This Moment

To Catch A Prince

Hi, Sunshine,

Wait for me in you class around 4.30 pm today. It’s about time we meet…



               You were not in the right state since you received that card. Your ribcage might break because your heart was pumping out loud. This evening (or to be precise, right at 4.30 pm; location –in you class) you will meet that KS guy.

                Am I ready enough? What will my reaction be like? You kept thinking about that. You knew that person is not Sunggyu or even Kwangsoo.

‘Who are you KS? Argh!”

                The clock was ticking almost around 4.30 pm, your hands were sweating. Cold sweats started to run down through your body. The fan on the ceiling did not help at all. The windy wind did not give any impact at all.


                Bam! Suddenly Gikwang knocked your table with a thick dictionary. You were shocked.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” asked Gikwang.

“Oh! Nothing! And what are you doing here?”

“I’m just checking the fish in that aquarium,” he said while pointing towards the aquarium behind the class.

                You did not give any reaction.

“I got to first because I have a friendly basketball match next week. Need to practice harder and harder.  Bye-bye and I love you, Sunshine!” Gikwang tried to test you. Will you jumped or mad with his words?

                Silence. You did not give him any reaction at all. Confirm! You were tension. He had made sure that he would use that powerful word on the right time. Something is not right!

                Actually he already knew the reason on why you behaved like that. KS must have told her about it. Gikwang purposely teased you with a hope that you would not be too panic. He tried to calm you down but it seems that it did not work.

15 minutes left…

‘Good luck, KS. I’ve tried my best…’ mumbled Gikwang.



                You were speechless. You were scared to look behind but you really wanted to know who is that KS. The time has arrived! 

“You? Wh… who are you looking for?”

“Why?” asked L.

                 You sighed. Question is answered by another question.

“Nothing. Everybody is out. If you’re looking for my classmates, they all already headed back to the dormitory!” you quickly replied.

                L calmly looked at you. His hands were inside the pockets. He smiled while nodded his head. Both of the dimples were clearly shown.

“Oh really? Okay, thanks!” And then he walked away.

                You tried to calm yourself down after L went away. Your hands wiped your sweaty forehead.


‘There’s no way that L is that KS.’

‘No way!’


‘L is just too popular for me.’

‘L is too handsome for me.’

‘And L is ‘Korean Most Wanted Guy’ for God sake!’

“Who am I?” L wouldn’t look at me even with a single eye. “Huh, you wish, Lee Yeonhee.”

                The time already passed ten minutes after the exact time than you were supposed to meet with KS but KS still did not appear. You slowly walked towards the door. You looked outside, left and right. Empty. As silence as the forest.

“Where is he?”

                You were disappointed. You turned back to your table and packed all your stuffs into the bag. You looked at the small card.

“You said you wanted to meet me, but you didn’t even appear in front of me…” you sighed.

“I came here just now right on time but you asked me to leave,” said a voice which you were very familiar with it. You just heard that voice few minutes ago.

                You deeply inhaled before you turned your head to the back of the class. You wanted to be prepared before you faced that guy. After you were quite confident with yourself, you turned your head. L was standing while leaning at the door.

“You? KS… you?”

                L gave a sly smile. “Yes, it’s me. Why? Don’t you believe it?”

                Actually, L already anticipate that you would give that kind of reaction. Although he felt kind of guilt for hiding his identity, he knew it was the best decision that he had made so far. For the sake of himself and also you. Giving those small cards was just a game for him at first, but it changed into something private and meaningful to him.

                As time passed by, his heart grew more attached towards you. Gikwang and Hyosung helped him a lot in order to get to know you that much closer. When he was very confident with his heart, then he made the decision to reveal himself. He also knew that it was not a one-sided love.

                You were flustered. “But… KS?” You did not understand.

“Yes, I am that KS. Kim Myungsoo. But I’d prefer to be called as ‘L’ only. It just that I’m a bit disappointed…” L grumbled.

“Dissapointed? Why?”

                L looked direct at your face before he answered. You did not sure why but there was a naughty smile on L’s face.

“I’m disappointed because my name is not listed as the person who’s sending those cards to you!” He pouted his mouth as an objection.

                You were flabbergasted. Maybe he is joking.

