

Like last time he had a tight schedule, so he dropped me home early even though I insisted to go alone, he said that he wanted to know where I lived so he would come visit when he was free. John’s mom had her vacation so she went to her hometown with John. Jay called so often even though I knew he was busy. The runway was coming soon, so I was busy as well. I had to attend meetings and also go for practice. So it was getting kind of hard for us to meet but I was kind of glad that I didn’t have to see him. Even when we talk through phones my heart fluttered and since the last meeting I always keep hoping for more. Sigh! I should stop now. Stop wishing for more, I told myself.


“You want to meet? When?” I asked.

“Now?” Jay just hung up after telling me the address. He said to meet him near Han river after an hour. But I was having a photoshoot right now and it finishes in about 30 minutes on top of that I don’t know the location. I won’t have enough time ugh! This Jay at least listen to someone before hanging up. He doesn’t pick now.

“__________ are you all set?” asked the cameraman. I nodded and moved towards the setting. Throughout the photoshoot I wondered what I was gonna do. “Okay next dress” and I hurried to the changing room, got my mobile and called Liam, “Liam, can you do me a massive favor and search for this location?”

“Okay. I get it. I will do what you asked last time.”

“_______ you need to be back in five” called one of the staffs. “Hey I need to go on. I will call you later. Make sure you do it okay? Oh yeah can you bring my car here in about 15-20 minute? Thanks.” I hung up before he could nag.

Wow this took longer than I thought it would. Now I only had about 15 minutes and I was still here. If I change and wipe off the makeup I will be even more late so I told the staff that I was going to wear this dress for now then I took off. When I was at the exit, Liam was there with the car. I hugged him and hopped into the car. “Thanks a lot” I told him as I started the engine.”

“I didn’t do it for free you know” he said after I said yeah and drive off. It was already late when I reached there. I wasn’t even sure if I was at the right place. I called jay’s number but he came busy. After sitting in the car for five minutes, I got off. Even thought it was summer, cold breeze hit me sending chills down the bottom of my spine. I shivered due to the wind but also it felt weird. What was I doing here? Freaking out over just a call that wasn’t me but I don’t know why when it came to him I just forget that there is other thing apart from him.

Anyway since I’m here, I will just take a look around. The night view was great, a long and narrow path leading down towards what seemed like forever with lines of trees and street lamp on either side. It was so quite that that when the wind blew away the leaves it seemed like it was talking to me. The view was so beautiful, I wish I brought my camera. I wanted to capture this image not only in my memory but also in my camera so it will not seem fake.

As I was mesmerizing the view, I saw a figure just ahead of me, just a few feet away. “You know you are late.” He called out. That voice. Even if I was blind I could say it was him. “It’s your fault for not hearing me out and just hanging up. On top of that you didn’t even pick up my calls.”

“Sorry I was trying to finish things quickly so I could meet you.” He said still standing there. Because it was dark and the street light didn’t clearly show his face, I could not say what he was thinking. “You are wearing a lot of makeup today? And that dress too. You look pretty.”

I just realized that I was wearing the green dress I had at the photo session. It was revealing. It had a low cut both front and the back. Even thought it was long it had a side cut which was above the knee and with all this makeup and hair tied in a loose bun. Crap. I should have changed. “Did you have a date?”  I was surprised. A date? Was he serious? But voice was just above a whisper, I could barely hear him if it’s wasn’t so quite. It somehow sounded serious and shaky. When I didn’t answer he asked again, “W-was it the guy that I met before? At the café?”

Woah! Where was this heading? “No it wasn’t him and I didn’t have a date with anyone. I was just off from…” Gosh I was irritated why do I have to tell him what I was doing when he was here misunderstanding the situation.

“I shouldn’t have just asked you to come without informing you beforehand. Sorry. You can head back now.” He was backing off, taking a step at a time. “B-why did you ask me to c-” I asked but got interrupted.

“I thought you were free. Sorry for troubling you.” This time he just turned around and started to walk away from me. I looked up and blinked hard fighting with all my might to keep the tears from falling. I took a deep breath before calling out to him.

“You shouldn’t have called in the first place if you were going to blank me.” He stopped. Finally! I thought. “When you called I was so happy that I have been thinking about you through the whole day. I was worried that I was going to be late that I didn’t even have time to change.” I turned my head to the side and took a deep breath before facing him again. “I was at work you idiot! Don’t think so lowly of me.” I slightly raised my voice.

I turned to leave, “And don’t call me. I don’t want to hear your voice nor do I want to see you. Thanks for making my evening.” I walked ahead I was so mad. Don’t cry, I told myself as I walked away.

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borrrill #1
Chapter 11: Liked it! Keep writing~
redmermaid #2
Helloo, I enjoy reading this story, looking forward for the next update & hope she can at least try to move on anywhooo ^^