Friendship Forever

To Catch A Prince

               As soon as L’s brother figure fade off from your sight, L quickly looked at you.

“What did my hyung just gave to you?”

“Do you wanna me to open it? Right now?” you asked.

                L nodded.

                There was a bottle of perfume and a greeting card. On the front page of the card, there was a picture of a small girl. And inside it, a sun caricature was drawn. Cute!

“Is this card handmade?”

“It runs in the family. Everybody loves art!” said L while nodding. “Minhyun hyung prefers drawing. My mom loves pottery while my dad loves crafting arts. And me? I love everything but photography is my mainstream.”

“I knew it! There must be some arts talent runs in your family blood line. Besides, you also love to sing and play the guitar. Your voice… not that bad actually!” you complimented L. Suddenly you remembered how amazed you were when you heard L sang for the first during the ‘Talent Time’ night few months ago.

“That night, I dedicated that song to you actually.” Confessed L while he ran his gaze away from you.

“Like seriously?” You were stunned when you heard that confession. You really did not expect it although you were actually hoping that he dedicated that song to you that night.

“Yes, it is. It just that I’m not yet ready at that time…”

                You did not respond. So did L. Both of you and L seemed like lost at words at that moment. You looked to the left while L looked to the right side. You looked up to the ceiling while L looked down to the tiles. Suddenly you looked at your watch. “Gosh, it’s almost mid-day. I didn’t even pack anything!”

“Oh! Sorry, I took lots of your time,” said L.

“No, that’s okay. I’m happy that I can meet Minhyun oppa. Besides, I can meet you for the last time before the long break.”

                Suddenly Gikwang appeared out of nowhere. When he saw you, he waved his hand towards you.

“Can you call Hyosung for me? I want to clear up some things between us before this Christmas holiday.”

“Yeah, sure. Why not. but I can’t promise to you that she will show up here,” you said. Gikwang just nodded.

                Before you left, you looked at L. “Can you wait for me? I have something to give to you.”

                L sat on the bench. He nodded while smiling. He just remembered that you still did not answer his question inside the last card that he gave to you yesterday. He bookmarked that question in his head and would ask you later.

                Ten minutes passed. And then he saw you and Hyosung together walked towards the dining hall.

                Hyosung greeted L before she moved towards Gikwang who was waiting for her beside the stairs. “No wonder I didn’t see Yeonhee. She’s here with you…”

                L gave a smile to Hyosung, without saying anything. Inside his heart, he was hoping that Gikwang and Hyosung will not just break halfway through the journey. They are just like match made in heaven. Being the victims of the situation. From his point of view, Gikwang is not that all-serious guy but instead Hyosung is the one who was too emotional.

“Here! For you.” Your voice made him startled. You gave a small paper bag. Inside the bag, there were a piece of card and a small wrapped box.

“Make sure that you open it when you already back into your room,” you reminded L.

“Okay, as you wish. Oh yes! You didn’t answer my question yet,” said L.

“What? Question?”

“The question inside my card yesterday.”

“Oh that… later when you read my card, you’ll know it.”

                L looked directly towards you. He raised his eyebrows as a sign that he did not believe it.

“Serious! I’m not lying,” you firmly stated.

“Alright. Here, a gift for you.”  L put his one hand inside his trousers pocket.

“But… that perfume just now?” you were confused.

“That is from Minhyun hyung. And yhis present is from me,” explained L.

                He swiftly opened a medium sized box and showed it to you. There was a purple bracelet inside it.

                You were completely dazed. You really did not expect that L would give you that kind of gift. You were reluctant whether you should accept it or reject it.

“Take it… please…” pleaded L.

“I don’t think that I deserve it. Must be expensive right?”

“No, it’s not. Don’t you worry about it,” reassured L.

                After a while, then you took that box which contained that bracelet.


“Let me wear it for you.”

                L tried to wear it for you.

“Thank you,” you repeated once again.

                Before you and L parted, L said, “Till next year, Yeonhee.”

“Happy holiday. Merry Christmas…” You looked away and walked.

                L hurriedly went back to the dormitory. He needed to start packaging the things inside the bag. He was quite sure that Minhyun hyung had waited for him for quite long. Today is the happiest day for him and he did not want to ruin it in any way.



                As soon as he headed back to the dormitory, L quickly packed up all his belongings. Before that, he put your present on the study table, beside his wallet. While L was putting the clothes inside the bag, he looked at the present for a few times. Since the beginning he had debating with himself whether he should open it right now or wait for another day.

                He really wants to know your answer but he was a bit worried that your answer might turn him down. He must be very disappointed.

                Before Sungyeol came, L sat on the bad. He took a deep breath and opened that present wrapper. There was a picture frame that was in medium sized. For L, that frame is not that important. What most important is the picture in it that was smiling towards him.

“Ah, Yeonhee! How did you know that I really want a picture of you?”

                Then, L took out a card from you.


L or KS or Kim Myungsoo,

Thank you for all the sweet cards.

Thank you for accepting me as who I am.

Thank you for everything.


Yours truly,



Finally I managed to finish this story. Fuh... what a relief. Thanks to everyone who are supporting me especially all my subscribers. And a special thank you to NerdyBunny who's always give your comments in every of my chapters. Thank you and thank you once again. Bye bye and ppyong~~ Till next time... ^^

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Chapter 14: its so sweet
sweet moment
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 14: Awww I cried too much! It's a happy ending but I'm crying? Lol. Ignore me. Whatever it is,I loved this fic! The ending is so sweet!Ohh thanks to you too author-nim! It's my pleasure to commentting because it is my job as your subscribers. :) Hope you can make other fic that is interesting like this one because I'll definitely subscribe it!
NerdyBunny #4
Chapter 12: This chap is quite emotional actually. Tsk. I know what is yeonhee feels about nara. I've felt it in my life too. It's okay yeonhee. Be strong! You got L with you. :)
NerdyBunny #5
Update soon X)
Sounds good :)
I was wondering and hoping if you may check my L's story :)
✿You Are y But, You Know✿

I hope you read it and tell me what you think :)
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 9: Huwaas why must KiSung fighting? Wait,KiSung = KS. Hahaha. Lol. Joking. I hope they will be okayy. Dear KS,please show up. I need to know the real youu.
Chapter 9: OMG who is it I hope It's L. KS Kim MyungSoo Idk can't wait for the next chap.
NerdyBunny #10
Chapter 8: Eo? Hyosung knew who is KS? OMG. She should just tell to yeonhee. Haha. Ehh who is the ultimate challenger? I think it's L. Or not. Lol.