Lost contact


The day after he went, he called me and when I didn’t answer 'cause I wanted him to know that i wasn't happy about him leaving then he sent me message saying that he reached to Korea. But I didn’t replied and the day after that he sent me a message, again I didn’t reply. And after a week of him sending a message and me not replying, he stopped as well. But I waited desperately in hope that he will. I just made myself believe that he was just busy and he will call me when he was free then I will pick up and be angry at him and then forgive him. But days passed by then weeks and then a month. I waited but he never called, every night I would wake up by the same nightmare. I was heartbroken. I thought he forgot about me.  My mom was so worried about me then to keep myself from thinking of him, she sent me to university in London to complete my course, a place far away where there’s wasn’t even a glint of his memories. Of course, she came with me as well. She had a branch in London too so she didn’t have to think twice about coming with me. Then I too … stopped waiting.


After a year

“Stop doing that. The show is tomorrow night, you need to perfect it.” I said seriously but with a smile on my face. Yet again, he didn’t take me seriously enough. Actually he never does.

“George, I’m being serious now. Come on. Next time I’m not doing you any favor.” This time I got him. “Come on______, you know I was just joking and if you don’t help me then who would. And there’s no one out there who’s better than you. You’re my lucky charm, girl.” He gave me a smirk which made me smile.

“Then get off your and do your job”. I said getting up my feet. George was a dancer- bboy specific- whom I meet 6 months ago at my mom’s workplace,.At first I didn’t like to hang out with him, I mean I didn’t hang out anyone after he left. And I pushed away everything that reminded me of him. That was one of the reasons why I didn’t except George in my life, but after so many meetings he still refused to understand my denial. And as I often went to my mom’s work place as I helped her with stuffs and he was her client at the moment. So we became friends like that.

“Earth to Georgie, hello anyone in there?” he playfully knocked my head like it was a door which brought me away from my thoughts. I grabbed his hand before I fell, “Stop doing that”. It was a nickname he gave me soon after we met. As I didn’t talk much and he didn’t know my name so he just made it up using his own name. So yeah, he usually calls me that.

“So where were we?” I clamped my hand, “Ah, so then you so a quick spin and end it with a bit of your style, coolly. Okay.” I emphasized the word ‘coolly’ and he did a little bow thing with one his hand bend across his chest and other at his side. “Of course ma’m.”

We did at the rehearsal one last time. It was already 9 and as my mom was not home, we went to a restaurant which was just across the street. It was one of the most expensive restaurants. Well I liked it there as it was quite and spacious unlike other small restaurants where we didn’t have any privacy. But the important thing was that I liked its design. The way it was layed out, the milky white walls with strips of pale blue on corners where amazing pictures hung. It was just beautiful and George also loved it there.

We had our usual. I ate veg spaghetti and he had his steak and then we both had our favorite vanilla ice-cream with chocolate topping. After we were done we did a little bit of chatting and send me home in his hot red BMW. We reached my corner and I hugged and gave him a peck on the check and aid our goodnights. He made sure that I was inside the house before he drives off, like always. Once inside, I took off my sneakers and headed straight to my room and landed the bag on the bed grabbed the towel and went to take a long and relaxing bath. I came back out after 1.30 – 2 hrs and went straight to bed where I quickly fell asleep for the big day tomorrow, with no thoughts of him. None at all.


I was quite busy  so I couldn't upload more chapters.

Hope you enjoy it.

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borrrill #1
Chapter 11: Liked it! Keep writing~
redmermaid #2
Helloo, I enjoy reading this story, looking forward for the next update & hope she can at least try to move on anywhooo ^^