Ultimate Challenger

To Catch A Prince

               You had promised to Hyosung that you would met her at the cafeteria but she still could not seen your trace anywhere in the café. ‘Maybe she’s still at the mini market,’ thought Hyosung. She waited for another 10 minutes. When you was still not arrived at there, Hyosung made a decision to go to the mini market. She knew that Gikwang must be at there, with you. Hyosung reluctant to go inside the shop. Should I go in or not?

                While she was praying at the outside, suddenly the mini market’s door opened. Hyosung jumped a bit as a reflex and the box fall on the floor. It was Gikwang with an exhausted face who was holding a big box. Gikwang was also shocked when he bumped into Hyosung earlier. He looked up at Hyosung. Actually he wanted to laugh when he saw that Hyosung was acting like a lunatic.

“No, that’s okay. I can carry it by myself. Are you looking for Yeonhee?”

                Hyosung nodded her head. Rapidly.

                Gikwang tried to refrain himself from laugh. “Yeonhee is inside. I think she’s almost done with it…”

“Oh, okay. Are you sure?” Hyosung looked at the box. “That’s okay, I’ll help you!”

                Without waiting for Gikwang answer, she hold up the box. When Gikwang finally able to balance himself, he took the box from Hyosung’s hands. Hyosung hurriedly went inside the shop.

“Hyosung… thank you!” shouted Gikwang.

“Okay! Be careful!” reminded Hyosung.

                Gikwang smiled. Quickly he left that place with a blooming feeling. It is happy to know that someone is caring about us.

                All Gikwang and Hyosung moments just now, you saw with your own eyes through the mini market window glass. If you have a video camera at that time, you would surely capture those candid moments between those  two lovers.

                When Hyosung went inside that shop, you pretended that you did not know anything. You hid a smile behind your lips.

“Eh, you’re here!” you said. “Sorry. I just finished my work.”

“That’s okay…”

“Have you eaten yet?” you asked, casually.

“Not yet… I’m still waiting for you,” said Hyosung.

“Here, take this…” you hand over a chocolate bar to Hyosung. “Gikwang gave this to you,” you jokingly said.

“Yeah right…”

                Before Hyosung could finish her sentence, there was a voice of a male student interrupted their conversation.

“Do you girls mind? I’ve been standing here for quite a while. I wanna pay but nobody is at the cashier counter.” L stood beside the cashier table while holding a toothpaste. His face was serious as always.

                Now, it was your turn to be speechless. Hyosung tapped your shoulder signalling that you should answer L’s question.

                You avoided from his eye contact. You did not have the guts to face that guy.

“Err… can you wait for a while. Cause Giwang went out for a while. I’m sure that he’ll be here anytime soon. I don’t have the rights to touch the money machine because I am not working in this shop. I just dropped by and helped him. That’s all,” you answered in one blow, like the popcorn in the microwave.

“Hey girl! Slow down a bit. I can wait for it.” L smiled, showing the dimples on both cheeks.

                You inhaled and exhaled for an air. Fuh! Now, he looks more like a human when he smiled. Isn’t it good when he always smiles? It can cure the pain in anybody’s heart. The sun is shining brightly. The flowers are blooming…

                Your daydreamt suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door being opened from outside. Gikwang went inside with a red and panting breatht. Maybe he's running before came here?

“Thanks Yeonhee for guarding in here.” Before that he gave a smile to Hyosung. Hyosung as always, shy.

“Eh, you’re here!” Gikwang greeted L. “Are you alone?”

“Yes. It’s normal for a single person like me. If I am always be by Sungyeol side, I’m afraid what people will say about us,” he joked. “I want to buy this toothpaste but the cashier is not here…” he then continued.

                Meanwhile, you and Hyosung just standing still, smiling like a fool.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria.” She poked your arm.

“Oh, okay…” Quickly you packed all your belongings.

“Bye bye!” Without wasting any time and waiting for Gikwang answer, Hyosung swiftly pulled your hand and went out from that place.

“Yeonhee-ah, thanks a lot!” Gikwang shouted in the midst of the chaotic situation.

“You’re welcome. Bye!” you replied without even looked back.

                From afar, you could hear that both of the boys were laughing. L and Gikwang must felt funny with their hectic actions.

“I feel so stupid,” Hyosung said while she covered her face with both hands.

“Yeah… me too…” You replied with a laugh.


                KS lonely sat in the library that evening. He already knew the reason on why Hyosung wanted to meet him. He needs to be prepared either mental and physical. Hyosung might seems like a soft and demure girl but she also has a stern side of her. He heard that few male students have a feeling towards her but they are not that brave to approach her. Worried about her reaction after that.

