My Prince Charming

To Catch A Prince


                You were daydreaming when suddenly your best friend, Jeon Hyosung tugged your shirt. She asked you to accompany her to the cafeteria for the late noon snack. Hyosung was quite worried that her favourite side dish which is no other than the ‘rice cake’ or so-called  sticky bomb would sell out before they arrived at there. Actually the sticky rice cake  was called sticky bomb because it is chewy and once we bite it, the honey filling inside it will burst inside our mouth.

“I wonder if you ever feeling sick by eating that sticky bomb. You know… I’m just afraid that your tummy might explode one day!” You joked around your best friend. Hyosung, as always, just pretended that she did not hear that sarcastic sentence.

                Frankly speaking, Hyosung is a die-hard-fan of that rice cake. Above of all those delicious late noon menus, sticky bomb is the only menu that she would not miss not even just once. She is willing to go through all the hurricanes and storms, just for the sticky bomb. You bet that if the sticky bomb recipe is included in the Add Math syllabus, Hyosung will definitely score an A+.

                While the girls made their way to the cafeteria, both of you and Hyosung coincidentally with met Lee Sungyeol who was walking side by side with L. L is famous with the nickname of ‘Korean Most Wanted Guy’ in that school. It seemed that both of them were talking and laughing at the same time. Their relationship seems like to be as close as the siblings.

                Just like you and Hyosung, both L and Sungyeol are best friends that could be easily found to be together where ever they go. Besides, both of them are from the same class. But, their characteristics are quite different. Sungyeol is more approachable while L is cold and more discreet.

                Sungyeol , then met eyes with you. He just nodded his head and so did L, his face did not show any reaction.  The moment, Sungyeol looked at Hyosung. He promptly gave a warm smile.

“Hello, twins!” greeted Sungyeol. His voice sounded so happy. Meanwhile L just kept himself quiet. He did not even give any respond.

“Hi!” replied Hyosung.

                You felt weird! Since when did both of them had become that close to each other? As what as you remembered, you never saw Hyosung talk to Sungyeol before. Suddenly your mouth felt so ‘itchy’. You really wanted to asked Hyosung but you need to refrain yourself from doing so.

“Yeonhee honey! Remember! Control! Maintain vogue! Your prince charming is in front of you,” you whispered, tried to calm down your heart.

“What did you just said?” asked Hyosung after she realized that you stood behind her. Sungyeol and L also looked at you. You felt that L's gaze was like a blade through your heart.

“Huh?” you were clueless.

                     What the hell? How come everyone can hear it? It is supposed that my heart is talking, not my mouth too. It is supposed that only my ears can hear it. Yah! What’s wrong with L’s eyes? Why does he look at me like that?

                You slightly touched your mouth just to make sure that it was not opened. You were very sure that you are not saying anything just now, just whispering. Maybe… just maybe…

                Argh! Your cheeks started to reddened.  L must have thought that I am weird girl. Meanwhile, Hyosung was not helping at all. She was just enjoying herself by teasing the clueless you. After that, she patted your shoulder slowly.

“Yes! Yes! I know that you really love that sticky bomb. Be patient… we will go to the cafeteria any soon. It wouldn’t  go anywhere!”

                Yah! It is not me who really wants that sticky bomb! You really wanted to yell at Hyosung but thinking that your ‘prince charming’ was still in front of you, so you just kept yourself quiet. I’ll pay my revenge later on.

“You guys better quick before the rice cakes are gone. I’m afraid that someone cannot sleep tonight because she keep thinking on that food!” teased Sungyeol.

                Hyosung just chuckled while L was still not showing any reaction, just silence air that could be heard from him.

                Now, your face is definitely as red as the tomato. Shy plus annoyed.

“Okay, we got to go right now,” said Hyosung while swiftly pulled your arm.

                Because you were not ready at that time, you nearly fall down because of your shoe laces.

“Eomma!” you shouted at your lungs out because of the shocking friction. You was definitely had some major problems in order to keep the balance of your body. You just prayed that your bones were still okay when your body touches the ground. Oh my God!

                As fast as lightning, L pulled your school bag backward so that you would not fall to the front. Because of that strong pulling action from L just now, you were pushed to the back.

                Now it was Hyosung turn to shout. Luckily she did not fall into the drain. If not, her face definitely will be ruined. Although the drain is not that big and deep, but concrete is still a concrete. A stone is still a stone.