“Actually I did think about your name but it was just too impossible. There is a no way that you’d like me.” You stopped talking for a while. “Eh, how did you know about that list thingy?” You continued. You cheeks started to get warm and red. You were embarrassed.

“Hyosung. Hyosung told me about it…” Calmly L replied to your question.

“Hyosung?” Luckily you were not shouting. You were quite surprised when he mentioned Hyosung’s name. “That means she know that you’re the KS all along and she didn’t even tell me? Aish, what kind of best friend is that?”

“Hey, relax. Let me explain about it. Before that, can I sit? Standing at there is too tired,” said L.

“Why don’t we just do the talking while walking down the stairs?” you replied. “Just now, I planned just to get to know who is the real KS and left this place.”

                L smiled when he heard your answer. “So, right now you’ve change you plan?”

                You sheepishly smile. “I just want to hear how did my best friend get involved in this matter and kept it as a secret from me.”

                Wow! Luckily I got a concrete reason to defend myself. You felt proud of yourself.

“Okay, fair enough. Do you need any help with your belonging there?” L knew that you were nervous. Since a while ago, you tried to pack your things but unsuccessful. You put in the book, but the pencil box came out. You put in the file, but the exam sheets came out.

“Huh?” You showed that clueless face. That word again! L refrained himself from laughing. Truthfully, that ‘huh’ word that he  could hear from your mouth lately. Maybe he need to design a special card for you. On that card maybe he would write, ‘Sunshine, huh?’

‘Yeonhee, you’re so funny. What do I do without you?’

“Do you need my help to pack all your things on that table?” L asked again.

“Oh, that’s okay. I can do it…” you answered. You cheeks reddened because of the embarrassment.

                As soon as you finished packing, you just walked out from the classroom. L followed you from behind. You felt so awkward. Never in your life that you imagine to walk side by side with that guy. Never!

‘Wow, he’s tall!’ you secretly whispered.

“Okay, now story telling time! You have ten minutes before we reach at the dining hall,” you said.

                While walking down the stairs, L opened up.

“Hyosung knew about that through Gikwang. You know about the ‘Kisung Bond’ right?”


“Hyosung doesn’t want me to keep playing on you. She kept nagging at me, told me to reveal my identity. You don’t have to be mad at her, okay! She’s a good friend. Actually, it’s me who wanted her to keep it as a secret from you because I don’t have any confidence at that moment. Besides, I love to see your reaction,” explained L.

“Huh?” You stood while your hands on your hips. You tried to act like you were angry when you heard L’s explanation.

“Hey, chill. I love to see your reaction from afar especially when you read my cards. The more I know about you, the more I think I’m falling for you!”

                What??? Your jaws dropped when you heard L’s confession. Can’t be true! You never thought that L would be the person behind all those cute and sweet cards. You had to admit that you never even put his name in the ‘Searching KS’ list.


‘No way it is L!’

‘No way it is that ‘Korean Most Wanted Guy!’

“Those cards… handmade?” you asked.

                L nodded while smiling. “Yours truly…” he answered.

“Vey cute! And those words inside the cards?” you continued.


                L just smiled before he answered. “I meant it.”

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Chapter 14: its so sweet
sweet moment
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 14: Awww I cried too much! It's a happy ending but I'm crying? Lol. Ignore me. Whatever it is,I loved this fic! The ending is so sweet!Ohh thanks to you too author-nim! It's my pleasure to commentting because it is my job as your subscribers. :) Hope you can make other fic that is interesting like this one because I'll definitely subscribe it!
NerdyBunny #4
Chapter 12: This chap is quite emotional actually. Tsk. I know what is yeonhee feels about nara. I've felt it in my life too. It's okay yeonhee. Be strong! You got L with you. :)
NerdyBunny #5
Update soon X)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you read it and tell me what you think :)
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 9: Huwaas why must KiSung fighting? Wait,KiSung = KS. Hahaha. Lol. Joking. I hope they will be okayy. Dear KS,please show up. I need to know the real youu.
Chapter 9: OMG who is it I hope It's L. KS Kim MyungSoo Idk can't wait for the next chap.
NerdyBunny #10
Chapter 8: Eo? Hyosung knew who is KS? OMG. She should just tell to yeonhee. Haha. Ehh who is the ultimate challenger? I think it's L. Or not. Lol.