Broken heart


A few days passed by since I had moved to our new house from the hotel. Since they all had to go to office I stayed at home with nothing to do. I was bored. But today I felt like writing again. It has been so long since I had done so. With a paper and pen in my hand, I went to the back garden where there was a lovely swing. It wasn’t like the one at the front which was just beautiful to look but this one was soft and cozy and comfortable. I liked spending time here. Hearing my mom’s story, I was inspired to write a song again. It has been so long since I had done so. I had a YouTube account which no one knew of. I would often sing a song and upload it but I never showed my face or gave any personal info. I was like a mysterious person and I went by a name, Jennisha.

But now I had lyrics in my hand and I wanted so bad to make it into a real thing. So I went to the studio in our house. Mom knew that I loved to write and sing songs, I had often done duet with J-. Don’t think, I told myself. This was my first time in the studio since my mom did a tour of the house. That time I didn’t noticed but it had everything, it was perfect. I took the acoustic guitar and started to record the song:


(Raps) I lived in a world full of dreams,

I had nothing to lose, I had nothing to gain.

Then you came into my life,

Shattered all my hopes and dreams.

Then you became someone so dear,

I lost my path and where I came from.

For you, I gave all my heart and soul,

But look what you did

Now it’s bleeding that it can’t stop.


(Chorus) I just can’t believe. I gave my heart to you,

Only to be broken, broken again and again.

I hate that the fact that I love you, love you, I love you.


(Verse)Oh, baby if you could only see,

How my hearts beats for you,

Then you will see me as someone who means a world for you.

But you ignored my heart, you ignored, my love

Then you went on and ignored my pain,


(Chorus) Now I can’t just believe. I gave my heart to you,

Only to be broken, broken again and again.

I hate that the fact that I love you, love you, I love you.


(Last verse) If you could only see me, feel me, love me…

But you went on and break my heart…


Wow I felt sad. People were right when they said ‘you enjoy the music when you are happy but understand the lyrics when you are sad’. After I was done recording, I just sat on a sofa in the studio and played with my guitar. Mom was strong and brave and of all forgiving. She forgave him even though, he was such a jerk. I wish to fall in love like her, only that I won’t be able to give them my heart because someone else has already captured it. Why am I even thinking about that? It’s all in the past, I told myself.

After dinner, I went back to the studio. I went on the computer and joined the lyrics and the recording to make a video. I was not sure if I wanted to add it on YouTube or not. But I will take my chance and do it, who knows he might be listening. I gave it a title ‘Broken again by Jennisha’ and uploaded it. After making sure everything was off, I went to shower before going to sleep. Who knows what tomorrow might bring.


Peace (Y)

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borrrill #1
Chapter 11: Liked it! Keep writing~
redmermaid #2
Helloo, I enjoy reading this story, looking forward for the next update & hope she can at least try to move on anywhooo ^^