Our time


Being in this warm and sweet embrace was like a dream come true for me. Holding his hand while he drived me off to home, it felt like summer had just started. He gave me one last kiss before he released me from his arms and went off. Well I didn’t want him to leave but he said he will take me somewhere tomorrow. Ugh! If it wasn’t for the morning practice, I would be with Jay for the whole day. So Jay promised to pick up at 11. I was so happy that I couldn’t sleep until the morning.


When I took shower and had cereals, it was already 7 so I hurriedly changed into a dress and grabbed my bag and headed out to my car. It took me about 8-10 minute to reach there since it was in the office itself. I met up with my mom and got the schedule for the day. I told her that I was meeting with Jay later this afternoon, she was super happy and hugged me. She had this big smile the whole day. Really? Are all mothers like her?

Anyways the whole practice was long and tiresome for some reason. Usually I didn’t mind but today, I was looking at the clock the whole time. In betweens I could see my mom glance my way and gave this smile which just seemed…weird?

Finally, finally it was done. I went to the dressing room to change. I wore a black skinny jeans and a white baggy shirt with sleeves folded till elbow. I wore a black ankle length shoes with low heels and a black bag. I left my hair down and looked at the mirror once before leaving. Then I headed out the door.

“Bye mom. See you at home.” I called out. “Have fun” she shouted back as I made my way to the lift. It was 10.45 already, so I hurried to my car and head towards home.


When I reached home, he was already there, waiting outside his car. He was hot. I mean totally hot. I could look at him all day and not get tired. When he saw my car, he came forward and opened the door for me. I jumped right out of the car and into his arms. “Hey sweetcake, how was work?” he asked with a smile in his voice.

“Just so and so” I replied as I loosened my grip on his neck so I could see his face. He then just moved his face forward and gave a peck on my lips which made me giggle. “So…” I said. “Where are we going today?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise.” He nudge his nose with mine. “Anyway go in and pack some clothes, we are staying over a couple of days. I already asked ___________ about it.” I just gave his a ‘huh’ look.

He freed me so I walked toward the front door but kept close. “Can’t you just give me a hint to where we are going so I could pack my clothes accordingly?” I turned to face him.

He was looking away but after a while turned to face me and gave a smirk, “Should we just buy you some new clothes when we reach there?” then he smirked and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the house to where his car was, “Let’s do that”.


It has been like hours since we have been driving and we were still on the road. I looked at him and asked again “When are we reaching to wherever we are going?” He just smiled and said “Patience my love. We will be there soon enough but before we will stop at Ulsan for a while.”

“Stop talking like that. You know I hate it.” I glared at him while he just burst into laughter. Soon we arrived at Ulsan market. It was a small and crowded but looked fun. He parked the car and got off the car and I followed. He came to my side and hold me by my waist urging me to move alongside him.

“You hungry?” he asked and I nodded. I stopped “But before that buy me something else to wear. It’s too hot. If you have told me before, I would have worn something else.” I made a face.

He just smiled and kissed my forehead, “Okay, let’s get you something nice to wear.” As we got deeper into the market, I saw all types of shops, from foods to clothes to god knows what else. Jay bought us some weird things to eat and it was really good. He also bought me ice cream. We passed by a few clothes shop but he didn’t stop at any. Then my eyes went to this blue dress hanging by the pole. “Jay” I called out and pointed my finger to the dress “I want that one.”

“Which one? You mean the blue dress?” he asked. I showed him my puppy eyes and nodded. He wrapped his arm round my neck and moved towards the shop. He asked the shopkeeper for the dress and paid for it.

“Where do I change this?” I gave Jay a look. He turned back to the shopkeeper and asked him the washroom. Finally I got off my pants and shirt. The dress was light and cool. I wish I had worn a dress to begin with. Wait a minute, what about the shoes? I just have to wear it for now. I packed my clothes into the bag and headed out. But Jay was nowhere. I looked around and started to panic.

“Jay?” I called out softly. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder from behind which made me jump in surprise. I nearly cried out if I hadn’t bitten my own tongue. But a soft curse escaped my mouth after I saw Jay.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take you by surprise.” He said hugging me until I was calm. “Well, think that for next time” I muttered. Then he let me go and knelt infront of me. “What are doing?” I asked, giving a surprised look.

Then he grabbed my foot and started to the chain in my shoe. He then took out a pair of blue slipper from the bag. It was a matching slipper for the dress. I was just too happy to say something. When I had both slippers on he stood up and looked at me, “Wow. You look the most beautiful right now.” He then folded his arms and playing around his eyes, “Of course, not to mention, I bought the dress.”

I loved his bad boy look. I went to him for a hug and he was literally holding me, my feet were off the ground. I didn’t care if people stared, I was just so out of my mind. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and said, “Thank you”.

Could God make a person like him? If every girl had a boy like him, they wouldn’t wish for more. Like I, right now, don’t wish for anything else. For this was our time. This was the first memory with Jay where I didn’t have to hold my feelings for him. In his arms, I found something which was more precious than any treasure…

Sorry for the late update

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borrrill #1
Chapter 11: Liked it! Keep writing~
redmermaid #2
Helloo, I enjoy reading this story, looking forward for the next update & hope she can at least try to move on anywhooo ^^