within the next 10 minutes he had already arrived at my door by foot, panting like an out-run dog.”you called your majesty?”

“Did you run here?”




Kyungsoo tried his best to contain his laughter but let it out while Joonmyun just stood there with a confused expression. After Kyungsoo finished laughing he explained that Joonmyun running all the way from his house to Kyungsoo’s made him look like a love sick fool; running endlessly around and up the hill the mansion was on. Joonmyun would only feign a small heartless chuckle because deep down he knew it was true; he was a love struck fool, running around for his dream lover.

They were sprawled across the three seater sofa munching on Christmas cookies and pudding, when suddenly a thought popped into Kyungsoo’s head. “Joonmyun hyung… Do you like anyone?” Joonmyun was slightly taken by surprised because he still wasn’t sure if he was ready to confess his feelings to the other boy. He sighed at the thought of having to lie to such a good friends, but he didn’t have a choice now did he? He opened his mouth to reply but Kyungsoo bet him to it. “You do don’t you? OMG! How come you never told me? I thought we were biffles Joonie!!” Kyungsoo decided to continuously thwack his friend with a couch cushion. Joonmyun raised his hand in defeat and agreed to hint who this lucky person was. “Well, it’s definitely a boy. I mean come on, I’ve seen the way you practically drool over Kris at the office whenever we’re there. OMO! Is it Kris? There’s no way someone as good looking as him is single though… maybe he’s a player… NAH!!”

“It’s not Kris, I admit he’s good looking but he’s attractive in a scary way.” Kyungsoo continued to think of other possible suspects while tapping his dessert spoon on his chin out of habit. He just happened to get chocolate syrup on his chin, the sight was adorable to Jooonmyun but it didn’t seem to take his breath away like it usually would. Instead, it only reminded of that time when he and Yixing went out to get ice cream afterschool but the latter was so tired from all the exams that he tilted his head for a moment to rest but ended up with ice cream smeared on his nose. The memory made him lightly chuckle to himself, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Kyungsoo’s owl eyes.

“You’re thinking of him… aren’t you?” Kyungsoo said with a cheeky grin. Joonmyun could only deny, because he was thinking about Yixing, not Kyungsoo right? “I bet you’ve already told the new transfer student before you told the transfer student who he is…OH MY GAWWSH!!” His friend exclaimed suddenly. “How could I forget? It’s totally Yixing isn’t it? I always see you two together and shiiieeet my boys gonna get it on with the new kid!!” Kyungsoo began squealing and jumping up and down with excitement, but then halted his fangirling at a moment of sudden realisation.

“Wait, you haven’t told him that you like him right?” he questioned.

“Uh, Soo. It’s not-“

“So then that means I’m still the first one to know right?” The short boy grinned before continuing with his spazzing. Joonmyun had to constantly tell himself that it was Kyungsoo he liked, not Yixing, and that Kyungsoo was silly for thinking it was anyone else but him. He left Kyungsoo’s house that afternoon covered in bruises because Kyungsoo has a habit of punching and slapping people around him really hard when he fangirls (fanboys?). His phone rang, signalling an incoming call. The caller ID flashed “Princess Yixingle Ladies” making him laugh at the memory of the first time they met. He was too busy reminiscing infact, that he completely forgot that his  phone was ringing (gramps here is getting old hahaha) and had only been reminded so when Yixing called for the second time.

“Why hello there Princess Yixingle Ladies. What can I do for you on this fine day?”

“Well, for starters I’m surprised you heard your phone ringing. Apparently hearing comes and goes as you age.”

“I could say the same thing about your memory.” Everyone knew Yixing was more forgetful than a fish and sometimes forgot what he looked like. “I’m joking sweet cheeks. What can I help you with?” Yixing invited the class president to Lotte World on the weekend. “It’s a date then” The said boy chuckled, smiling. Yixing could feel his heart skip a beat at the term ‘date’ before abruptly ending the call in case Joonmyun could hear his rapid heartbeat, leaving a very confused president on the end line.


Author's note: It's been a while, eh? n.n Really sorry but I have been really hooked on this fic called 7 Kisses With the Monster in my Closet. Like the description doesn't even describe how good it is. BEST NON KAI FIC I HAVE EVER READ <3 <3 <3 I'm really hooked idk what to do!???!!!

So has a new layout I see. Is it just me or does it remind anyone else of ios7?!! O.e 

Really funny Growl Parody legit couldn't stop laughing. especially at Lay that cutie pie.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter