XiuChen: Part 2

The Wild Boy

Warning: little bit of violence but it's nothing really. omg he got kicked in the balls and now I'm traumatized for life -sarcasm- yeah it's really nothing.


From that moment on, Chen stuck to Xiumin like bees to honey. Every time Xiumin tried to push him away, he’d use the same old heartbroken boyfriend routine; crying and whining like a child. As the years passed, they were practically inseperable. Luhan didn’t really mind, not when he had a certain stoner on his hands.

Throughout the years from high school to college, Chen had many girlfriends and got himself in lots of trouble with their older brothers. This one time, Chen slept with a girl and left her after he found out she had an ugly burn on  her left shoulder blade and let’s just say… her brother and Chen had a friendly ‘talk’.


“YOU LITTLE BASTARD COME BACK HERE!!” The built football jock lunged at the shorter male that was dodging left and right to avoid being beaten to a pulp. Chen was desperately gasping for air as he crouched in the corner behind a wheelie bin full of soccer balls.

“come out, come out wherever you are.” The larger boy taunted.

“GOTCHA!!” Chen gasped, he would have screamed for help if there wasn’t a lump in his throat the size of a baseball. His arms were raised to shield his gorgeous face from permanent distortion. He clenched his eyes closed and braced himself for the pain… but it never came.

He peeped an eye open to see Xiumin on his knees, kneeling in front of the jock with his head hanging low. He was surprised to see Mandu there in the first place, wondering when he got there. It was quiet and very hushed, but Chen could make out the words of caution leave the mandu’s lips. “Run, I’ve got this” His words were full of confidence and certainty. The jock’s eyes still blazed with rage but his fist was lowered. Chen took this opportunity to flee the scene, but he fattened himself outside the gym storage door to see how the Mandu would confront the bull.

“What do you want fat face?” The giant towered over Xiumin and gave off a dark aura.

“You had the wrong guy. It’s me you want. I was the one who slept with your sister.” His voice was steady but Chen knew better than to make such an assumption. The round faced boy would most likely be ting himself. Chen decided to take a look at the scene and never, has he ever witnessed something so traumatizing.

“You sure got balls son, too bad that ain’t gonna do you any good.” The raged hulk grabbed a fistful of Xiumin’s hair and slammed it against the ground. Then, he continuously pounded his fists into the limp body. Chen knew that Xiumin never exercised, worked out or ever went to the gym. The only exercise the older boy got was walking to and from places that were a maximum ten minute walk. There was no way that he could have lasted even one punch.


Chen’s P.O.V

My heart was breaking as his body was thrown to the wall. I hid as the giant exited the storage room and left the gymnasium. I quickly scuttled over to the unmoving body and examined the condition of my poor Mandu. The giant’s vengeance was well delayed. I dumped this chick roughly 4 months ago and he responds now?!! I positioned myself comfortably by his side and gently lifted his head to place it on my lap. It was only recently that I started to have feelings for my best friend.

Every time I may have hurt a girl and she'd come after me, Xiumin was there for me. He’d talk some sense into the girl, or should I say girls, and practically saved my every time there was someone out there to castrate me. This time however, he had gone too far, done too much for an like myself. I didn’t deserve a friend like him, if I didn’t pester him to be my friend he wouldn’t be in current state. He was always there to back me up, and me? I ran away like a coward while he got the life beaten out of him because of me. I ran, I ran like a coward; like a coward that ruined his chances of ever be loved by a certain Mandu.

I carefully dabbed at the blood dripping from the side of his head. I thought it would be best to hold back the tears but let it pour out nonetheless (he was unconscious so he wouldn’t know). For the rest of the night I loyally stayed by his side. For the rest of the night I held him in my arms while whispering secret confessions that would never be heard. As the last tear drop fell, I placed a chaste kiss on his lips and held him closer, letting the exhaustion take over my body.

-end of flashback-


After that unfortunate event, Chen had stopped sleeping around and tried to make Mandu see him as boyfriend material. He was always being protective and more worried than usual. Xiumin on the other hand took it the wrong way. He thought that maybe after the beating, things changed between the two. Was it too weird to take a beating for a friend? Of course, Xiumin would do anything for Chen.

It was a usual thing for them to rock up and casually sleep over at each other’s house without earlier notice. That’s just the way things were with the two of them. They spent all the time together anyways so it made no difference, they practically lived together. For the first 5 months after the incident, Chen spent every single minute with Xiumin; tending his wounds, looking after him, buying him KFC (because he couldn’t cook). He even bathed for the Mandu, which he always looked forward to, not that he would admit it. Xiumin was reluctant for him to do so but he insisted and would bang on about Xiumin not feeling comfortable with him as he was with Mandu, and how it was his fault so Xiumin was his responsibility, and when none of those worked he started acting like a child demanding that Mandu-head let Chen Chen give him a bath.

Every night after his warm bath Chen would sing Xiumin a lullaby, and when he was sure the latter was sleeping he’d place a soft kiss on his forehead before cuddling into the other’s warmth. This bathing routine got them so comfortable with each other that if they were that lazy, they’d walk around in their boxers only. Xiumin still wasn’t comfortable with skinship, much to Chen’s disappointment.

After they both graduated from college with a degree in forensic science, Xiumin’s cousin Suho offered them both a job in the CIA where they started off as trainees; and to this very day they run the head of the science department. There had been one case however where they were experimenting with human and animal DNA. They man in charge of this experiment was Mr. Do Kwang Soo.  After many failed attempts to create the perfect hybrid, the bodies and evidents were to be exterminated. However, there was conflict and now the whole DNA lab has been shut down. DNA tests are now run in other labs but the results aren’t as detailed.

The two were offered a 5 day break from work thanks to Suho, on one condition; They take Sehun with him. Suho was always busy with work lately and felt bad for the boy for always staying inside so he sent him with the other two for a couple of days. After hearing the news Xiumin thought he couldn’t get any more disappointed. Finally he and Chen got to spend some quality time together, only to be blocked by ‘Thehun’.


Author's note: Well, this was faster than i expected. I hope you saw the beat up scene when chen areturned to Xiumin to be a little more romantic than I made it sounds cause... yeah. :P LOVE YOU ALL <3

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 39: Kyungsoo really mess up bad.poor jongin TT^TT
Will you be coming back? Because I would really like to know what happens in the end (unless it's not ending, although it does give off that feel).
K13L_369 #3
Chapter 39: I've been waiting like forever for the new chapter to come out.. please you've "hanged" me for too long hahahaha #kidding ^^
Chapter 39: So short! Wonder what will happen next. Hwaiting
Exo-m_forever #5
Chapter 38: Omg im on the ergggg to cry right now it was beautis!!!!!! Update soon please!!!!!
K13L_369 #6
Chapter 38: these twoooo!! my gosh! can't they just be honest to each other and be together again?? Suhooo, do something dude! #crazy lol
diviekai #7
Chapter 37: wheres the update..kindda disappointed though but still waiting
K13L_369 #8
Chapter 36: you know what?? your strory brings my mood UP.SIDE.DOWN in every chapter, well done..hahaha #claping
and now you got me hanged in this chapter, wondering about what's gonna happen with these two love birds...hahaha need you to update soon XD
keep it up ^.^9
Chapter 36: Awwwwww sweet. Well done for this chapter. Fighting for the next one!
diviekai #10
Chapter 35: pls update soon...cnt wait for the next chapter