                The situation was definitely chaotic for a while. You quickly went towards Hyosung. You just left your bag in the L’s hand without you realizing it. What most important to you right now is Hyosung’s condition. “Hyosung-ah, are you okay?”

                You persistently checked Hyosung’s face, legs and arms a few times. You just prayed that nothing serious will happen to your best friend.

“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault,” you added. You felt guilty of your clumsiness. Blame that ice prince!

                     Meanwhile, both Sungyeol and L were helping the girls to collect all Hyosung’s books which were scattered all around the corridor.

“Are you okay?” asked L. His voice sounds shaky, “I’m really sorry. I just wanna help you guys.”

                Ah. Finally he speaks. I thought that there are some gold hidden inside his mouth. For no reason, you suddenly felt annoyed with L at that time.

“No, I’m okay. Just fine…” answered Hyosung with a smile. She hoped that her answer would convinced the others. “There’s not even a single cut. Don’t worry,” she continued.

“Are you sure?” asked L again, he wanted a confirmation.                           

“Yes…look at these. My very own private doctor, Lee Yeonhee had already checked it one by one,” said Hyosung again.

                The annoyance level towards L had already reached the peak. Although he may seemed gentleman by asking Hyosung’s condition, but why he doesn’t ask anything about me? Jealous? Hell yeah…

“We’ll get to go first. There’s still a bomb mission that is still not accomplish,” said Hyosung.

                You just shook your head. See, I’ve told you before. She would go through anything in order to get that sticky bomb. By hook or by crook! Just as they wanted to make the move, suddenly…

“Hey, you!” L’s voice was heard and made both you and Hyosung steps stopped. You and Hyosung looked at each other.

“What else does he wants?” you whined. Hyosung just raised her shoulders, as a sign that she was not sure. Quickly, you and Hyosung looked at L.

“Forgot your bag?”

“Huh?” you just realized that you left your bag. No wonder I felt so light around my shoulders.

                L moved forward. You did the same too.

“How’s your shoulder?” L suddenly asking you.

You were just so flustered to answer. “Huh?”

“You look like that you’re in pain. I’m sorry if I pulled your bag too hard just now. Are you sure that you can carry this on your own?”

                Eyy… why does he suddenly turn into a caring guy? You just stared at L’s face with a widened eyes.

“Do you want me to carry your bag until we reach the cafeteria?” asked L again.

“Yeonhee! L is talking to you. Don’t you want to answer his question?” interrupted Hyosung.

“Huh?” you were still in dazed.

“Aigoo! Looks like today she’s only responding with a ‘huh’. Just give me the bag. Later on, when she is fully healed, maybe she will remember on how to speak. Maybe at that time, she will be using a standard Korean language with correct grammar and punctuation.”

                Hyosung laughed at her own joke. Sungyeol was laughing too and L was smiling while he handed your bag to Hyosung.

                I’ll forgive you because your smile is just too sweet to handle! You shook your head as you did not believe what was just crossed in your heart just now.

“I think she hurts her shoulder. Looks like she is enduring with it,” said Hyosung, slowly after a while.

“You’ll check on her?” L felt so guilty after what he just did.

“I will, no worries!” replied Hyosung with a smile.

                Slowly a smile started to form on your lips… ah my L! You’re truly my prince charming although at this moment, I don’t really like you.

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Chapter 14: its so sweet
sweet moment
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 14: Awww I cried too much! It's a happy ending but I'm crying? Lol. Ignore me. Whatever it is,I loved this fic! The ending is so sweet!Ohh thanks to you too author-nim! It's my pleasure to commentting because it is my job as your subscribers. :) Hope you can make other fic that is interesting like this one because I'll definitely subscribe it!
NerdyBunny #4
Chapter 12: This chap is quite emotional actually. Tsk. I know what is yeonhee feels about nara. I've felt it in my life too. It's okay yeonhee. Be strong! You got L with you. :)
NerdyBunny #5
Update soon X)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you read it and tell me what you think :)
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 9: Huwaas why must KiSung fighting? Wait,KiSung = KS. Hahaha. Lol. Joking. I hope they will be okayy. Dear KS,please show up. I need to know the real youu.
Chapter 9: OMG who is it I hope It's L. KS Kim MyungSoo Idk can't wait for the next chap.
NerdyBunny #10
Chapter 8: Eo? Hyosung knew who is KS? OMG. She should just tell to yeonhee. Haha. Ehh who is the ultimate challenger? I think it's L. Or not. Lol.