Sports Day

To Catch A Prince

              Sports club had organised the Sports Day between classes for all Grade 10 students. You and Hyosung were very excited for that event.

“Hyosung, what game do you represent from your class?”

“Baseball and ‘yut’. You?”

“Hehehe…  Netball. I wanted to play baseball but the entry form is already full.”

                While laughing, Hyosung said, “I never play ‘yut’ before. I just wrote my name because Minhyuk challenged me. Do you know how to play it?”

“A bit but it is like a long time ago. When I go back to my mom’s hometown. I always play it with the kids next door. It's not that hard. Just toss the sticks… it is fun!” you refreshed the memory when you was still a kid. Now, after the death of your both grandmother and grandfather, your family rarely go back to that place.

                Throughout the whole week, every evening  the field and the badminton was court filled with students.  Gikwang and Minhyuk are one of the head-in-charge for the ‘Spots Day’ so they  were busy going here and there in order to make sure that the event went on smoothly. Your desire to ask Gikwang  about KS is still not accomplish. You tried to hide that eager feeling.

                On the very last day of the event, you went under the Sports Club’s tent. Class 10-1 and 10-4 managed to go to the final round for the ‘yut’ game. Hyosung arrived a bit late because she was helping Minhyuk at the main hall.

Coincidently, Gikwang was sitting under the tent while he made the last preparation with a few Sports Club members.

“Are you busy?” you asked. Your face was red because of the heat.

“A bit but not too busy to have a chat with you,” answered Gikwang with a smile.

                Your friendship with Gikwang started since Grade 7. Gikwang really knows you inside and out. There must be something that you wanted to share with him, it just that you looked so shy this time.

“I’m thirsty… do you have any mineral water? I’d prefer a cold one,” you asked. Your hands were busy wiping your sweaty face with a small towel that was hanging on your shoulder.

                Gikwang gave you a mineral water bottle and invited you to sit on a chair at the corner of the tent. More privacy. He intentionally did it because he guessed that you wanted to talk something more personal. He did not want his conversation with yours will be heard by anyone else.

“Where’s Hyosung?” Gikwang started the conversation. He felt weird because usually you and Hyosung are rarely separated unless if Hyosung has a volleyball practice.

“At the main hall. I don’t know… she looks kinda addicted with the ‘yut’ game. Her class didn’t even managed for the final, but she's still there…” You laughed when you thought about Hyosung. “When Minhyuk ask for help just now, she quickly volunteered for herself.”

                Gikwang smiled when he heard about your story. He is actually still in the process of knowing Hyosung more closer. Because of their relationship medium is very limited (they only contacted each other by phone twice a week), so the process is a bit slow. Despite of that, Gikwang is okay with it. For him, there is no need to rush into something. He respected Hyosung- for her decision to not let anyone know about their relationship. But deep in heart, he still want to know Hyosung more clearer. I means… they do not even talk whenever they meet eye to eye. Everybody can sense that there is still an awkward moment.

“Actually I have something I wanna ask you,” you said slowly. You did not want your conversation to be heard by other students.

“About the KS?”

                You nodded. You did not feel shocked with Gikwang’s answer because Hyosung already told her boyfriend about the small cards that you received. Nothing is weird. As you know, Hyosung and Gikwang never keep any secret from each other.

“Do you know who is that KS?” you asked with full of hope. In your heart, there is a small voice shouting, ‘Please! Please! Please!’

                Gikwang laughed.

“How should I know. I thought that you already know that person cause sometimes I saw you smiling all alone…” Gikwang tried to tease.

“When did I? Don’t jump to your own conclusion,” you tried to cover up your embarrassment. You drank the mineral water so that you could avoid from Gikwang’s gaze.

                Gikwang just let you took as much time as you want before you asked a question to him. He understood you. It was not easy for you to spill out your feelings. It is almost four years for both you and Gikwang being classmates. As far as he knew, you never got any boyfriend. This is the first time that you were in this kind of situation. You must feel awkward.

“I don’t know why KS must always give me those cards. What is his intention? Is he just want to play with me or is he really sincere with me? If he is serious wants to know me, why he should keep his identity? I am in dilemma… All these while, there are few times that Sunggyu and Kwangsoo called me by the nickname that KS always called me in his cards. Hmm… do you think, whether they want to play with me or is it just a coincidence? Do you think that they know the real KS?”

                No comment from Gikwang. He just sat at his place and smiled while watching your actions.

“Why are you smiling? Do you know how stressed am I?” you mumbled.

“Stressed until you can’t sleep?” he asked.