“Please help me labelled the new arrival books on that counter. Dongwoo sunbaenim wants them to finish by today. Jiyoon is arranging the books at the back,” instructed Hyosung as soon as KS appeared in front her. Her face looked calm.

                KS just nodded without saying anything. He followed Hyosung to the back of the counter. There were three stack of books waiting for them. KS knew that Hyosung will not let him slip away that easily. Gikwang already reminded him that Hyosung is quite protective towards her best friend. He better be prepared with a brilliant answer.

“So, what do we wanna start with?” asked KS.

                His hand was holding a roll of sticker labels to paste at the books.

“That, the books on your right. You start doing it first. I’ll come back in a short while,” ordered Hyosung. She went to the back of the library, maybe talking to Jiyoon. Later, she came back to the counter and sat next to KS. Without wasting anytime, Hyosung asked. “Why it must be Lee Yeonhee?”

                Wow! No need for an introduction. Wouldn’t it be better if we have a cup of tea with chocolate chip biscuits while chatting? The environment in the library did not helping him at all. All dark and quiet.

“Why not?” answered KS. He looked at Hyosung. He wanted to act like a cool guy.

“Are you serious or you’re just playing with her?”

“I will not waste my time if I am just playing with her.” KS kept continuing his job, sticking the labels on the books. He did not want to look like he was nervous in front of her.

                Hyosung looked directly at KS’ face. She tried to find the truth. Looks like she was still in dazed.

“Why you just didn’t tell her the truth? Why must you sent those mysterious cards? I don’t get it! How does she get to know that you’re the sender?” Question after question asked by Hyosung.

“I need some time. I’m just not yet ready…” a short answer from him.

“Until when?” asked Hyosung again.

“Until I am sure that she will accept my presence in her life.”

                Is this kid crazy? thought Hyosung. With all the specialties that he got, there is a no way that Yeonhee would reject him.

                Suddenly KS asked a question to Hyosung.

“Does she likes anyone else?”

“Oh, of course. She likes lots of people. She doesn’t know how to hate people,” Hyosung tried to joke around.


“Okay, okay. Yes she does. She does likes someone. I can say that she really likes that person. She called him as her source of inspiration. And that person’s name never fade off from her lips,” Hyosung told KS the truth fact.

“Okay, okay Miss Jeon Hyosung. I got it!” KS stopped from his labelling work. He looked at the floor and kept silence for a while. Maybe still in shocked with Hyosung words. “So what about me? Do I still got a chance?” asked KS. There was a bit of uncertainty in his heart.

“Just try it first. You’ve come this far, and you want to give up?” Hyosung challenged KS.

                Without they realized, it was almost two hours they chatted while doing the works. Hyosung started to know KS more closer. At that point, she started to like KS. She hoped that you would accept KS in your life. The more, the merrier.

“So how? When will you tell Yeonhee about it?”

“Just give me some time, okay?”

“Until when?”

“Until I am ready enough.”

“Alright, but I can’t wait for too long. I’m not sure until when I can keep this secret. Yeonhee is my best friend. I never hide anything behind her.”

“Yes, I promise that it won’t be that long. I need to find the strength to face her.”

                All the works had been done. KS excused himself first because he had a club activity needed to be attend.

“Good luck! Don’t keep it longer. The person that she likes is your ultimate challenger!”

                KS heard Hyosung’s last comment. His stopped his steps. “Gosh! Which ultimate challenger is this? Damn, I’m screwed!” he mumbled while rubbed his temple.

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Chapter 14: its so sweet
sweet moment
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 14: Awww I cried too much! It's a happy ending but I'm crying? Lol. Ignore me. Whatever it is,I loved this fic! The ending is so sweet!Ohh thanks to you too author-nim! It's my pleasure to commentting because it is my job as your subscribers. :) Hope you can make other fic that is interesting like this one because I'll definitely subscribe it!
NerdyBunny #4
Chapter 12: This chap is quite emotional actually. Tsk. I know what is yeonhee feels about nara. I've felt it in my life too. It's okay yeonhee. Be strong! You got L with you. :)
NerdyBunny #5
Update soon X)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you read it and tell me what you think :)
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 9: Huwaas why must KiSung fighting? Wait,KiSung = KS. Hahaha. Lol. Joking. I hope they will be okayy. Dear KS,please show up. I need to know the real youu.
Chapter 9: OMG who is it I hope It's L. KS Kim MyungSoo Idk can't wait for the next chap.
NerdyBunny #10
Chapter 8: Eo? Hyosung knew who is KS? OMG. She should just tell to yeonhee. Haha. Ehh who is the ultimate challenger? I think it's L. Or not. Lol.