First date


“I am still mad about you leaving me behind.” I told Jay but didn’t let go of his hand. While Jay kept worrying, “Did you bite your tongue too hard? Does it still hurt?” He played with my hands, “If only I didn’t come from behind and took you by surprise-” I stopped, got onto my tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. “It wasn’t your fault okay. Let it go now unless you want me to be mad.” He then left the subject. Phew that wasn’t so hard, I told myself and smiled.

After half an hour or so, we headed towards our car. Jay gave me a look as I headed towards the back seat. “What?” I said “It’s just to be sure. You know I don’t know how much longer it’s going to take to reach there and I want to seat freely.”

“I was going to ask this earlier but have you slept at all? If you want, I can book a hotel around here and we can continue our journey tomorrow.” He said. But I just waved him off and got into the car, “It’s not the first time that I didn’t get enough sleep”. The time you left me, I wonder how many nights had I not slept and how many days had I not eaten. But I didn’t dare to say it out loud.

After closing the door he got into his seat and started driving. With the windows wide open, don’t know when I went into a long and deep sleep. I guess it was the first time in a long time that I slept so deeply in someone’s presence on top of that in a car. The only thing that I didn’t want right now was the same nightmare.


To my astonishment, I didn’t. I just slept without any dreams or nightmares. It felt good and peaceful to sleep without any disturbance. I don’t even remember when I fell asleep or for how long. When I opened my eyes to the bright light coming through the window and the white curtains softly blown by the wind, I felt reall- wait.  Window? Where was I and where was Jay? I slowly sat up on a bed with both hands rubbing my eyes. Then I looked around. The white walls and the floor made the room really bright. The bed I was on was in the middle then straight was a huge wardrobe with a mirror. I got off the bed and noticed that I was still wearing the same blue clothes which meant at least I was not dreaming. The cool floor totally woke me up. I went by the balcony door which I thought to be a window and took a step out and wow.

The view was too great. I could see the vast sea meeting the clear blue sky at the far end. There were a few people already on the beach. I could see the birds flying so high yet so near. It was totally breathtaking. My mouth just hanged open. While I was inhaling the beauty, Jay made his entry.

“When did you wake up?” He came from behind me that I almost jumped to my feet. Before I could turn around to meet he was already behind me with his arms around me, giving me a back hug.

“Where are we?” I asked still dazed. “Haeundae in Busan. You like it?” He asked giving a small peck on my temple. Smiling, I said “Love it”.  

“Wanna go? To the beach?” he whispered in my ears which made me giggle as it tickled so I tried to get out of his grasp but he didn’t seem to let go. He held me tight and lifted me up and swirl me around. “Ok, ok. I get it. Let go I will freshen up first” then he put me to the ground and turned me around so I was facing him. His hands were around my waist and mine laid on his chest on top of the white shirt he wore. Then he bent down for a kiss. I quickly escaped from his grasp and as I made my way through the washroom. I totally forgot about my change of clothes. When I turned for the door, there were already some clothes piled up at the side. After doing a quick look through, I found a black short and a white crop top.


When I got out he was all ready. He was wearing the same white shirt and a black jean with a black cap and sunglasses. When he saw me he smiled and gave me a matching sunglass which I think was made for couples and a black hat, to match his I thought. While I put on the sunglass he put the hat on for me.

When he was done, I looked up to him, “Is this supposed to be a date kind of thing?” I asked. He acted as if he was trying hard to think then I punched him lightly. He laughed and put his arms around his. “First date?” I asked.

“First date it is.” He replied as he bent down to meet his lips to mine.

So sorry for the late update T_T

I had lots of things going on...

Hope u will keep on reading it...


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borrrill #1
Chapter 11: Liked it! Keep writing~
redmermaid #2
Helloo, I enjoy reading this story, looking forward for the next update & hope she can at least try to move on anywhooo ^^