You shook your head. “Not until that stage. When I read his card, it is easy for me to close my eyes. My heart feels at ease,” you sheepishly smiled.

                Gikwang laughed at your answer. An honest confession.

“Personally, I don’t think that KS wants to play with your heart. He had spent lots of time just to make those cards specially for you. Try to think it wisely. Will a guy does those kind of stuffs if he really likes someone? I think, maybe he is not ready enough to reveal his identity. About Sunggyu and Kwangsoo… it think it just a coincidence. Besides, your name is Yeonhee right? Doesn’t Yeon means Sun?”

                You thought for a while. There is a truth lies behind Gikwang’s words but you were still not satisfied. Until when should I wait for KS to reveal his identity? That KS guy better hurry up to make his decision before I’m getting bored of it.

                You looked around. From afar you could see Hyosung and Minhyuk walked side by side to the Sports Club's tent. They looked like they were having a nice chat while laughing once in a while. You quickly waved your hand to both of them as soon as Hyosung looked at your direction. She replied with a waved too and smiled.

                You looked at your right side. Gikwang was also watching both Hyosung and Minhyuk. You did not sure what does that sharp look meant. Jealous? Maybe. Angry? Maybe not. Gikwang is not a person like that. He is a calm person. It is hard to read his expression even in any situation. Except when he is with Hyosung, you noticed that Gikwang’s cheeks are always red. There is a no way that he would be jealous of his own best friend.

“There you are, your sweet heart is here. She is still shy with you. Hmm… Hyosung and Minhyuk look close to each other.” You tried to provoke Gikwang.

                Gikwang nodded.

“You’re not jealous?”

                Gikwang chuckled. “No, I’m not.” His voice sounded bitter. His face started to turn red. You smiled. You knew the real answer behind that voice.

                Before you started to ask more weird questions, Gikwang quickly got up from his sit. “Hold on, I want to take the water. I don’t think she will accept it if I am the one who give it to her.” He said while gave you two mineral water bottles.

“Later, I’ll help you to find you that KS. The mission is still on going. Don’t worry. If he is your destiny, then he wouldn’t go anywhere…”

“Hey!” Suddenly Hyosung tapped your shoulder. “Err.. Is this water for me?”

“Yes. Your sweetheart darling give it to you.”

                At that time, Gikwang saw that Hyosung was talking to you. He wanted to say ‘Hi’ to Hyosung just like any other couples do but that is totally impossible. At times like now, their relationship is still at an early stage. He must respect Hyosung’s principle. It is hard but he must endure with it. That what’s makes their relationship is unique than the others.

                He also looked at you. Ah! That childish kid. He bet that you must be wondering about the KS. Actually Sunggyu and Kwangsoo said to him that they saw a male student secretly went inside their class during the P.E time. Then, he put a small card inside your bag.

                Since that day, Gikwang always watched out all the actions of that student. He just waits for the right time to face that student. When Hyosung told him about your mystery cards, he had make his own calculation. He knew that student is the KS but he still need to make it sure. He will tell Hyosung when he is 100% sure about that.

‘Kisung Bond. Gikwang and Hyosung Spy Agency’. Suddenly he remembered the name that he gave for his mission.

                He just smiled all along.


For those who did not know what 'yut' is, here is the picture. For more information, pease do ask Mr Google because I'm too lazy to explain. 

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Chapter 14: its so sweet
sweet moment
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 14: Awww I cried too much! It's a happy ending but I'm crying? Lol. Ignore me. Whatever it is,I loved this fic! The ending is so sweet!Ohh thanks to you too author-nim! It's my pleasure to commentting because it is my job as your subscribers. :) Hope you can make other fic that is interesting like this one because I'll definitely subscribe it!
NerdyBunny #4
Chapter 12: This chap is quite emotional actually. Tsk. I know what is yeonhee feels about nara. I've felt it in my life too. It's okay yeonhee. Be strong! You got L with you. :)
NerdyBunny #5
Update soon X)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you read it and tell me what you think :)
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 9: Huwaas why must KiSung fighting? Wait,KiSung = KS. Hahaha. Lol. Joking. I hope they will be okayy. Dear KS,please show up. I need to know the real youu.
Chapter 9: OMG who is it I hope It's L. KS Kim MyungSoo Idk can't wait for the next chap.
NerdyBunny #10
Chapter 8: Eo? Hyosung knew who is KS? OMG. She should just tell to yeonhee. Haha. Ehh who is the ultimate challenger? I think it's L. Or not. Lol.