

Jay left shortly after a phone call saying he was late for his schedule. He crushed silently and I gave him a look. He handed John back to me and gave a peck on my cheeks before leaving. If it wasn’t for the blush, I will be like a ripe tomato ready to eat. I was almost done shopping anyways and after a visit few shops I planned to retire for the day.


“Liam what else do we need to get?” We had to get the things that were needed for the runway. I was free and Liam needed a partner to help him out since he didn’t speak Korean. Well I won’t say I am fluent but I know enough. Growing up with Jay has aspired me to learn Korean along with him.

“I think we are almost done. Let’s grab something to eat first before we run out of fuel.” So we went to the nearby café. I had a vanilla milkshake with cream topping and a pancake. He had the same thing but for drink he had iced latte.

“So how’s work?” I asked. He sighed before replying “Working is one thing but first I need to understand what they want. I seriously think I need to get a language lesson.” he said sarcastically. Then he turned to me, straight into me and gave a smirk, “Found it.” I was confused found what? I gave him a look and he leaned on the table towards me motioning for me to do the same so I leaned forward, putting both hands on the table, “Here’s a deal, why don’t you teach me Korean and I will give you what you want. You know the last time you asked for the dress in my collection.” He looked at my expression, of course I did but I had to play hard to get so I gave a ‘huh?’ look. “And here I thought you wanted it so bad. Looks like you forgot.” He murmured to himself and I laughed so hard inside. He was a fun guy to be with anyway he then said, “Anyhow help me out _______. You know I’m not that smart. I could never learn it by myself.”

“Why does it matter to me?” I said coolly and was gonna lean back when he suddenly grabbed my hand, his eyes pleading. Then he held both my hands, aww he looked cute with a dark brown hair and golden brown eyes that now seemed to twinkle. Even though he was much older than me, he always thought of me as a friend and so did I. I giggled before agreeing to help him. He was so adorable any girl will be lucky to have him.

“________?” Jay? I turned to the direction where my name was being called. It was really him. My goodness he was as gorgeous as always even though he was wearing casual, a green top and jeans. He wasn’t looking at me but our hands that Liam was still holding. Liam also turned his attention toward Jay but didn’t seem to let go of our hands. I was getting a strange vibe from Jay. He didn’t look like he was in a good mood. Did something happen?

“How do we have here?” Liam asked me slowly letting of my hand so I could introduce them. “I’m Jay, _______ friend.” Jay said moving towards us. Liam stretched his hand and Jay shook it, “Liam” he said “Nice meeting you. It’s not so often that I get to meet ________ friend.”

“And it’s not very often that I get to meet her…?” Jay paused. “You could say friend.” Liam said, “It’s so nice to meet people who speak the same language as you in a different country.” “Well I’m glad that you feel that way.” Jay replied.

What was going on? The atmosphere was getting tense in here. I was just staring at them not knowing what to do. Then jay turned to me, “You free now?”

“No I-” I was by Liam, “Yeah she is.” She said looking at me. Then turned to Jay, “We just have a little discussion to make before parting so if you may. Don’t worry its official.” “I will wait for you outside” then Jay headed for the door.

As soon as jay was out I asked “What was that?” Liam was smiling the whole time. “Nothing big, just wanted to tease the boy. He looked like he was gonna bite me if I didn’t let go of your hand.” He stood and picked his jacket from the chair, still smiling, “Kids these days” he said shaking his head. “Well good luck with him. Have fun.” He stopped halfway then turned around “I’m taking the car have him take you home. I will tell your mom that you are okay.” I was gonna say something but he walked away and held his free hand in the air to say bye. So much for thinking he was adorable. I was still there when Jay pointed me to come out through the glass door. I picked my bag and headed out.

As soon as I was out, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to move along with him. He didn’t let go of my hand. He wasn’t in a good mood I guess, there was this vibe coming off from him. “What were you doing with him?” He suddenly stopped and turned to me waiting for an answer. “Mom sent us to do some errand. He works in mom’s office.” Satisfied he started to walk again but didn’t let go of my hand. It felt warm and nice and tingly even though it was hot.

He stopped on hiss track again, “Why was he holding you hand?” He faced me. “I-well, he was just pleading me to-” I stopped and looked into his eyes, “Well why do I have to answer you? He’s my friend so why does it matter to you?” He was about to say something then stopped, turned away before looking at me again, “Don’t let any guy hold your hand again” he tightened his grip “Don’t even let them touch you.” I was about to say something when he started to walk again pulling me along with his.

“You haven’t yet given me your number. Last time I was in a hurry so I forgot and I didn’t have any way to contact you. You better give me your number today…” Was it just me or did he look shy? And he was never angry towards me no matter what I di- Oh my god! I didn’t go around holding a man’s hand when I was with me since he was the only one who I mostly hanged out with. Was he by any chance, even if it’s a little, jealous? I turned to see his face, even though I didn’t see his face clearly from sideways, he looked flustered and don’t know why it made me smile. Really smile.

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borrrill #1
Chapter 11: Liked it! Keep writing~
redmermaid #2
Helloo, I enjoy reading this story, looking forward for the next update & hope she can at least try to move on anywhooo ^^